Version 3 of weedesk

Updated 2004-01-16 22:49:17

if 0 {

Larry Smith Weedesk - a wee little desktop environment in tcl/tk.

Weedesk is an idea I've been noodling over for several days, and the sudden appearance of Desktop Environment shows me I'm not the only one wishing for a simple, extensible, portable desktop environment.

The Desktop Environment page lists a number of applications, but all of these are designed to stand alone. Ideally apps for the wee desktop would be new and designed just for it.

In my prototype code I've decided to go for a Macintosh-like system - the menubar goes across the top of the screen and changes as you select various windows. However, I've not integrated tkMenuMgr from Menus Even Easier yet, so all there is is a place-holding button that exits the desktop.

I picture a desktop with a number of lightweight, scriptable, applications: weeEdit is used for all text editing, weeCalc is the spreadsheet, weePage is a page layout app - takes text from weeEdit files and allows you to insert them into a web page - there would be no "weeWord", just weeEdit and weePage, which together serve the same purpose using html as an internal file format. Some other apps would be weeBrowse, weeMail, weeProg (an IDE/debugger for developing scripts) weeData (the database), weeChat, and so on. Also, the environment would support services - weeweb httpd, etc.

I visualize it running in a starkit. Installation = copy.

Here's some code to play with. Right now it's sort of an mdi on steroids. To the Internal Movable Windows code I've added various window buttons and functions (iconize not yet implemented), resizing and so on. }

 proc winMove { win { state "" } } {
   upvar _win$win offset

   switch -exact $state {
     start {
       winSelect $win
       set offset(x) [winfo pointerx .]
       set offset(y) [winfo pointery .]
       raise $win
     } default {
       set wmX [winfo pointerx .]
       set wmY [winfo pointery .]
       set xDiff [expr {$wmX - $offset(x)}]
       set yDiff [expr {$wmY - $offset(y)}]
       array set placeInfo [place info $win]
       set placeX [expr {$placeInfo(-x) + $xDiff}]
       set placeY [expr {$placeInfo(-y) + $yDiff}]
       place $win -x $placeX -y $placeY
       set offset(x) $wmX
       set offset(y) $wmY

 frame .rubberband -bd 3 -relief ridge
 set rbx ""
 set rby ""
 proc winResize { win { state "" } } {
   global rbx rby
   switch -exact $state {
     start {
       winSelect $win
       set w [ winfo width $win ]
       set h [ winfo height $win ]
       set rbx [ winfo x $win ]
       set rby [ winfo y $win ]
       set r [ expr $rbx + $w ]
       set b [ expr $rby + $h ]
       event generate . <Motion> -warp 1 -x $r -y $b
       .rubberband configure -width $w -height $h
       place .rubberband -x $rbx -y $rby
       raise .rubberband
     } done {
       place forget .rubberband
       set basex [ winfo x . ]
       set basey [ winfo y . ]
       set w [ expr [ winfo pointerx $win ] - $basex - $rbx ]
       set h [ expr [ winfo pointery $win ] - $basey - $rby ]
       place $win -width $w -height $h
     } default {
       set basex [ winfo x . ]
       set basey [ winfo y . ]
       set w [ expr [ winfo pointerx $win ] - $basex - $rbx ]
       set h [ expr [ winfo pointery $win ] - $basey - $rby ]
       .rubberband configure -width $w -height $h

 proc iconize { w } {
   puts "iconize"

 proc grow_shrink { win } {
   global wingeo
   if [ string equal "normal" $wingeo($win,state) ] {
     set wingeo($win,w) [winfo width $win]
     set wingeo($win,h) [winfo height $win]
     set wingeo($win,x) [winfo x $win]
     set wingeo($win,y) [winfo y $win]
     set x 0
     set y 30
     set w [ winfo width . ]
     set h [ expr [ winfo height . ] - $y ]
     place $win -x $x -y $y -width $w -height $h
     set wingeo($win,state) maxed
   } else {
     set w $wingeo($win,w)
     set h $wingeo($win,h)
     set x $wingeo($win,x)
     set y $wingeo($win,y)
     place $win -x $x -y $y -width $w -height $h
     set wingeo($win,state) normal

 proc winClose { win } {
   global prevwin
   if [ string equal $prevwin $win ] {
     set prevwin ""
   destroy $win
   place forget .help

 label .help -bd 1 -fg black -bg lightyellow -font fixed -text "default help"

 set btn3 0
 proc popballoon {} {
   global btn3
   if { !$btn3 } { place forget .help }

 proc help {w help} {
   bind $w <Any-Enter> "after 1000 balloon %W $help; after 3000 popballoon"
   bind $w <Any-Leave> "popballoon"
   bind $w <ButtonPress-3> "set btn3 1; balloon %W $help"
   bind $w <ButtonRelease-3> "set btn3 0; popballoon"

 proc balloon { w args } {
   .help configure -text $args
   regexp {^\.[A-Za-z0-9]*} $w parent
   if { [ catch { set x [ expr [ winfo x $w ] + [ winfo x $parent ] + 10 ] } ] == 0 } {
     set y [ expr [ winfo y $w ] + [ winfo y $parent ] - 10 ]
     place .help -x $x -y $y
     raise .help

 proc btn { name text cmd args } {
   set btn [button $name -text $text -padx 1 -pady 0 -bd 1 \
             -command $cmd -cursor top_left_arrow ]
   pack $btn -side right
   help $btn $args

 proc winNew {win title txt} {
   global wingeo
   frame $win -bd 1 -relief raised
   set wingeo($win,state) normal
   pack [frame $win.titlebar -bd 1 -relief raised -cursor fleur] -side top -fill x
   pack [label $win.titlebar.title -text $title ] -side left
   help $win.titlebar "Click/Drag to Move"
   help $win.titlebar.title "Click/Drag to Move"
   btn $win.titlebar.done x "winClose $win" Exit
   btn $win.titlebar.resize \u2198 "" "Click/Drag to Resize"
   btn $win.titlebar.iconize . "iconize $win" Iconize
   btn $win.titlebar.grow \u2195 "grow_shrink $win" Grow/Shrink
   # btn $win.titlebar.lower \u2193 "lower $win" Lower
   btn $win.titlebar.lower \u2193 "lower $win" Lower

   pack [text $win.t -width 20 -height 3] -side top -fill both -expand 1
   $win.t insert end $txt

   bind $win.titlebar <ButtonPress-1> "winMove $win start"
   bind $win.titlebar <B1-Motion> "winMove $win"
   bind $win.titlebar.title <ButtonPress-1> "winMove $win start"
   bind $win.titlebar.title <B1-Motion> "winMove $win"
   bind $win.t <ButtonPress-1> "winSelect $win"
   bind $win.titlebar.resize <ButtonPress-1> "winResize $win start"
   bind $win.titlebar.resize <ButtonRelease-1> "winResize $win done"
   bind $win.titlebar.resize <B1-Motion> "winResize $win"
   return $win

 set prevwin ""
 proc winSelect { win } {
   global prevwin
   if ![ string equal $prevwin "" ] {
     $prevwin.titlebar configure -bg gray
     $prevwin.titlebar.title configure -bg gray
     bind $win.t <ButtonPress-1> "winSelect $win"
   $win.titlebar configure -bg red
   $win.titlebar.title configure -bg red
   bind $win.t <ButtonPress-1>
   focus $win
   raise $win
   set prevwin $win

 pack propagate . 0
 wm focusmodel . active
 # set width [ winfo screenwidth . ]
 # set height [ winfo screenheight . ]
 set width 500
 set height 500
 . config -width $width -height $height -bg blue
 focus -force .
 # wm overrideredirect . 1
 # grab -global .

 pack [button .l -text Desktop -command exit ] -side top
 place [winNew .win1 "1st Window" "Hello World"] -x 10 -y 40
 place [winNew .win2 "2nd Window" "Hello Person"] -x 300 -y 50