Version 40 of variable

Updated 2019-10-15 16:54:23 by pooryorick

variable , a built-in Tcl command since 8.0, declares and optionally sets variables in a namespace.

See Also

Includes information on read-only variables.
Reads or assigns a value to a variable.
namespace upvar
Gives a variable in one namespace a name at the current level.
Links a variable at some higher level to a variable at the current level.
Variables in TclOO
Discusses variable, oo::define variable, oo::objdefine variable and my variable in TclOO


variable ?name value...? name ?value?


official reference


Declares a variable named name, relative to the current namespace, and links that variable to a variable named by the tail of name in the current evaluation level. $name may be fully-qualified , partially-qualified, or unqualified. If a corresponding value is provided, the variable is set to that value.

name can be the name of an array, but not of a variable in the array. Therefore, when name refers to an array, value must not be used. Because of this, linking two array variables requires two calls to variable.

After an array variable has been linked, access member variables within the array using set or array.

Unlike global, variable is not restricted to the variables in the global namespace.

namespace eval one {
    variable greeting hello
set one::greeting ;#-> hello

A variable may be declared but unset:

namespace which -variable hello; #-> ::hello
namespace which -variable goodbye; #-> <the empty string}

In a procedure variable links a variable into the level of the procedure:

proc p1 {} {
    variable name Priam 
p1 ;#-> Priam

namespace eval n1 {
    variable name Hector 
namespace eval n2 {
    proc p2 {} {
        variable ::n1::name
                set name
n2::p2 ;#-> hector

To move a procedure from the global namespace to another namespace, often all that's needed is to replace global with variable within the body of the procedure. Whereas one call to global suffices to declare multiple variables:

global foo bar grill

multiple calls to variable are required:

variable foo; variable bar; variable grill

RS: But the fewer globals you use, the better anyway ;-)

namespace which vs. variable

In the following example, namespace which identifies ::bar::a, but within foo::p1, variable resolves to ::foo::bar::a, which doesn't exist:

namespace eval ::bar {variable a 1}
namespace eval ::foo {
    puts [list {bar::a resolves to} [namespace which -variable bar::a]]
    proc p1 {} {
        variable bar::a
        puts $a

::foo::p1 ;# -> can't access "bar::a": parent namespace doesn't exist

set looks for an existing variable in the same way namespace which -variable does, and selects and existing variable if available. In contrast, variable just tacks the current namespace onto the provided $name, in order to make it fully qualified.


escargo 2003-09-04: In URL behaviour in a text widget, there are some code idioms I am not familiar with. One of them is:

variable {}

What the heck is that supposed to do?

DGP, PYK: Just what the docs say. It links the variable named [namespace current]:: . Note that namespace tail [namespace current]:: is the empty string.

In this particular case, the variable named the empty string is an array variable, so one can set and read its member variables like so:

set (elem1) 1
set (elem2) 2
if {$(elem1) > $(elem2)} {
    set greater elem1
} else {
    set greater elem2
puts "Greater is $($greater)"

escargo 2003-09-05: Gosh wow. Not only is everything is a string, but nothing is a string. RS: 'Everything' includes 'nothing'...

KJN: 2004-08-12: I came here looking for an explanation of this unusual idiom, and I'm pleased to find it!

I had not realised until now that the minimum number of characters in a name is zero! (Is that mentioned in the manual anywhere?) Even without a variable statement, it is valid to write

set {} 12
puts ${}
set {}

This code will echo 12 to stdout, and return the value 12.

The empty string is an acceptable name for a proc:

proc {} a {
    puts $a
    return $a

{} 42

which echoes 42 to stdout and returns 42.

RS: For scalar variables and commands you still have to delimit the "nothing" with quotes or braces, but with array names, nothing is enough. The Tcl documentation says:


name is the name of an array variable and index is the name of an element within that array. Name must contain only letters, digits, underscores, and namespace separators, and may be an empty string. Hence the $(key) syntax DGP explained.

Dossy and Helmut Giese were recently discussing variable on comp.lang.tcl. Dossy replies to a remark by Helmut:

So you have to distinguish between 'creating' a variable and
'defining' it. In your example you _create_ 'foo::bar' but don't
_define_ it. Hence [info exist] doesn't see it - as told in the book.
Ahh, yes.  Okay, so then the docs and the behavior ARE consistent, cool.  I
didn't realize that a variable could be "created" but not "exist" -- weird.

PYK 2019-10-15: "Declare" is prefereable to "create"

PYK 2015-02-28: info exists would have been more aptly named info set

% namespace eval foo {
    proc foo {} {
        variable myarr
        upvar somearr myarr
        parray myarr
    proc foo2 {} {
        variable myarr
        namespace which -variable myarr
    proc foo::foo3 {} {
        variable myarr
        info exists myarr

% foo::foo
"myarr" isn't an array

% set somearr(x) y

% foo::foo
myarr(x) = y

% foo::foo2

% foo::foo3

m7j4k9 2017-08-25

If variable returned the name

Currently (8.6.4), the command

    variable name

returns nothing, but if it were to return the name, then dudes who are "into the whole brevity thing" could write:

    array set [variable foo] { this initializes {} and not foo! }

instead of:

    variable foo
    array set foo { this indeed initializes foo }

which works and intended; unlike:

    variable name { this is a dict/list and not an array }

earnie - 2018-06-16 13:58:27

@m7j4k9 I could see perhaps the following syntax for what you propose:

    array variable foo {initialize foo}

This would then be in keeping with the same principals as array set combined with the principals of variable.