Version 6 of using tdom to check generated html

Updated 2003-08-20 12:34:47

if 0 {phk 2003-08-18 Let's assume your application is generating html pages.

tdom can help in a nice way to test the output.

Let's get all options from a html select tag:}

 package require tdom
 package require http

 # get the html page
 set token [http::geturl]
 set data [http::data $token]

 # parse the html
 set doc [dom parse -html $data]
 set root [$doc documentElement]

 # get all option nodes
 set optionList [$root selectNodes {//select/option}]

 set result {}
 # loop through all the options
 foreach option $optionList {
    set text [[$option nextSibling] nodeValue]
    set value [$option getAttribute value]
    lappend result [list $text $value]

 puts $result

if 0 {which shows all the options

 {{this section} Subsection}
 {{all ASPN} ASPN}
 {Products Products}
 {Recipes Recipes}
 {News NewsFeeds}
 {Modules Modules}
 {{Mailing Lists} Archive}
 {{The Perl Journal} TPJ}
 {Reference Reference}

 from this html code fragment


 <select name="type">
  <option value="Subsection">this section</option>
  <option value="ASPN">all ASPN</option>
  <option value="Products">Products</option>
  <option value="Recipes">Recipes</option>
  <option value="NewsFeeds">News</option>
  <option value="Modules">Modules</option>
  <option value="Archive">Mailing Lists</option>
  <option value="TPJ">The Perl Journal</option>
  <option value="Reference">Reference</option>


The result can be used in a tcltest proc or however.

of course can code can be shorter, but I think it explains more this way.

This is my first wiki contribution, any feedback is appreciated

DMG 20-Aug-2003 asks: Offhand (and this is a general tdom/XML query) why use:

   set text [[$option nextSibling] nodeValue]


   set text [$option text]

