Version 0 of word.tcl

Updated 2016-02-14 15:33:19 by dbohdan

word.tcl is an implementation of word channels in ycl.


You can download word.tcl for use outside of ycl with the following POSIX shell command:

(echo "namespace eval ::wordchan {\nnamespace export *\nnamespace ensemble create\n"; curl -s ' '; echo "\n}") > wordchan.tcl

Use example

#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
source wordchan.tcl

proc main {} {
    set ch [chan create {read write} ::wordchan]
    chan configure $ch -buffering none
    chan event $ch readable [list puts --$ch]
    puts -nonewline $ch HELLO
    puts -nonewline $ch WORLD
    puts [read $ch]
    puts [read $ch]
