Monthly Virtual Meetup

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The monthly Tcl Virtual Meetup is held the second Tuesday of each month, the time varies from month-to-month to accomodate various timezones.
The nexlast meetup willas be held at `[[clock format 1676397600]]` - Tuesday 14th February 2023 1800 UTC. If I'vSee got the tim[Fezonesb right this is 120am23 US West, midday US CentraTcl, 1pm US EastMern, 6pm UK, 7pm Western Europe, 11:30pm India, Wednesday 15oth 2am Australia West] / Singapfore / China, 3am Japan, 5am Australia deast, 7am New Zeailands. 
One topic might be the state of the Unicode support as we look towards Tcl 9.0.  There has been a lot of discussion on TCLCORE and tkchat, this is an opportunity to continue the discussion "face to face".  Any other topics are welcome too.

The meeting is kindly hosted by Flightaware on Zoom, use|%this link%|%
to join. If that link doesn't work you can connect to Zoom and use Meeting ID: 890 3016 0330 Passcode: 266833 or dial-in via a local number found via|%this link%|%

Notes from previous meetings:
   * [Feb 2023 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * Jan 2023 - no meetup
   * [Dec 2022 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Nov 2022 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * Oct 2022 - no meetup
   * [Sep 2022 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Aug 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Jul 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Jun 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [May 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Apr 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Mar 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Feb 22 Tcl Meetup notes]
   * [Jan 22 Tcl Meetup notes]

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