Version 5 of zevents

Updated 2006-06-07 13:02:37

This is a general events mechanism. It uses metaprogramming to speed things up.

Simple example:

 zevents::bind Something event1 10 {puts EVENT1-before}
 zevents::bind Something event1 -10 {puts EVENT1-final}
 zevents::bind Something event1 0 {puts EVENT1-after}
 zevents::bind Something event2 0 {puts EVENT2}
 zevents::bind Something puts 0 {puts}

 zevents::call Something event1
 zevents::call Something event2
 zevents::call Something puts "Some string"

 zevents::unbind Something event1 {puts EVENT1-after}

 zevents::call Something event1


 Some string

The code:

 # zevents --
 #       Package for handling events

 namespace eval zevents {}

 # zevents::settags --
 #       Sets the tags (names) that should be executed when this tag (name)
 #       is to be executed.
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 #       tags            A list of tags (names) to be called
 # Results:
 #       None

 proc zevents::settags {collection name taglist} {
    variable syncTags
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}
    set syncTags($fn) $taglist
    updatedEvent $fn

 # zevents::gettags --
 #       Gets the tags (names) that should be executed when this tag (name)
 #       is to be executed.
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 # Results:
 #       A list of tags (names) to be called
 # Side Effects:
 #       None
 proc zevents::gettags {collection name} {
    variable syncTags
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}
    recreateEvent $name $fn
    return $syncTags($fn)

 # zevents::bind --
 #       Binds a command to a certain event. The command will get executed
 #       once an event is called.
 #       NOTE: It only allows binding a command once.
 #       NOTE: There is no reliable ordering of commands with same priority
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 #       priority        Priority at which to register the command
 #       command         A command to be executed (lists of arguments allowed)
 # Results:
 #       None
 # Side Effects:
 #       None
 proc zevents::bind {collection name priority command} {
    variable syncCallback
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}
    lappend syncCallback($fn) [list $priority $command]
    updatedEvent $fn

 # zevents::unbind --
 #       Unbinds a command to a certain event. The command will no longer get
 #       executed once an event is called.
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 #       command         A command to be removed from being executed
 # Results:
 #       None
 # Side Effects:
 #       None
 proc zevents::unbind {collection name command} {
    variable syncCallback
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}
    # if we haven't created any bindings for this event, then just leave
    if {![info exists syncCallback($fn)]} {

    # make a copy of the list only with other commands
    set oldlist $syncCallback($fn); set newlist [list]
    foreach e $oldlist {
        if {![string equal [lindex $e 1] $command]} {
            lappend newlist $e

    # this prevents errors from dropping an entire list
    set syncCallback($fn) $newlist
    updatedEvent $fn
    return ""

 # zevents::init --
 #       Initialize an event - clean up event lists.
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 # Results:
 #       None
 # Side Effects:
 #       None

 proc zevents::init {collection name} {
    variable syncCallback
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}
    set syncCallback($fn) [list]
    updatedEvent $fn
    return ""

 # zevents::call --
 #       Call an event and pass the arguments to it
 # Arguments:
 #       collection      Name of the collection which the event is in
 #       name            The name of the event to call
 #       args            A list of all arguments appended to the listeners
 # Results:
 #       None
 # Side Effects:
 #       One or more background errors may be thrown
 proc zevents::call {collection name args} {
    zevents::call0 $collection $name $args

 # same as above, but using one argument as a list of arguments (varargs)
 proc zevents::call0 {collection name ar} {
    variable syncBody
    variable syncTags
    set fn ${collection}::::${name}

    # optionally update the sync body
    recreateEvent $name $fn

    # eval the most recent syncBody in the current interpreter
    # (not using [eval] since it would not bytecompile the code)

    foreach tag $syncTags($fn) {
        set fn ${collection}::::${tag}

        recreateEvent $tag $fn
        interp eval {} $syncBody($fn)

 # internal functions

 # sets that an event definition has been updated and needs to be recreated ASAP
 proc zevents::updatedEvent {fn} {
    variable syncEvent

    # unset that the event has been synchronized
    if {[info exists syncEvent($fn)]} {
        unset syncEvent($fn)

 # recreate event internal storage
 proc zevents::recreateEvent {name fn} {
    variable syncEvent
    variable syncTags
    variable syncCallback
    variable syncBody

    # only sync if it hasn't been synchronized
    if {[info exists syncEvent($fn)]} {

    if {![info exists syncTags($fn)]} {
        set syncTags($fn) [list $name]

    if {![info exists syncCallback($fn)]} {
        set syncCallback($fn) [list]

    set syncCallback($fn) [lsort -index 0 -integer -decreasing \
        [lsort -unique -index 1 $syncCallback($fn)]]

    set b ""

    # create a static body to call on each invocation
    foreach cmd $syncCallback($fn) {
        set cmd [lindex $cmd 1]
        set body ""
        append body "set c \[catch \[list uplevel #0 \[concat [list $cmd] \$ar\]\] rc\]" \n
        append body "switch -- \$c \{" \n
        # 0 - ok; 4 - continue -- continue executing

        # 2 - return; 3 - break -- 
        append body "    2 - 3 \{" \n
        append body "        return \"\"" \n
        append body "    \}" \n

        # 1 - error - throw an error using bgerror in a catch; try to resume executing the bindings
        append body "    1 \{" \n
        append body "        set ei \$::errorInfo" \n
        # if we can't call [bgerror], at least print out the errors to stderr
        append body "        if \{\[catch \{bgerror \$rc\}\]\} \{ puts stderr \$ei \}" \n
        append body "    \}" \n
        append body "\}" \n

        append b $body

    set syncBody($fn) $b
    set syncEvent($fn) 1

 package provide zevents 1.0

NEM 7 June 2006: Could you give some explanation of what problem this package solves, and how it differs from Tcl's built-in event loop?

Also, in the call procedure, the call to call0 is redundant - all it does is essentially change the name of "args" to "ar". This variable is then not even used in the body. I also imagine that interp eval and eval behave the same in terms of not byte-compiling the body.

[ Category Event Loop ]