Version 1 of vandalism

Updated 2002-09-18 21:44:28

GPS: It appears that yet another page has been vandalised (see the telnet page). As the Tcl'ers Wiki has grown I've seen an increased amount of vandalism. Sadly the world is full of immature people. Usually I would say go to the source (which is the attacker), but with the current Internet and dynamic IP addresses anonymous attackers can reign.

I have talked with JCW in the past about this and his argument was that "stores have windows, but few people throw bricks through them." Unfortunately people often don't do the right thing because it's right (and makes it easier on people), but rather because they fear retribution.

Never run unknown code from the wiki without going over it. An attacker could modify a wonderful page created by someone trusted (such as RS) and make it delete your files.

a solution code could be signed with privacy keys -- ro