Version 2 of weePackages

Updated 2004-01-18 03:05:31

A forum for discussing the optimal selection of packages for inclusion in a Starkit archive to form the core set of functionality available for all weedesk applications.

1-17-2004 MDD - I'll kick things off by proposing a simple, but solid, cryptographic toolkit. Since weedesk will most often be used as a bring-it-with-you portable computing environment, most likely residing on some sort of flash memory device, security of data will be of paramount importance. I'd suggest a simple set of primitives to support symmetric (Blowfish, perhaps) and asymmetric (RSA, maybe) encryption, as well as a good one-way hash (sha1 ?). Key management and other such niceties can then be scripted at the Tcl level. Even though something like sha1 can be, and has been, made with pure Tcl, for platform-level use we should keep the primitives binary to allow acceptable performance for finely-grained integration of cryptography throughout the environment.