Version 0 of weeCalc

Updated 2004-02-08 21:21:37

2004-08-04 SRIV weeCalc: a proof of concept calculator app for weeDesk. I know the name was reserved for a speadsheet app, but until someone takes 10 minutes to code one up, this will be weeCalc.

Background: This app was originally a Visual Tcl project that I coded for my linux iPaq, hence the dimensions. The buttons are big enough to be easily operated by my index fingers. I gutted all the Vtcl crap out, Still needs a lot of reformatting to make it readable, so dont complain about its ugliness. This calculator script runs fine from wish or tclkit. I use it as my everyday calculator app.

Save this file as calc.tcl in the same directory as weedesk. Then, add these lines to the end of weedesk.tcl:

 #start of weeCalc code
 pack forget .win1.t
 set base .win1
 source calc.tcl
 bind .win1.ent38 <ButtonPress-1> "winSelect .win1" 

start of code:

#!/bin/sh # the next line restarts using wish\ exec wish "$0" "$@"

package require Tk

## Procedure: blink_disp

proc blink_disp {} {

  global display
  set ::clickoff 0
  set temp $display
  set display ""
  after 100
  set display $temp


## Procedure: compute

proc compute {} { global display display_dec result last_op func current_val base

  switch -exact -- $base {
     hex {set display_dec [format "%d" 0x$display]
     dec {if {[string first "." $current_val ] == "-1"} {append current_val "."}
          if {$display == "."} {set display "0."}
          set display_dec $display

  if {$last_op == ""} {
    if {$current_val != "0"} {
  #    puts "$current_val $display_dec $display"     
      if {[catch {set display_dec [expr $current_val $func $display_dec]} result]} {set display_dec "error"}

  #    set current_val "0"  
      if {$display_dec != "error"} {
        set integer [expr int($display_dec)]

        if {$integer == $display_dec} {set display_dec $integer}

        switch -exact -- $base {
          dec {set display  $display_dec}
          hex {set display [format "%X" $display_dec]}
      } else {
        set display  $display_dec


  set current_val $display_dec


# CREATING WIDGETS if {! info exists base} {

  #standalone wish app tewaks
  set base ""
  wm focusmodel . passive
  wm maxsize . 232 270
  wm minsize . 232 270
  wm geometry  . 232x270
  wm overrideredirect . 0
  wm resizable . 1 1
  wm deiconify .
  bind . <Destroy> {exit}
  wm title . "SR Calc v1.1"
  . configure -background #666666
  set ::offcommand "exit"

} else {

  #weeDesk specific app tweaks
  $base configure -height 270 -width 232 -background #666666
  set ::offcommand "winClose $base"
  $base-tab.title configure -text "weeCalc v1.1"


entry $base.ent38 \

    -background #ffffcac07ae1 -font {Helvetica -24 bold} \
    -insertbackground black -justify right -textvariable display 

button $base.but39 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "1" blink_disp} \

    -text 1 

button $base.but40 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "2" blink_disp} \

    -text 2 

button $base.but41 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "3" blink_disp} \

    -text 3 

button $base.but42 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "4" blink_disp} \

    -text 4 

button $base.but43 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "5" blink_disp} \

    -text 5 

button $base.but44 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "6" blink_disp} \

    -text 6 

button $base.but45 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "7" blink_disp} \

    -text 7 

button $base.but46 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex" || $base == "dec"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "8" } blink_disp} \

    -text 8 

button $base.but47 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex" || $base == "dec"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "9" } blink_disp} \

    -text 9 

button $base.but48 \

    -background #fdc5ffff90a3 \
    -command {global display last_op

if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} { set display "0" } else { append display "0" } blink_disp} \

    -text 0 

button $base.but49 -background #fdc5ffff90a3 -text . \

    -command {global display last_op base
              if {$base == "dec"} {
                if {$last_op != "" } { 
                set display "0"
                set last_op ""}
                if {$display == "0."} {set display ""}
                if {[string first "." $display ] == "-1"} { append display "."}

button $base.but50 -background #8cccb3f7ffff -text = \

    -command { global display  result last_op func current_val
                set current_val "0"
                set last_op "="
                set func "="

button $base.but51 -background #beb8ec6affff -text / \

    -command {global last_op func 
              set last_op "div"
              set func "/"

button $base.but52 -background #beb8ec6affff -text * \

    -command {global last_op func 
              set last_op "mul"
              set func "*"

button $base.but53 -background #beb8ec6affff -text - \

    -command {global last_op func 
              set last_op "sub"
              set func "-"

button $base.but54 -background #beb8ec6affff -text + \

    -command {global last_op func
              set last_op "add"
              set func "+"

button $base.but55 \

    -background #a4ddffff8e14 \
    -command {global display result last_op func current_val

set display "0" set current_val "0" set last_op "" set func ""

blink_disp} \

    -text On/C 

button $base.but56 -background #ffffa28fe308 -text MR \

    -command {global display  memory last_op
              set display $memory
              set last_op ""

button $base.but57 \

    -background #ffffa28fe308 -text M+ \
    -command {global display  memory last_op
              set memory $display

button $base.but58 \

    -background #ffffa28fe308 -text M- \
    -command {global display  memory last_op
              set memory "0"

button $base.but59 -background #999999 -text Off \

   -command { if {$::clickoff} {
                eval $::offcommand
              } else {
                set ::clickoff 1 

button $base.but60 \

    -background #a4ddffff8e14 \
    -command {global display

set display "0"

blink_disp} -text CE

button $base.but61 \

    -background #ffffe5c2970a -text Base \
    -command {global base display display_dec


              switch -exact -- $base {
                hex {set base "dec"
                   set display [format "%d" 0x$display]
                   set display_dec $display
                dec {set base "hex"
                     set display [format "%X" [expr int($display)]]

button $base.but62 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "A" } blink_disp} \

    -text A 

button $base.but63 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "B" } blink_disp} \

    -text B 

button $base.but64 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "C" } blink_disp} \

    -text C 

button $base.but65 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "D" } blink_disp} \

    -text D 

button $base.but66 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "E" } blink_disp} \

    -text E 

button $base.but67 \

    -background #ffffa1898ccc \
    -command {global display last_op base

if {$base == "hex"} { if {$last_op != "" } { set display "0" set last_op ""} if {string equal $display "0"} {set display ""} append display "F" } blink_disp} \

    -text F 

label $base.lab68 \

    -background #666666 -foreground #fdc5ffff90a3 -text dec \
    -textvariable base 

label $base.lab69 \

    -background #666666 -font {Helvetica -14 bold} \
    -foreground #a4ddffff8e14 -text {} -textvariable func 

menu $base.m70 \

    -disabledforeground #a1a1a1 -tearoff 1 

# SETTING GEOMETRY place $base.ent38 -x 13 -y 7 -width 183 -height 37 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but39 -x 50 -y 195 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but40 -x 95 -y 195 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but41 -x 140 -y 195 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but42 -x 50 -y 160 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but43 -x 95 -y 160 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but44 -x 140 -y 160 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but45 -x 50 -y 125 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but46 -x 95 -y 125 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but47 -x 140 -y 125 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but48 -x 50 -y 230 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but49 -x 95 -y 230 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but50 -x 140 -y 230 -width 87 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but51 -x 185 -y 90 -width 42 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but52 -x 185 -y 125 -width 42 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but53 -x 185 -y 160 -width 42 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but54 -x 185 -y 195 -width 42 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but55 -x 5 -y 55 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but56 -x 5 -y 160 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but57 -x 5 -y 195 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but58 -x 5 -y 230 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but59 -x 5 -y 90 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but60 -x 5 -y 125 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but61 -x 185 -y 55 -width 42 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but62 -x 50 -y 90 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but63 -x 95 -y 90 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but64 -x 140 -y 90 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but65 -x 50 -y 55 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but66 -x 95 -y 55 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.but67 -x 140 -y 55 -width 40 -height 28 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.lab68 -x 200 -y 5 -width 28 -height 20 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore place $base.lab69 -x 200 -y 25 -width 28 -height 20 -anchor nw -bordermode ignore

set ::clickoff 0 set display "0" set display_dec "0" set last_op "" set func "" set base "dec" set current_val "0" set memory "0" update