Version 9 of ttk::scale

Updated 2013-02-08 12:13:19 by MG

A Ttk (i.e. theme-able) scale widget.

Existed in 8.5.0, but was first documented in 8.5.2.

Warning! The API of this widget may change in the future.

EG: The following (half baked) code adds two options I needed for an application: -increment and -bigincrement. The default (hardcoded) behaviour of ttk::scale is to increment/decrement by one unit. This also allows for changing the direction in which the scale raises its value; just be sure that the -from option is larger than the -to option, and that -increment and -bigincrement options are negative values.

package require Tk 8.5

namespace eval ::nscale {
    variable options
    variable State

    bind NScale <Destroy>         {::nscale::Cleanup %W}
    bind NScale <ButtonPress-1>   {::nscale::Press %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <B1-Motion>       {::nscale::Drag %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <ButtonRelease-1> {::nscale::Release %W %x %y}

    bind NScale <ButtonPress-2>   {::nscale::Jump %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <B2-Motion>       {::nscale::Drag %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <ButtonRelease-2> {::nscale::Release %W %x %y}

    bind NScale <ButtonPress-3>   {::nscale::Jump %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <B3-Motion>       {::nscale::Drag %W %x %y}
    bind NScale <ButtonRelease-3> {::nscale::Release %W %x %y}

    bind NScale <Left>            {::nscale::Increment %W [expr {[%W cget -increment] * -1}]}
    bind NScale <Up>              {::nscale::Increment %W [expr {[%W cget -increment] * -1}]}
    bind NScale <Right>           {::nscale::Increment %W [%W cget -increment]}
    bind NScale <Down>            {::nscale::Increment %W [%W cget -increment]}
    bind NScale <Control-Left>    {::nscale::Increment %W [expr {[%W cget -bigincrement] * -1}]}
    bind NScale <Control-Up>      {::nscale::Increment %W [expr {[%W cget -bigincrement] * -1}]}
    bind NScale <Control-Right>   {::nscale::Increment %W [%W cget -bigincrement]}
    bind NScale <Control-Down>    {::nscale::Increment %W [%W cget -bigincrement]}
    bind NScale <Home>            { %W set [%W cget -from] }
    bind NScale <End>             { %W set [%W cget -to] }

proc ::nscale::scale {w args} {
    variable options

    ttk::scale $w {*}[dict remove $args -increment -bigincrement -class] \
        -class NScale
    foreach opt {-increment -bigincrement} val {1 10} {
        if [dict exists $args $opt] {
            dict set options $w $opt [dict get $args $opt]
        } else {
            dict set options $w $opt $val

    bindtags $w [list $w NScale [winfo toplevel $w] all]

    rename ::$w [namespace current]::$w
    interp alias {} ::$w {} ::nscale::Dispatch $w
    return $w

proc ::nscale::Dispatch {w method args} {
    switch -- $method {
        cg - cge -
        cget {
            return [Cget $w {*}$args]
        co - con - conf - confi - config - configu - configur -
        configure {
            return [Configure $w {*}$args]
        default {
            return [$w $method {*}$args]

proc ::nscale::Cget {w args} {
    variable options

    if {[llength $args] != 1} {
        return -code error -level 2 "wrong # args: should be \"$w\" cget option"
    set option [lindex $args 0]
    if {$option ni {-increment -bigincrement}} {
        # the real widget is in our namespace
        return [$w cget $option]
    return [dict get $options $w $option]

proc ::nscale::Configure {w args} {
    variable options

    switch -- [llength $args] {
        0 {
            set res [$w configure]
            lappend res [list -increment [dict get $options $w -increment]]
            lappend res [list -bigincrement [dict get $options $w -bigincrement]]
            return $res
        1 {
            set opt [lindex $args 0]
            if {$opt in {-increment -bigincrement}} {
                return [dict get $options $w $opt]
            return [$w configure $opt]
        default {
            if {[llength $args] & 1} {
                return -code error -level 2 "wrong # args: should be \"$w\"\
                configure option ?value? ?option value?"
            foreach {k v} $args {
                if {$k in {-increment -bigincrement}} {
                    dict set options $w $k $v
                } else {
                    $w configure $k $v

proc ::nscale::Cleanup {w} {
    variable options

    rename ::$w {}
    dict unset options $w

proc ::nscale::Press {w x y} {
    variable State
    set State(dragging) 0

    switch -glob -- [$w identify $x $y] {
        *track -
        *trough {
            set inc [::$w cget -increment]
            set inc [expr {
                ((([$w get $x $y] - [$w get]) * $inc) < 0) ?
                -1 * $inc : $inc
            ttk::Repeatedly Increment $w $inc
        *slider {
            set State(dragging) 1
            set State(initial) [$w get]

proc ::nscale::Jump {w x y} {
    variable State
    set State(dragging) 0

    switch -glob -- [$w identify $x $y] {
        *track -
        *trough {
            $w set [Adjust $w [$w get $x $y]]
            set State(dragging) 1
            set State(initial) [$w get]
        *slider {
            Press $w $x $y

proc ::nscale::Drag {w x y} {
    variable State
    if {$State(dragging)} {
        $w set [Adjust $w [$w get $x $y]]

proc ::nscale::Release {w x y} {
    variable State
    set State(dragging) 0

proc ::nscale::Increment {w delta} {
    if {![winfo exists $w]} return
    $w set [expr {[$w get] + $delta}]

proc ::nscale::Adjust {w value} {
    set f [$w cget -from]
    set i [::$w cget -increment]
    return [expr {$f + int(($value - $f) / $i) * $i}]

MHo 2013-02-08: Just realized that changing the -value of an ttk::scale widget doesn't trigger it's -command callback. It only updates the widget itself, which is IMHO no good behaviour?

MG If you want to trigger the callback, use

  $widget set $value

instead of

  $widget config -value $value

MHo Yes, I already changed my code according to this. And I what I really ment above was "...that chaning the value of a -variable varname...", but the effect is the same...

MG thinks it's deliberate (and desirable). The callback is generally used to perform an action when the user does something with the widget, but by altering the -value option directly you can make programmatic changes (for instance, in response to something the user does in another widget) without the risk of one triggering the callback of a second, which could trigger the callback of the first, and so on.