Jan 22 Tcl Meetup notes

Difference between version 9 and 10 - Previous - Next
Status of 8.7
   * Can we get it out the door?
   * What is holding it up?
   ** Review 8.7 draft TIPs for "must haves"
   * At what point do we start back porting features to 8.6 - particular msgcat

New text widget 
   * status ?
   * Brian G look at it before next meeting

Tk 9.0
   * Do we need it for breaking changes?
   * Remove the cruft (8 bit / 16 bit limits) 
   * List of changes needed?

Tcl 9.0
   * strong support for getting 9.0 out the door from Rolf
   ** 2Gb string limit
   ** full unicode support

   * Detlef Groth discussed his [pandoc-tcl-filter] work
   * Detlef Groth showed how to read and write to python3 and R pipes, code now at the end of [Example of reading and writing to a piped command]   * Steve Huntley discussed [tclmake
New people introduced:
   * Alwyn
   * Matthew
   * Mark

   * Alwyn asked about mixing threads and coroutines, resulted in lots of discussion about people using both