Colin McCormack

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Current wikimeister.

Personal information:
   * Email: mail here coldstore near users blunge sourceforge zap net (you work it out)


   * [Wub] pure tcl Http (near)1.1 server
   ** [View] interface to [metakit]'s [mktoo] using [tcloo]
   ** [Html] generator package
   ** [Color] collection of web (and more general HSV, etc) color manipulation functions
   ** [Debug] efficient debug narrative generator.
   ** [Query] html query decoder/encoder
   ** [Url] url parser/generator
   ** [Form] html form generator/framework
   ** [Cookies] http cookie parser/generator
   ** [Report] html report/table generator

   * [directory notification package in Tcl]
   * [multiplexer] called Mux here []
   * [tclVM] toys and tools here []
   * A [tclhttpd] interface to some [CA] code like [SimpleCA] (here []).
   * a [Tcl Space] called Coldtcl -
   * [Wikit vfs] - a Wikit Virtual File System
   * [RSA in Tcl] based on [bignum]
   * [XDR] parser in tcl.
   * [Cache VFS] caching virtual filesystem
   * [TreeQL] a tree editing and query language
   * [snitvfs] Snit VFS implementation template.
   * [mime type recognition in pure tcl]
   * [pure tcl cvs client]
   * [tcc tcl extension] YES!  Compile C directly into your tcl code with only 100K overhead. (I am so happy :)
   * [fuse] tcl interface to linux user file system.
   * [tclvcal] tcl vcal implementation
   * [HttpClient] using [coroutine]s
   * [zencode] compiler
   * [Store] simplistic data store over [TDBC]

   * [interp serialize] capture the global state of an interp
   * [purse] - simpleminded but effective array persistence using trace and files
   * mapping arrays to directories.  Mentioned in [Everything's a ...]
   * mapping [metakit] [views as arrays] (of dictionaries)
   * Keyword in Context Indexer [kwic]
   * [userid] from tclX in critcl
   * [remote ssh tcl] for remote execution of tcl commands via ssh.
   * [backup utility using rsync] uses the remote ssh tcl facility above.
   * [Postfix] and tcl
   * [] parser
   * gathering stuff on [tclxpcom]
   * tcl [future] object type
   * [fields] facilitates the binary (un)packing of fields
   * [dict in snit] a snit wrapper around dict.
   * [patch for rcs in tcl] a quickie to process ''[diff] -n'' diffs
   * [Tclish Sourceforge Pages]
   * [Tclhttpd Content Wrapping]
   * [tcl size] A script to calculate the size of a tcl process.
   * [html form generator] a little script to generate forms from tcl dicts.
   * [ensemble extend] a simple tcl8.5 facility to extend commands using the namespace ensemble command.
   * [Cookies.tcl] a cookie jar from [Wub]
   * [Hunt for Tcl Extensional Equivalents]
   * [Commenter] a simple tcl source parser which associates comments with procs in a useful way.
   * [vcard] a simple near-enough pure tcl parser for vCard format
   * [Debug] a simple debug narrative generator (aka logger)
   * [rc] configuration file reader
   * [dict probe] wildcarded multilevel [dict] get
   * [Coronet] example coroutine networking framework
   * [Fun with TclOO, coroutines and apply] ... title's descriptive if not informative.
   * [Command variety] list of the varieties of types of commands tcl supports.
   * [NaTcl]
   * [UDP extension] minimal direct-event UDP extension.
   * TclOO objects as coroutines: [coro dispatch for TclOO], [TclOO class extensions]
   * [pty.tcl] - critcl based pty support for Tcl   * [asynchronous threads] - a little [OO] wrapper for asynchronous threading with callbacks

I occasionally throw up bits and pieces here:

   * I have a tendency to ask ''is there any compelling reason that X doesn't use Y?' where Y is often [comm] ... I just like minimalism, I guess.

   * [scope] - on scope in tcl
   * [Object vs. Megawidget]
   * [webpaste for jabber]
   * [named parameters]
   * [Tcl is Hard!  Now get off my lawn!]
   * [Incomplete Recursion]
   * [Things which might speed this Wiki up]

Wild Ideas:
   * [Tcl Canon and Fugue]
   * The ability to [taint] allocation blocks, its possible uses.
   * [Tcl over Python] a different Python parser to make it look like tcl, and can you tell the difference?
   * [post-Euclidean Tcl]
   * [Tcl Skins]

Suggestions: (I'm full of 'em)
    * [Tclhttpd Needs]
    * [VFS Needs]
    * [What's Cool]
    * [Replace Eggdrop]

   * what is a [Project Release]?  What is it for?  [Stu] and I have been robustly exchanging views on the subject, and I thought I'd jump in to misrepresent his views in that page.
   * [Imagine a language] ... unexpected side-effects of tcl's virtues.
   * [Careful what you wish for] regarding the downside of popularity.
   * [Tool Protocol Language] - don't use XML, JSON, FCGI, CGI, SCGI, other crappy and/or proprietary interprocess protocols.  Use tcl.

first mention of 'badger' on the Wiki ... damn, not even close.

[AMG]: You're the first to use the word "blunge" [*&Database=*].

Proud recipient of the [WOMM Certification%|% width=200 height=200]

'''[CMcC] - 2010-08-30 21:33:52'''

Testing to see if saving a large page fails

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