Version 1 of tkoo::scrolledframe

Updated 2012-05-07 01:34:31 by gjs

GJS 2012/5/6 The scrolledframe widget creates a scrollable frame, with scrollbar. The frame is centered in the widget. The frame method returns the name of the frame to use as a parent.

The two available options are -xscroll and -yscroll. Their available values are:

  • always Scrollbars are always shown
  • auto Scrollbars are only shown when needed
  • never Scrollbars are never shown
package provide tkoo::scrolledframe 0.1.2

package require tkoo
package require tkoo::autoscroll

tkoo::class ::tkoo::scrolledframe {
        superclass tkoo::widget
        variable pathname widCmd options frame canvas exists
        constructor {wid args} {
                #check to see if the class already exists
                my Exists $wid
                set widCmd $wid
                set pathname $wid
                my Opt add -xscroll xscroll XScroll always {
                        my variable pathname widCmd options frame canvas
                        switch -exact -- $value {
                                always {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid $pathname.x -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
                                                $pathname.x configure -auto 0
                                auto {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid $pathname.x -row 1 -column 0 -sticky news
                                                $pathname.x configure -auto 1
                                never {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid forget $pathname.x
                                                $pathname.x configure -auto 0
                                default {
                                        error [msgcat::mc "bad xscroll \"%s\": must be always, auto, or never"]
                my Opt add -yscroll yscroll YScroll always {
                        my variable pathname widCmd options frame canvas
                        switch -exact -- $value {
                                always {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid $pathname.y -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news
                                                $pathname.y configure -auto 0
                                auto {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid $pathname.y -row 0 -column 1 -sticky news
                                                $pathname.y configure -auto 1
                                never {
                                        if {[winfo exists $pathname]} {
                                                grid forget $pathname.y
                                                $pathname.y configure -auto 0
                                default {
                                        error [msgcat::mc "bad xscroll \"%s\": must be always, auto, or never"]
                #my Opt add -justify justify Justify [list top left] {
                #        my variable pathname widCmd options frame canvas
                #create widgets
                ttk::frame $wid -borderwidth 0
                canvas $wid.c -xscrollcommand [list $wid.x set] \
                        -yscrollcommand [list $wid.y set] -borderwidth 0 -relief flat \
                        -takefocus 0
                tkoo::autoscroll $wid.y -command [list $wid.c yview] -auto 0
                tkoo::autoscroll $wid.x -command [list $wid.c xview] -orient horizontal -auto 0
                ttk::frame $wid.d
                #show widgets
                set canvas $wid.c
                grid $wid.c $wid.y -sticky news -padx 0 -pady 0
                grid $wid.x $wid.d -sticky news -padx 0 -pady 0
                grid rowconfigure $wid 0 -weight 1
                grid columnconfigure $wid 0 -weight 1
                #the container frame
                set frame $wid.f
                ttk::frame $frame -borderwidth 0 -relief flat -takefocus 1
                #$wid.c create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $frame
                $wid.c create window 0 0 -window $frame -tags [list frame]
                raise $wid.x
                raise $wid.y
                raise $wid.d
                bind $frame <Configure> [list $wid resize %w %h]
                bind $canvas <Configure> [list $wid resize]
                #configure the widget
                if {[llength $args]} {
                        my configure {*}$args
                next $wid {*}$args
        method resize {args} {
                set w [winfo width $frame]
                set h [winfo height $frame]
                if {[winfo width $canvas] > $w} {
                        set w [winfo width $canvas]
                if {[winfo height $canvas] > $h} {
                        set h [winfo height $canvas]
                set x [expr $w / 2]
                set y [expr $h / 2]
                incr w -4
                incr h -4
                $canvas configure -scrollregion [list 0 0 $w $h]
                $canvas coords frame $x $y
        method frame {} {
                return $frame