Version 0 of valuepanel

Updated 2011-07-15 15:20:52 by FabricioRocha

Fabricio Rocha - 15 Jul 2011 - After the idea of creating eDictor, it soon became evident that showing and editing nested dicts and lists visually would not be a so simple task. Then I thought that it would be a better thing to isolate this part of the editor in a self-contained part, and this could perfectly fit in the concept of a megawidget.

The valuepanel megawidget presented here takes advantage of the "everything is a string" characteristic of Tcl data handling, and allows one to create, inspect and modify data which can be represented as strings, lists and/or dicts. It is specially useful for large and nested data structures. Each nesting level is shown in a separate text or a treeview widget, and the user can create, remove and move list items and dict keys/values using interface buttons, without having to worry about quoting and bracing.

User interface

In a valuepanel megawidget, data is shown in one or more sequential nodes or panels (the difference between these names is important only internally). The nodes are created in a ttk::panedwindow widget, so they can have their width changed as needed. In the top of each node, there is a mode selector which, according to the data contained in the node, allows the user to choose the way the data is displayed and edited:

  • In the "dict" mode, the panel shows a treeview widget whose items represent the keys of a dict, and double-clicking on an item causes a new panel to be open, in the right side, containing the value stored at the clicked key. A set of EditButtons makes it possible to reorder the keys, remove a key from the dict (along with its value), and add a new key. Clicking on the "Add" button shows an entry widget in which the user can type the key: pressing Esc or clicking outside the entry cancels the input; pressing Enter finishes the typing and includes the key in the dictionary, with an empty value. If the contents of this entry are only space/tab characters, the input is ignored.
  • In the "list" mode, each line of the treeview shows a list item, and double-clicking on a line pops another node in which the item's content can be edited. A currently selected item in a panel can be moved up or down and removed with the EditButtons shown on the bottom. The "add" button creates a new, empty item in the list, and opens another panel, to the right, where the user can type in the item's contents.
  • - In the "string" mode, the data is shown in a text widget, just like it is stored by Tcl, including braces, etc.

In Tcl, a dict is a list with an even number of items, and a list is always a string; but not all strings are valid lists, and a list with an odd number of items can not be a dict. These basic principles are observed as much as possible by each node of a valuepanel, and everytime the data is changed the mode selector is updated for showing only the valid modes for the underlying data.


In its initial version, the valuepanel megawidget has very few commands and options:

::ValuePanel::valuepanel pathname ?option value? - Creates a new valuepanel megawidget. Returns path on success. The only possible option at the moment is -data, which must be followed by the value which will be loaded to the widget (as in -data $datavar).

pathname getdata - Returns the data currently stored in the megawidget, just as it may be viewed in the widget's first node.

pathname setdata data - Clears the previously existant data in the widget, closes any children nodes, and loads the new data to the widget's first node.

VIRTUAL EVENT - Whenever the data in a valuepanel widget is changed, the widget generates a <<Modified>> virtual event, which can be used for triggering a callback procedure for reading the widget's data.


Feel free to add questions!


Oops, I mistyped a dict key! How to correct it? You can change the panel's view to "string" and correct it right there, or you can change to "list" view, double-click the mistyped key and edit it in "string" mode in the panel which opens.

What about supporting arrays? Arrays are not a "data format" in Tcl, unlike lists and dicts. But the valuepanel megawidget can work with the contents of an array element.

Possible uses

If you find other applications for the valuepanel megawidget, please add them here.

Data files edition - This was the original purpose of this megawidget, as it was created for being specially used by eDictor.

Variables inspection in debuggers - In a debugger, one could use valuepanels for checking the contents of variables in breakpoints and alikes.

Debugging with tkcon - Source the valuepanel code into tkcon, then an application you are testing, and you have a way to watch how your program changes (or respond to changes in) a certain data structure.

Application configuration - If your application stores preferences and configuration data in a list or dict, this megawidget can be used as an interface for easy changes, more or less similar to the Windows registry editor or GConf editor. Of course, as anything can be changed, removed or renamed, this interface can be recommended only if the application user surely knows what he will be messing around...

Simple databases - If you want to create databases which have only textual contents, the megawidget can help in editing and organizing them.

Possible improvements

Here are some ideas for making the megawidget fancier or more useful. If you have a suggestion, please add it here. I can't really promise I'll implement it, nor when I could do it, but "public interest" may be a motivation, and the ideas can also inspire someone else to implement the requests.

Refactoring - I must admit that the whole concept of this beast turned out to be much more complicated than I thought, and I am pretty sure that some things could be done simpler and more clear. It works as it is (at least as far as I tested it), but some third-party look and thinking is always helpful.

Buttons-based mode selector - I was really tempted to do this before the release, in spite of some added complexity, but I still haven't had good ideas for representing a list, a dict and a string in 16x16 iconic ways (suggestions are welcome!). It would be neat to see the buttons become disabled/enabled as the contents are changed. Also, it would allow the user to change the view mode with one single click, which is always a good thing.

Visual differentiation between list items and dict keys - Maybe dict keys should be shown in bold, or in a different color. I would like to receive suggestions about that.

Make a Tcl module of it - It's all in one file, all in one separate namespace, so it won't be too hard a task... or will it?


Finally, here is the code. Each new version or revision will be in a separate "discussion" section, along with a brief explanation of changes. If you want to correct a bug or change something, be welcome; just create a copy of the section and put your new version of the code there, so it will be easier to follow the evolutions and regressions in the code.

  Version 0.1 - 15 Jul 2011

The initial release. Save it to a file like valuepanel.tcl and source it.

# Fabricio Rocha, June 2011

# valuepanel.tcl
# A megawidget for showing and editing nested data structures based on Tcl's
# dicts, lists and strings.

package require Tk 8.5
package require msgcat

namespace eval ::ValuePanel {
        variable WdgsData

# #############################################################################
#        Widget-as-a-whole procedures - layout, configuration, control data 
# #############################################################################

# ValuePanel::valuepanel
#        Creates a new ValuePanel widget along with its internal data structures.
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the path of the widget. "args" are an optional option/value
#        sequence for configuration.
# RESULTS: The path to the new widget is returned. A "nodes list" is created for
#        each widget instance. 
proc ::ValuePanel::valuepanel {w args} {
        variable WdgsData
        # Create the base frame where the widget will be built. It's "catched"
        # because the given path may be invalid.
        set wfail [catch {ttk::frame $w} rv ro]
        if { $wfail } {
                set errormsg "(ValuePanel) - $rv"
                return -code error $errormsg
        # The widget consists of a frame containing a canvas scrolled horizontally.
        #        In the canvas there is a panedwindow, containing one or more panels.
        set cvs [canvas $w.c -xscrollcommand [list ValuePanel::ScrollConfig $w.scr]]
        set scr [ttk::scrollbar $w.scr -orient horizontal -command [list $w.c xview]]
        grid $w.c -column 0 -row 0 -sticky news
        grid $w.scr -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ew
        grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $w 1 -weight 0
        set pnw [ttk::panedwindow $w.c.pnw -orient horizontal] 
        set pnwhnd [$w.c create window 0 0 -anchor nw -window $pnw ]
        # Define a binding which will allow us to clear the data structures related
        #        to the panel when it is destroyed...
        bind $w <Destroy> [list ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Destroy %W]
        # ... and bindings for the <Configure> event, which will allow the widgets
        #        inside the frame to be resized when the widget gets more available space
        #        from its container
        bind $w <Configure> [list ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Resized %W]
        # bind $pnw <Configure> [list ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Resized %W]
        # Create a namespace for icons, if it still doesn't exist
        if { ![namespace exists Icons] } {
        # Create the new widget's entry in the WdgsData array, with some default
        #        coniguration options which may change during widget's configuration.
        set WdgsData($w) [dict create \
                Canvas                $cvs \
                Scrollbar        $scr \
                Pnw                        $pnw \
                Pnwhnd                $pnwhnd \
                Nodes                {} \
                OnChange        {} \
        # Now create the first panel inside the widget
        Node_Add $w
        # Now the "megawidget magic": create the widget command, after renaming the
        # original base frame so its path will not be overwritten by the new proc
        rename $w orig_$w
        proc ::$w {subcmd args} {
                # This line makes the procedure discover its own name (and the name of
                #        the widget in which it will operate).
                set wdg [lindex [info level 0] 0]
                # Now define the procs to be called according to the passed subcommand
                switch -- $subcmd {                        
                        setdata {
                                ::ValuePanel::Wdg_SetData $wdg [lindex $args 0]
                        getdata {
                                return [::ValuePanel::Wdg_GetData $wdg]
                        default {
                                set errormsg "ValuePanel: Unknown subcommand $subcmd"
                                return -code error $errormsg
        # Widget instance and commands created. Proceed to configure, using the
        #         passed options.
        Wdg_Config $w $args
        return $w

# Wdg_Config
#        Configures the widget as a whole.
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the path to the widget, "opts" is a list of options and
#        values.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Config {w opts} {
        # Check the number of arguments.
        if { [expr {[llength $opts] % 2}] } {
                set errormsg "ValuePanel: wrong number of options/values"
                return -code error $errormsg
        dict for {opt val} $opts {
                switch -- $opt {
                        -data {
                                Wdg_SetData $w $val
                        default {
                                set errormsg "ValuePanel: unknown option $opt"
                                return -code error $errormsg 
                }; # end of switch

# Wdg_SetData
#        Clears the current data of a ValuePanel widget and sets a new value for it.
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the widget which will receive a new value. "data", well, is
#        the new value.
# RESULTS: The values which are currently stored in the widget, if any, are
#        replaced and only the first node of the widget is shown.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_SetData {w data} {
        variable WdgsData
        # If there are nodes in the widget, remove them.
        if { [llength [dict get $WdgsData($w) Nodes]] } {
                Node_Remove $w 0
        # Create a new node 0
        Node_Add $w $data

# Wdg_GetData
#        Retrieves the value currently stored in the widget (specifically, in the
# widget's node 0).
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the widget whose value is required.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_GetData {w} {
        variable WdgsData
        if { ![llength [dict get $WdgsData($w) Nodes]] } {
                set retdata {}
        } else {
                set retdata [Node_GetNodeInfo $w 0 Data]
        return $retdata

# Wdg_Resized
#        This procedure, called as a callback for the <Configure> event when a
# ValuePanel widget is resized, reevaluates the visible area of the canvas and
# the internal panedwindow, so the horizontal scrollbars can be reconfigured.
# It also resizes the panedwindow vertically to reflect height change in the
# ValuePanel.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Resized { w } {
        variable WdgsData
        set cvs [dict get $WdgsData($w) Canvas]
        set scr [dict get $WdgsData($w) Scrollbar]
        set pnd [dict get $WdgsData($w) Pnw]
        set phnd [dict get $WdgsData($w) Pnwhnd]
        # If we don't update idletasks, the main scrollbar will not appear until
        #        the widget is resized externally, even if the panedwindow has grown 
        update idletasks
        # Reconfigure the canvas scrollregion; it will be the size of the
        #        internal panedwindow.
        set pndcoords [$cvs bbox $phnd]
        $cvs configure -scrollregion $pndcoords
        # Try to keep the right side of the panedwindow always visible
        set pndx1 [lindex $pndcoords 0]
        set pndx2 [lindex $pndcoords 2]
        set pndwidth [expr {$pndx2 - $pndx1}]
        set visiblewidth [winfo width $cvs]
        if { $visiblewidth < $pndwidth } {
                # The panedwindow is wider than the canvas window.
                set unseenpixels [expr {$pndwidth - $visiblewidth}]
                set fraction [expr {double($unseenpixels) / $pndwidth}]
                $cvs xview moveto $fraction
        # Make the scrollbar know about the resizing...
        ScrollConfig $scr {*}[$cvs xview]
        # ScrollConfig $scr $newfirst 1
        # Resize the panedwindow vertically, if the whole widget has gained height
        if { [winfo ismapped $cvs] } {
                set newheight [winfo height $cvs]
        } else {
                set newheight [winfo reqheight $cvs]
        $cvs itemconfigure $phnd -height $newheight

# Wdg_Destroy
#        Called as callback for the <Destroy> event, this procedure removes all the
# data related to the widget from memory.
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the widget's path.
# RESULTS: The widget's entry in WdgsData is removed.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_Destroy {w} {
        variable WdgsData
        # Destroy the internal widgets
        dict with WdgsData($w) {
                destroy $Canvas $Scrollbar $Pnw
        # Destroy the once renamed baseframe for the megawidget
        destroy orig_$w {}
        # Delete the widget's entry in WdgsData
        array unset WdgsData $w
        # If there are no other widgets left, we can remove the images from memory.
        if { ![array size WdgsData] } {
                namespace delete ::ValuePanel::Icons

# Wdg_CreateIcons
#        Creates a sub-namespace and images on it, for being used by the widget
# panels.
proc ::ValuePanel::Wdg_CreateIcons {} {
        namespace eval Icons {}
        image create photo ::ValuePanel::Icons::Add -format gif -data {
        image create photo ::ValuePanel::Icons::Remove -format gif -data {
        image create photo ::ValuePanel::Icons::Up -format gif -data {
        image create photo ::ValuePanel::Icons::Down -format gif -data {

# ScrollConfig
#        Evaluates the need of a scrollbar for viewing the whole contents of a
# widget, gridding or ungridding it as needed, and reconfiguring its view
# ARGUMENTS: "scr" is the scrollbar widget; "first" and "last" are
#        the arguments automatically passed by -xscrollcommand and -yscrollcommand.
proc ::ValuePanel::ScrollConfig {scr first last} {
        if { $first == 0 && $last == 1} {
                grid remove $scr
        } else {
                grid $scr

        # Now the regular scrollbar's "set" command is called
        $scr set $first $last

# ############################################################################
#        Nodes-related procedures
# ############################################################################

# Node_EvalDataType
#        Evaluates the data and returns a string to tell if the data is (or can be
# seen, or treated) as a "dict", a "list" or a "string" only. Because Tcl is so
# weakly typed, this is a far from precise and general evaluation, but is
# sufficient for our needs.
# ARGUMENTS: "datavar" is the name of the variable containing the data to be
#        evaluated.
# RESULTS: Returns "dict", "list" or "string" according to the evaluation.
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_EvalDataType { datavar } {
        upvar 1 $datavar data
        set invalidlist [catch {set listitems [llength $data]} rv ro]
        if { $invalidlist } {
                set datatype "string"
        } else {
                if { [expr {$listitems % 2}] } {
                        # Odd number of items. Must be only a list.
                        set datatype "list"
                } else {
                        set datatype "dict"
        return $datatype

# Node_Add
#        Creates a node in the widget. The node's data is a dict, appended to the
# Nodes list of the widget. Also, this procedure creates a new panel which is
# appended to the widget's internal panedwindow.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget which will gain a new node and panel. "data" is
#        optional: it is the value to be shown in the node, and it is an empty string
#        by default.
# RESULTS: The widget's "Node" list gets the new node's data appended to it, and
#        the new respective panel is added to the widget's panedwindow.
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_Add {wdg {data {}} } {
        variable WdgsData
        # Get the current nodes list size. It will be used as an index.
        set nodescount [llength [dict get $WdgsData($wdg) Nodes]]
        # Create the node's panel (the procedure already puts the panel in the
        #        widget's panedwindow!)
        set nodeinfo [Panel_Create $wdg $nodescount]
        # Evaluate passed data for defining a mode
        set showmode [Node_EvalDataType data]
        # Add node information to the returned dict, and store it in the widget's
        #        Nodes list.
        dict set nodeinfo Mode $showmode
        dict set nodeinfo OpenItem {}
        dict set nodeinfo Data $data
        dict lappend WdgsData($wdg) Nodes $nodeinfo
        # Call the procedure which updates the available viewing modes, and
        #        configure the modes selector
        Panel_UpdateAvailableModes $wdg $nodescount
        set cbb [dict get $nodeinfo Combobox]
        $cbb set $showmode
        # Get the data shown in a proper panel
        Panel_ChangeMode $wdg $nodescount $showmode
        Panel_UpdateFromData $wdg $nodescount
        Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodescount
        # We need to force the widget's scrollbar reconfiguration here. There is
        #        no way to use a binding on the panedwindow for this...
        Wdg_Resized $wdg 

# Node_Remove
#        Removes a certain node, along with any "children" nodes, from a widget's
# Nodes list. Panels are destroyed.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget to be altered, "nodeidx" is the node to be
#        destroyed
# RESULTS: The node and its children are removed, panels are destroyed.
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_Remove {wdg nodeidx} {
        variable WdgsData
        # Retrieve all the Nodes list; it will be replaced soon.
        set nodeslist [dict get $WdgsData($wdg) Nodes]
        # Get the current list's size
        set totalnodes [llength $nodeslist]
        # Remove items from the new Nodes list
        set deletednode $nodeidx
        set lastnodeidx [expr {$totalnodes -1}]
        while { $deletednode <= $lastnodeidx } {
                set nodepanel [dict get [lindex $nodeslist $deletednode] Panel]
                destroy $nodepanel
                incr deletednode
        set lastremainingnode [expr {$nodeidx -1}]
        set nodeslist [lrange $nodeslist 0 $lastremainingnode]
        Wdg_Resized $wdg
        # Replace the old Nodes list with the new one
        dict set WdgsData($wdg) Nodes $nodeslist

# Node_GetNodeInfo
#        Convenience proc for retrieving all or specific configuration data of a
# specific node.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget containing the node we are querying about;
#        "nodeidx" is the node's index within the widget; the optional "info" is one
#        of the configuration options of a node's description (see Node_Add)
# RESULTS: If the "info" argument is ommited, all the information of the node is
#        returned as a dict. If "info" is passed and valid, only the value for this
#        particular configuration option is returned. If "info" is invalid, an error
#        is triggered.
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_GetNodeInfo {wdg nodeidx {info {}} } {
        variable WdgsData
        set nodeinfo [lindex [dict get $WdgsData($wdg) Nodes] $nodeidx]
        if { $info eq {} } {
                return $nodeinfo
        if { ![dict exists $nodeinfo $info] } {
                set errormsg "Invalid node option: $info"
                return -code error $errormsg
        return [dict get $nodeinfo $info]

# Node_SetNodeInfo
#        Convenience proc for easier update of a node's configuration option. The
# changes are reflected to the node's panel as needed. This proc is NOT to be
# called for setting a node's Data directly: instead, use Node_UpdateAllData.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget the node belongs to. "nodeidx" is the node's
#        index in the widget's Nodes list. "opt" is the key to be updated (see
#        Node_Add). "newval" is the new value for option "opt".
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_SetNodeInfo {wdg nodeidx opt newval} {
        variable WdgsData
        dict with WdgsData($wdg) {
                set nodeinfo [lindex $Nodes $nodeidx]
                if { ![dict exists $nodeinfo $opt] } {
                        set errormsg "Invalid node option: $info"
                        return -code error $errormsg
                dict set nodeinfo $opt $newval
                # Store the changed node information
                set Nodes [lreplace $Nodes $nodeidx $nodeidx $nodeinfo]
                # Now check for special cases.
                # A change in Data might also affect the panel.
                if { $opt eq "Data"} {
                        # Check the possible view/edit modes for the new data
                        set posmodes [Panel_UpdateAvailableModes $wdg $nodeidx]
        }; # end of "dict with"

# Node_UpdateAllData
#        Called whenever the last node of a widget has its value changed somehow. It
# uses the data of the last node as new value for the previous node's OpenItem,
# and so on up to the first node of a widget.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget in which we're gonna to operate.
# RESULTS: All the nodes/panels of the widget have their data and panels
#        updated.
proc ::ValuePanel::Node_UpdateAllData {wdg} {
        variable WdgsData
        # Discover which is the last node
        set lastnodeidx [expr {[llength [dict get $WdgsData($wdg) Nodes]] - 1} ]
        # Reversal loop through the Nodes list
        set curnodeidx $lastnodeidx
        while { $curnodeidx >= 0 } {
                set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $curnodeidx]
                set openitem [dict get $nodeinfo OpenItem]
                set curnodedata [dict get $nodeinfo Data]
                set mode [dict get $nodeinfo Mode]
                if { $openitem ne {} } {
                        # Node has a child node. Its mode will tell us how to store the
                        #        child data.
                        if { $mode eq "list" } {
                                # In this case, openitem is a list index.
                                lset curnodedata $openitem $nextnodedata
                        if { $mode eq "dict" } {
                                # In this case, openitem is a dict key.
                                dict set curnodedata $openitem $nextnodedata
                        # Store the node's new data
                        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $curnodeidx Data $curnodedata
                        # Now the visual stuff, which requires that the node's new data is
                        #        already stored.
                        # If the node's mode is "list", it shows items which might have been
                        #        updated. We need to update the view as well.
                        if { $mode eq "list" } {
                                Panel_UpdateFromData $wdg $curnodeidx
                set nextnodedata $curnodedata
                incr curnodeidx -1
        # Generate a virtual event
        event generate $wdg <<Modified>>

# #############################################################################
#        Panels-related procedures
# #############################################################################

# Panel_Create
#         Creates a panel for a new node.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget which will contain a new node and panel.
#        "idx" is the node's number, which will be used for naming the base
#        frame of the new panel and will be passed to the widgets bindings.
# RESULTS: Creates the Tk widgets of a panel and returns the paths of the
#        important ones in a dict. 
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_Create {wdg idx} {
        variable WdgsData
        # Create the base frame, as child of the widget's panedwindow
        set wpnd [dict get $WdgsData($wdg) Pnw]
        set base [ttk::frame $wpnd.panel$idx -relief sunken -border 1]
        # The mode combobox and its label
        set cbbwdg [ttk::combobox $base.cbb -state readonly -justify right]
        ttk::label $base.lbl -text [::msgcat::mc "Mode"] -anchor w
        # Setup the combobox binding
        bind $cbbwdg <<ComboboxSelected>> \
                [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_ModeSelected $wdg $idx %W]  
        # The "frmView subframe": text, treeview and scrollbar (scrollbar's command 
        #        must be reconfigured whenever the treeview is replaced by the text
        #        widget and vice-versa).
        # 12 Jun 2011 - These widgets are create as children of its layout subframe,
        #        because the "grid remove" command used for the auto-scrollbar effects
        #        forgets the "-in" option used for grid later in the layout stage (known
        #        bug in Tk 8.5.9).
        ttk::frame $base.frmView
        set txtwdg [text $base.frmView.txt -width 30 \
                -yscrollcommand [list ::ValuePanel::ScrollConfig $base.frmView.scrY]]
        set tvwwdg [ttk::treeview $base.frmView.tvw -selectmode browse -show {tree}\
                -yscrollcommand [list ::ValuePanel::ScrollConfig $base.frmView.scrY]]
        set scrwdg [ttk::scrollbar $base.frmView.scrY -command [list $txtwdg yview]]
        # Setup bindings for the treeview and text widgets
        bind $tvwwdg <Button-1> +[list \
                ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewClicked $wdg $idx %W %x %y]
        bind $tvwwdg <Double-Button-1> +[list \
                ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewDoubleClicked $wdg $idx %W %x %y]
        bind $txtwdg <<Modified>> +[list \
                ::ValuePanel::Panel_TextEdited $wdg $idx %W]
        # The "edit buttons frame" that go along the treeview
        set btnfrm [ttk::frame $base.frmView.frmButtons]
        ttk::button $btnfrm.btnAdd -image {::ValuePanel::Icons::Add} \
                -command [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemAdd $wdg $idx]
        ttk::button $btnfrm.btnRemove -image {::ValuePanel::Icons::Remove} \
                -command [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemRemove $wdg $idx]
        ttk::button $btnfrm.btnUp -image {::ValuePanel::Icons::Up} \
                -command [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemMove $wdg $idx "up"]
        ttk::button $btnfrm.btnDown -image {::ValuePanel::Icons::Down} \
                -command [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemMove $wdg $idx "down"]
        grid $btnfrm.btnAdd -column 0 -row 0 -padx {1 1}
        grid $btnfrm.btnRemove -column 1 -row 0 -padx {1 1}
        grid $btnfrm.btnUp -column 2 -row 0 -padx {1 1}
        grid $btnfrm.btnDown -column 3 -row 0 -padx {1 1}
        grid rowconfigure $btnfrm 0 -weight 0
        # Put everything in place, with the help of some intermediate frames
        ttk::frame $base.frmMode
        grid $base.lbl -in $base.frmMode -column 0 -row 0 -padx {2 5} -sticky news
        grid $cbbwdg -in $base.frmMode -column 1 -row 0 -sticky news
        lower $base.frmMode
        grid columnconfigure $base.frmMode 0 -weight 0
        grid columnconfigure $base.frmMode 1 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $base.frmMode 0 -weight 0
        grid configure $tvwwdg -column 0 -row 0 -sticky news
        grid $txtwdg -column 0 -row 0 -sticky news
        grid $scrwdg -column 1 -row 0 -sticky ns
        grid $btnfrm -column 0 -row 1 -columnspan 2 -sticky ns
        grid columnconfigure $base.frmView 0 -weight 1
        grid columnconfigure $base.frmView 1 -weight 0
        grid rowconfigure $base.frmView 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $base.frmView 1 -weight 0
        grid $base.frmMode -column 0 -row 0 -sticky ew
        grid $base.frmView -column 0 -row 1 -sticky news
        grid columnconfigure $base 0 -weight 1
        grid rowconfigure $base 0 -weight 0
        grid rowconfigure $base 1 -weight 1
        $base configure -width 200 
        # Finally, add the new panel to the widget's panedwindow...
        $wpnd add $base
        Wdg_Resized $wdg
        # Create the dict with widgets paths
        set nodeinfo [dict create \
                Panel                $base \
                Combobox        $cbbwdg \
                Treeview        $tvwwdg \
                Text                $txtwdg \
                Scrollbar        $scrwdg \
                EditButtons        $btnfrm
        return $nodeinfo

# Panel_UpdateAvailableModes
#        Updates the mode combobox items, according to the possible modes for 
# a node's data. If the currently selected mode becomes unavailable, a new mode
# is automatically chosen (and the "programmatical" choice should reconfigure
# the panel accordingly).
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget in which the panel is. "nodeidx" is the node's
#        index.
# RESULTS: The combobox showing possible view/edition modes of the data is
#        updated. The new list of possible options is returned.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_UpdateAvailableModes {wdg nodeidx} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        dict with nodeinfo {
                 # Evaluate the node's data, so we will know which showing modes are
                 #        possible.
                 set maxmode [Node_EvalDataType Data]
                 # Create a list of possible modes. A dict can be shown as a list; a
                 # list can be shown as a string; but the other way is not always
                 # possible.
                 set possiblemodes {string}
                 if { $maxmode ne "string" } {
                         set possiblemodes [linsert $possiblemodes 0 "list"]
                         if { $maxmode eq "dict" } {
                                 set possiblemodes [linsert $possiblemodes 0 "dict"]
                 # Get the current view mode
                 set curviewmode [$Combobox get]
                 # Update the combobox items
                 $Combobox configure -values $possiblemodes
        }; # end of "dict with"
        return $possiblemodes

# Panel_ModeSelected
#        Callback for the mode combobox in a node. Calls the procedures which
# reconfigure the node's panel and sets the node's Mode. Because the combobox
# should only have been showing valid modes for the node's data, no checking is
# done on the node's data.
# ARGUMENTS: "w" is the widget, "nodeidx" is the node's position in the widget's
#        "Nodes" list; "nodecbb" is the combobox which had its value changed. These
#        arguments are passed by the binding assigned to each panel's combobox when
#        it is created by Panel_Create.
# RESULTS: Node_ChangeMode is called with appropriate arguments for really
#        proceeding to the requested change.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_ModeSelected {w nodeidx nodecbb} {
        set newchoice [$nodecbb get]
        Panel_ChangeMode $w $nodeidx $newchoice
        Panel_UpdateFromData $w $nodeidx

# Panel_ChangeMode
#        Reconfigures a node's panel to a given mode. The widgets put in place are
# NOT filled with data.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget; "nodeidx" is the index of the node's dict in 
#        the        widget "Nodes" list; "newmode" is the mode to be used for showing the
#        data.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_ChangeMode {wdg nodeidx newmode} {
        variable WdgsData
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        dict with nodeinfo {
                # The "newmode" could only be passed if it was appropriate for the type
                #        of the node's current "Data". We don't need to check the data again.
                # Replace the current panel widgets, if needed, and reload them with the
                #         node's data.
                if { $newmode eq "string" } {
                        grid remove $Treeview
                        grid remove $EditButtons
                        grid $Text
                        $Scrollbar configure -command [list $Text yview]
                        focus $Text
                } else {
                        grid remove $Text
                        grid $Treeview
                        grid $EditButtons
                        $Scrollbar configure -command [list $Treeview yview]
                }; # end of "else"
                $Combobox set $newmode

        }; # end of "dict with"
        update idletasks
        # Finally, update the node's Mode information.
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Mode $newmode

# Panel_UpdateFromData
#        Reads the node's Data and puts it in the widgets, according to the node's
# Mode.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget containing the node; "nodeidx" is the node
#        index
# RESULTS: The widgets in the node's panel have their contents updated.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_UpdateFromData {wdg nodeidx} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        set nodedata [dict get $nodeinfo Data]
        set nodemode [dict get $nodeinfo Mode]
        if { $nodemode eq "string" } {
                set txt [dict get $nodeinfo Text]
                $txt replace 1.0 end $nodedata
        } else {
                set tvw [dict get $nodeinfo Treeview]
                # Keep the previous selection, if any
                set prevselect [$tvw selection]
                $tvw delete [$tvw children {}]
                if { $nodemode eq "list"} {
                        set tvwitems $nodedata
                } else {
                        set tvwitems [dict keys $nodedata]
                # Create the treeview's items, each item having as ID its position
                #        in the treeview.
                set itempos 0
                foreach item $tvwitems {
                        $tvw insert {} $itempos -id $itempos -text $item
                        incr itempos
                # Recreate the previous selection, if possible
                catch {$tvw selection set $prevselect}
        update idletasks

# Panel_TextEdited
#        Callback for any edition happened in the node panel's text widget in
# "string" mode.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the ValuePanel megawidget in which the text widget is.
#        "nodeidx" is the index of the node which contains the text widget.
#        "txt" is the text widget itself.
# RESULTS: The contents of the text widget become the new value of this node.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TextEdited {wdg nodeidx txt} {
        set txtdata [$txt get 1.0 end-1chars]
        # Reset the widget's "modified" flag, so we can catch other changes later.
        $txt edit modified 0
        # Store the new data in the node info
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data $txtdata
        # Reflect the data change to the ancestor nodes
        Node_UpdateAllData $wdg

# Panel_EditButtonsConfigure
# If there's no item selected in the node's treeview: in "list" and "dict"
#        mode, only "add" is enabled.
# If an item is selected in the treeview: in "list" mode, enable add, remove,
#        up and down. In "dict" mode, enable add and remove
# "up" and "down" must be enabled/disabled if the item is first or last item
#        in the treeview
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_EditButtonsConfigure {wdg nodeidx} {
        set buttons [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx EditButtons]
        # Get the node's treeview, get the selected item
        set tvw [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Treeview]
        set selitem [$tvw selection]
        if { [llength $selitem] == 0 } {
                # No item selected! Disable buttons remove, up and down
                $buttons.btnRemove configure -state disabled
                $buttons.btnUp configure -state disabled
                $buttons.btnDown configure -state disabled
        # If any item is selected, it can be removed
        $buttons.btnRemove configure -state normal
        # The up and down buttons: enabled or disabled according to the selected
        #        item's position in the treeview
        set selitempos [$tvw index $selitem]
        set lastitempos [expr {[llength [$tvw children {}]] - 1}]
        set up normal
        set down normal
        if { $selitempos == 0} {
                set up disabled
        if { $selitempos == $lastitempos} {
                set down disabled
        $buttons.btnUp configure -state $up
        $buttons.btnDown configure -state $down

# Panel_TreeviewClicked
#        Callback for a single mouse click on a treeview. If the click does not
# happen over an item, the selection is cleared (why isn't this already part
# of the widget?). If an item is selected, the edit buttons are reconfigured.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" and "nodeidx" refer to the widget and respective node
#        to which the treeview belongs. "tvw" is the treeview itself. "x" and "y"
#        are the coordinates of the mouse pointer where the click happened.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewClicked {wdg nodeidx tvw x y} {
        set buttons [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx EditButtons]
        set clickeditem [$tvw identify item $x $y]
        if { $clickeditem eq ""} {
                # The click was not over an item. De-select, disable buttons, close
                #        child nodes
                $tvw selection remove [$tvw selection]
        } else {
                # Set the treeview's selection manually. If we don't set it this way,
                #        God knows why, the selection is shown but it is not changed
                #        internally in the treeview (bug in Tk 8.5.9?), and procedures which
                #        try to read the selection will get {} until the item is clicked
                #        once more.
                $tvw selection set $clickeditem
        # On an item or not, the click must close any child node, reconfigure
        #        the EditButtons of the panel and enable the mode selector.
        Node_Remove $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}]
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem {}
        set nodecbb [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Combobox]
        $nodecbb configure -state readonly
        Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodeidx

# Panel_TreeviewDoubleClicked
#        Callback procedure for a double click in a node's treeview. If an item was
# double-clicked, a new node is created and the value of the clicked item is
# shown on it. Other nodes which might exist after the one which received the
# double-click are deleted.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget; "nodeidx" is the index of the node which
#        contains the treeview which was clicked (this is defined when the binding
#        is created), "tvw" is the clicked treeview. "x" and "y", passed by the
#        binding, are the mouse position where the double-click happened.
# RESULTS: A node is created and filled with the data of the clicked item. The
#        node which had its panel clicked has its OpenItem reconfigured (to a list
#        index or a dict key, accordingly to the node's mode). 
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewDoubleClicked {wdg nodeidx tvw x y} {
        # Retrieve the item which was double-clicked
        set clickeditem [$tvw identify item $x $y]
        set nodecbb [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Combobox]
        # Over a widget or not the click was, children nodes must be removed
        Node_Remove $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}]
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem {}
        if { $clickeditem eq ""} {
                # The click was not over an item. De-select, enable the mode selector,
                #        reconfigure the EditButtons
                $tvw selection remove [$tvw selection]
                $nodecbb configure -state readonly
        } else {
                # Item clicked. Open a new node.
                # Set the treeview's selection manually
                $tvw selection set $clickeditem
                # Create the child node
                Panel_CreateNodeFromItem $wdg $nodeidx
        # Reconfigure the panel's EditButtons        
        Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodeidx

# Panel_CreateNodeFromItem
#        Gets the value for the currently selected item in a node's treeview, and
# creates a new node using this value
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget in which the node is, "nodeidx" is the node's
#        position in the widget's Nodes list.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_CreateNodeFromItem {wdg nodeidx} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        set tvw [dict get $nodeinfo Treeview]
        # Get the treeview's selected item
        set selitem [$tvw selection]
        # Disable the mode selector
        set nodecbb [dict get $nodeinfo Combobox]
        $nodecbb configure -state disabled
        # Get the treeview/node mode, then get the clicked data accordingly in
        #        the variable newnodedata, and reconfigure the node's OpenItem.
        set nodedata [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data]
        set mode [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Mode]
        if { $mode eq "list" } {
                # Get the position of the selected item
                set dataindex [$tvw index $selitem]
                set newnodedata [lindex $nodedata $dataindex]
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem $dataindex
        if { $mode eq "dict" } {
                # The text of the selected item should be the dict's key.
                set key [$tvw item $selitem -text]
                set newnodedata [dict get $nodedata $key]
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem $key
        # Create the new node
        Node_Add $wdg $newnodedata

# Panel_TreeviewItemMove
#        Moves the selected item in a list or dict treeview. This procedure should
# only be called after a move button was clicked (and this can only happen
# when an item is selected).
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget where the treeview is; "nodeidx" is the
#        index of the node/panel within the widget; "direction" is a string:
#        "up" or "down" according to the desired movement. 
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemMove {wdg nodeidx direction} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        # Get the node/treeview mode
        set tvw [dict get $nodeinfo Treeview]
        set mode [dict get $nodeinfo Mode]
        # Get the selected item position in the treeview
        set selitem [$tvw selection]
        set selitempos [$tvw index $selitem]
        # Close children nodes
        if { [dict get $nodeinfo OpenItem] ne {} } {
                Node_Remove $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}]
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem {}
        # Move treeview item, according to the direction
        if { $direction eq "up" } {
                set newpos [expr {$selitempos - 1} ] 
        if { $direction eq "down" } {
                set newpos [expr {$selitempos + 1} ]
        # Now move the list item itself
        set olddata [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data]
        if { $mode eq "list"} {
                # Get the moved item
                set item [lindex $olddata $selitempos]
                # Create a list without the moved item
                set newdata [concat [lrange $olddata 0 [expr {$selitempos - 1}]]\
                        [lrange $olddata [expr {$selitempos + 1}] end]]
                # Insert the moved item in its new position
                set newdata [linsert $newdata $newpos $item]
        if { $mode eq "dict" } {
                # Create a new dict by reading the keys from the old dict in the
                #        order they are in the treeview. It does not look very efficient,
                #        it's an improvement target for someday...
                foreach tvitem [$tvw children {}] {
                        set key [$tvw item $tvitem -text]
                        set val [dict get $olddata $key]
                        dict set newdata $key $val
        # Update the node's data
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data $newdata
        # Use UpdateFromData here, because the item's indexes in the treeview are
        #        not in sync with how they are displayed after the move
        Panel_UpdateFromData $wdg $nodeidx
        # Re-select the moved item
        $tvw selection set $newpos
        Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodeidx
        # Reflect the change in the data to parent nodes
        Node_UpdateAllData $wdg

# Panel_TreeviewItemRemove
#        Removes an item both from the treeview and from the underlying data of its
# node. This proc is called from the Remove button, and we presume that this
# button is enabled only if there's a treeview item selected.
# ARGUMENTS: "wdg" is the widget where the node belongs, "nodeidx" is the node's
#        index in the widget's Nodes list.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemRemove {wdg nodeidx} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        # Get the selected item
        set tvw [dict get $nodeinfo Treeview]
        set tvwitem [$tvw selection]
        # If this node has children, close them
        if { [dict get $nodeinfo OpenItem] ne ""} {
                Node_Remove $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}]
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem {}
        # Get the node's mode
        set mode [dict get $nodeinfo Mode]
        # Remove the data's item, according to the mode
        set olddata [dict get $nodeinfo Data]
        if { $mode eq "list" } {
                # Get the selected item's position in the treeview: it is also an index
                #        for the underlying list
                set tvwitempos [$tvw index $tvwitem]
                # Create a new list without the item
                set previtempos [expr {$tvwitempos - 1}]
                set nextitempos [expr { $tvwitempos + 1}]
                set newdata [concat [lrange $olddata 0 $previtempos]\
                        [lrange $olddata $nextitempos end]]
        if { $mode eq "dict" } {
                # Get the treeview item's text: it's the key to be removed from the
                #        previous dict
                set remkey [$tvw item $tvwitem -text]
                set newdata [dict remove $olddata $remkey] 
        Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data $newdata
        # The visual stuff now: remove the item, redefine the treeview selection,
        #        update the EditButtons according to the new selection
        set nextsel [$tvw next $tvwitem]
        if { $nextsel eq {} } {
                set nextsel [$tvw prev $tvwitem]
        $tvw selection set $nextsel
        $tvw delete $tvwitem
        Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodeidx
        # Reflect the change in the data through the widget
        Node_UpdateAllData $wdg

# Panel_TreeviewItemAdd
#        Callback for the "add" EditButton of a panel.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_TreeviewItemAdd {wdg nodeidx} {
        set nodeinfo [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx]
        set insertcancelled false
        # If this node has children, close them
        if { [dict get $nodeinfo OpenItem] ne ""} {
                Node_Remove $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}]
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx OpenItem {}
        # If there is an item selected, the new item will be created right after it;
        #        if not, it will be created as the last item
        set tvw [dict get $nodeinfo Treeview]
        set tvwitem [$tvw selection]
        if { [llength $tvwitem] } {
                set curitempos [$tvw index $tvwitem]
                set newitempos [expr {$curitempos + 1}]
        } else {
                set newitempos [llength [$tvw children {}] ]
        set mode [dict get $nodeinfo Mode]
        set olddata [dict get $nodeinfo Data]
        if { $mode eq "list" } {
                # If the node is in "list" mode, the new item will be an empty list and
                #        its contents can be edited in a child panel created later.
                set newdata [linsert $olddata $newitempos {}]
        if { $mode eq "dict"} {
                # If the node is in "dict" mode, the user will be requested to type in
                #        the new dict key. 
                set newkey [Panel_DictKeyInput $wdg $nodeidx]
                if { $newkey ne {} && ![string is space $newkey] } {
                        # Users should not rely in key/value positions in a dict, but let's
                        #         create the new treeview item in the requested order.
                        set curkeys [dict keys $olddata]
                        set newkeys [linsert $curkeys $newitempos $newkey]
                        foreach newkey $newkeys {
                                if { [dict exists $olddata $newkey] } {
                                        dict set newdata $newkey [dict get $olddata $newkey]
                                } else {
                                        dict set newdata $newkey {}
                } else {
                        # If nothing was typed as the new key, nothing will be created.
                        set insertcancelled true
        if { !$insertcancelled } {
                # Substitute the node's data by the new one
                Node_SetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx Data $newdata
                # Update the panel/treeview from the new node's data
                Panel_UpdateFromData $wdg $nodeidx
                # Make the new item selected. Because the items IDs are their positions
                #        in the treeview, we can use newitempos here.
                $tvw selection set $newitempos
                Panel_EditButtonsConfigure $wdg $nodeidx
                # Create a child node using the data from the selected item
                Panel_CreateNodeFromItem $wdg $nodeidx
                # Update the whole widget's data
                Node_UpdateAllData $wdg
                # It seems to be more natural for the interface to show the new node in
                #        "string" mode for immediate input...
                Panel_ChangeMode $wdg [expr {$nodeidx + 1}] "string"

# Panel_DictKeyInput
#        Used only by Panel_TreeviewItemAdd, this procedure shows an entry widget in
# which the user can type in the key which will be created on a "dict"-mode
# panel. 
# RESULT: If the user types in something and presses "Enter", the typed text
#        is returned. If the user presses the "Esc" key or clicks out of the entry,
#        the empty string is returned.
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput {wdg nodeidx} {
        # Create a temporary namespace-variable which will allow the retrieval
        #        of the entry's value
        variable input {}
        # Ungrid the EditButtons
        set btnfrm [Node_GetNodeInfo $wdg $nodeidx EditButtons]
        grid remove $btnfrm
        # Create the entry widget and put it in the place of the EditButtons
        set entwdg [winfo parent $btnfrm].ent
        ttk::entry $entwdg
        grid $entwdg -column 0 -row 1 -sticky ew
        focus $entwdg
        # Create the bindings for the entry
        bind $entwdg <Return> [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Return %W]
        bind $entwdg <KP_Enter> [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Return %W]
        bind $entwdg <Escape> [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Esc %W]
        bind $entwdg <FocusOut> [list ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Esc %W]
        # Wait until the entry is destroyed by its binded procs...
        tkwait window $entwdg
        # Grid back the EditButtons
        grid $btnfrm
        set ret $input
        unset input
        return $ret

# Panel_DictKeyInput_Esc
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Esc {entwdg} {
        set ::ValuePanel::input {}
        grid remove $entwdg
        destroy $entwdg

# Panel_DictKeyInput_Return
proc ::ValuePanel::Panel_DictKeyInput_Return {entwdg} {
        set ::ValuePanel::input [$entwdg get]
        grid remove $entwdg
        destroy $entwdg