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&| What        | ASED |&
&| Where       | |&
&| Description | Tcl/Tk 8.x , [BWidget] IDE allowing editing of multiple Tcl files, providing syntax highlighting, indentation support, search/replace, unlimited undo/redo, simple console, fast source code navigation, syntax-check, automatic command completion, online-help and Tcl testing. Currently at v3.0b16. |&
&| License     | GPL v2 |&
&| Updated     | 02/2004 |&
&| Contact     | mailto:[email protected] (Andreas Sievers) |&


&| What        | EDITT (an old French version of ASED) |&
&| Where       | |&
&| Description | Project stopped: see i18n ASED now. |&
&| Updated     | 06/2005 |&
&| Contact     | [kroc]  |&

&| What        | asedit3.0b16_mod (a modified version of ASED) |&
&| Where       | |&
&| Description | Project: Most recent up-to-date executable available for windows. |&
&| Contact     | [JOB]  |&

** Screenshot **


** Discussion **

[Sarnold] ''I have been using ASED for a long time (one year and a half) and I find it
wonderful, for syntax checking, integration of [tkcon], and many other things !''

Plus : it is ''cross-platform''


''[escargo] 25 Apr 2003'' - If there are a lot of improvements to ASED in EDITT, is there some
reason they have not been provided back to the ASED developers for inclusing in a
newer version of ASED?
''[kroc] 26 Apr 2003'' - The first reason is that Andreas doesn't include them in Ased.
The second is that I remove some ASED features and I add others , so it's really a choice
to work with ASED or EDITT now. The third reason is that some improvements are for french
only. For example, calling french Tcl help by pressing the F1 key. Last reason, but not least, I'm not fluent enought in english to translate it back now ;^).
26apr03 [jcw] - I've uploaded an updated ASED to [sdarchive] (with minor tweaks to turn it into a starkit).  I'd vote in favor of bringing ASED and EDITT back into one development stream if possible, and I may be able to help with the French <-> English part of things.  My first concern would be to do it in such a way that it can be sustained for future revs too.  Little point in merging if things are going to diverge again anyway....

''[escargo] 26 Apr 2003'' - There are many reasons to fork development of something that is open
source.  One interesting issue with ASED is how to do internationalization.
(See [i18n - Writing for the world].)
Maybe ASED could be refactored in a way to allow internationalization, and not just split into
English and French versions.

There are also interesting issues of how to do customizations. Could the changes that make ASED
and EDITT different be refactored in a way to allow any user to customize ASED so that features
can be added and/or removed in a safe way?  (This makes me think of the Eclipse [IDE].)
This would allow the EDITT to have its own personality without requiring a code fork.
''[kroc] 27 Apr 2003'' - I've already done a tclkit of EDITT, I'll upload it ASAP. Of
course, it would be a very good thing to rewrite it using msgcat to make translation
very easy, but I haven't enougth time to do it right now.

In fact, at the beginning I've only translate ASED for Andreas. I quickly sent him some
improvements (mainly about little bugs). But Andreas stopped answer me and (I think) even
stopped at all his work on ASED. That's the reason why I decide to split ASED and EDITT.

Concerning differences between ASED and EDITT : I removed the console window (I would
like to use an embeded tkcon instead). I also removed the client/server because nobody
I know use (or understand) it. E. Grolleau add a MRU list and M. Salvagnac add contextual
help. He also translate tcl/tk manpages into french html files that we share and use with
EDITT. I als plan to rewrite a huge part of the code in order to use BLT instead of
BWidgets. Mainly because I think that BLT provide much more features.

I totaly agree we you to restart a real collaborative development, maybe using somes kinds
of ''plugins'' in order to respect ASED and EDITT differences ?
''[kroc] 17 Jun 2003'' - ASED and EDITT projects have been merged back in a single i18n project: ASED. Editt 1.0.4 starkit and starpack are still available but won't be updated anymore.

[LV] July 9, 2003: I'm confused about the following discussion.  Has there been a fork in ased?  
''[Bernd Schmitt] 29 Dec 2004'' - IMHO: ASED is very good. It is up to date and free software.
[AS] 19 Jan 2004: Sorry, it's the first time I've been here and I didn't recognize this discussion. 
No, there was no real merge of EDITT and ASED. EDITT was a french only version of ASED with some enhancements but also major limitations. David stopped further development when ASED provided i18n support.
If you have any further questions concerning ASED, please send me a copy of your statement here to [email protected] and include the word "ased" in your subject. Thanks

[AS] 03 Feb 2004: I've included Online-help-feature from EDITT in ASED, using the help.kit starkit. ASED is now bundled with help-files for tcl/tk, BWidget and incr tcl.
[JimG] 05 May 2005: I tried both starpark and source version of ASED but failed to run it at start. Here is the window I get. I've tried to locate the error but I'm not able to find it.


I have the same problem. -Moritz

I also have the problem. -GaryL

[LV] GaryL and Moritz - did you see my note below, indicating that error means that the tclkit you are using is too old?

[GaryL] I've tried ASED with the latest Tcl/Tk version 8.4.15. There is still the problem. ASED is a part of WinTclTk. I also tried the lastest version of WinTclTk. It is the same. I don't know why.

I have tried WinTclTk 8.4.16, still have the problem. -GaryL

[LV] 2007 June 13 - I have the weirdest problem with ased. I just downloaded the latest version from the home page. The first thing I do is select the Help->About menu entry. I get this error:

$ ased3.0b16.kit
extra characters after close-brace
   while executing
"return [uplevel 1 [list [namespace origin mcunknown]  $Locale $src {*}$args]]

   (procedure "mc" line 24)
   invoked from within
"mc $lab"
   (procedure "tk::MessageBox" line 79)
   invoked from within
"tk::MessageBox {*}$args"
   (procedure "tk_messageBox" line 2)
   invoked from within
"tk_messageBox -message  [tr "ASED Tcl/Tk-IDE 3.0.b16 build 051204
   (c) Andreas Sievers, 1999-2004\n\n This Software is distributed under the terms
   (procedure "Editor::aboutBox" line 2)
   invoked from within
   invoked from within
".#menubar.#menubar#menu6 invoke active"
   ("uplevel" body line 1)
   invoked from within
"uplevel #0 [list $w invoke active]"
   (procedure "tk::MenuInvoke" line 50)
   invoked from within
"tk::MenuInvoke .#menubar.#menubar#menu6 1"
   (command bound to event)

Ah - the latest ased requires a relatively new version of tclkit.

I have been using ASED for several years and find it invaluable in code development. I also use BLT (2.4z) extensively in my applications. In the last year moving to Tcl/Tk 8.4 and the latest ASED, I have encountered a vexing problem running the application from within ASED. The first attempt runs fine. Stopping the application and running a second time generates an error "Can't find package BLT..." I have been unsuccessful in finding the problem. All other packages, BWidgets 1.6, Help 1.5, etc., all load fine any number of times.

[LV] 2007 July 12
I notice that, under the Help menu, at least on Windows XP, the "Run Tcl Tutor" fails with an error about being unable to read one of the files. I emailed the author with the specific error information. Anyone else see this?

[MHo] 2008 Feb 25
Yes I see that error, too (illegal access mode "a+"....).

Tristan 2008-06-27: Please visit the ASED Tile Project HomePage: This version had more Chinese support.
from [Ask, and it shall be given # 12], treating extended lines with pretty print

[gold] - 2017-01-20 I have been using ased editor for some code on my wiki pages. When the tcl lines with extended lines , the code is garbled/will not compile. Can someone direct me to a PC based editor that will handle extended lines or help me clean up some of my wiki pages in their own editor? [Refrigerator_Pinyin_Poetry] [Random Poetry Chalkboard] [Chinese Xiangqi Chessboard] has extended and empty lines. Can ASED delete empty lines? Maybe, I have an old version.Thanks in advance.

[JOB] 2018-01-04, Short notice: A while ago, I modified the code of ASEdit slightly and updated all relevant packages for tcl/tk8.6 + tile + BWidget 1.9.10.
The modified code as well as binary executables for win and OSX can be downloaded from here:

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