Version 2 of uDraw(Graph)

Updated 2005-07-30 05:22:36

What: uDraw(Graph)

 Description: Drawing graphs without the right tool is simply difficult. uDraw(Graph) automates this 
 task for you. uDraw(Graph) creates your flow charts, diagrams, hierarchies or 
 structure visualizations using automatic layout - much faster than with any standard 
 drawing program. With the API, uDraw(Graph) can even be embedded in your own programs 
 as a visualization component. 

 Version 3.1.1 of uDraw(Graph) is available for download! Versions for LINUX® (Intel®), 
 Sun® Solaris® (SPARC®/Intel®), FreeBSD (Intel®), Windows® and for the first time 
 Apple® Mac OS® X 10.3

 Tcl/Tk is a programming language that is used by uDraw(Graph) for the realization of the 
 user interface. uDraw(Graph) offers a Tcl/Tk interpreter that is accessible by the 
 API. This interface can be used by application programmers to create their own application 
 specific windows. The uDraw(Graph) Tcl/Tk interface is able to execute any Tcl/Tk 8.4 
 script in the same way as a "wish shell" (i.e. Tcl/Tk execution environment) can do.

 Updated: 3/29/2005
 Contact: [email protected]

PWQ This used to be known as daVinci. It is not open source. SEH According to the web site, this package is designed as an open source successor to daVinci. The license appears to be a hybrid of LGPL and Mozilla license.