Version 17 of weeCalc

Updated 2005-05-04 16:30:56 by lwv

2004-08-02 SRIV weeCalc: a proof of concept calculator app for weeDesk. I know the name was reserved for a speadsheet app, but until someone takes 10 minutes to code one up, this will be weeCalc.

Background: This app was originally a Visual Tcl project that I coded for my linux iPaq, hence the dimensions. The buttons are big enough to be easily operated by my index fingers. I gutted all the Vtcl crap out, Still needs a lot of reformatting to make it readable, so dont complain about its ugliness. This calculator script runs fine from wish or tclkit. I use it as my everyday calculator app.

Here's a screenshot:

01Nov04 SRIV Updated to version 1.3 WeeCalc to handle octal and binary numbers! Get from and save this file as in the same directory as weeDesk. Then, add these lines to the end of weedesk.tcl:

 #start of weeCalc code
 pack forget .win1.t
 set base .win1
 bind .win1.ent38 <ButtonPress-1> "winSelect .win1"

07oct04 jcw - Steve, is your identcl-as-a-weeApp code public? It could be nice under GooWee, what it needs for that is a way to use an arbitrary frame as "toplevel".

Category Desktop Category Application