Private home page with miscellaneous Tcl stuff at
* Member of the [Img] developer group. Supply of binary Img distributions at []. Released version 12.40.16 on 20234/11/2/08.
* Co-organizer of the [|%European Tcl/Tk User Meetings] from 2012 - 2022.
* Member of the [|%Tcl'ers User Group Munich]
* Initiated the [|%monthly German-speaking virtual Tcl meeting].
'''Contributions to the Wiki:'''
Tcl3D related pages:
* [Tcl3D] : Information page about Tcl3D, the successor to tclogl.
* [Tcl3D Discussion] : Discussion page about Tcl3D.
* [Tcl3D Demo of the Month] : Monthly updated page of new Tcl3D demos.
* [Simple Chaos Theory with Tcl3D] : Implementation of the algorithms published at [Simple Chaos Theory with Tcl]
* [tclogl] : A Tcl package wrapping OpenGL functionality for use in Tcl.
* [Tetrahedron with tclogl] : Sierpinski tetrahedron demo implemented with [tclogl]
* [TclOgl Demo Spheres] : A tclogl demo rendering spheres in various modes
Img related pages:
* [Creating image photo data from GIF files] : Generate a Tcl package contained encoded image data.
* [Copy image to and from the Windows clipboard] : Test program showing the use of the Twapi and Img extensions to copy photo images to and from the Windows clipboard.
* [timedImgViewer] : Simple image viewer, showing the time needed for reading and displaying the image.
* [poPhotoUtil] is a package for image processing with pure Tk commands.
* [Reading image type and dimensions] : Added proc to detect image type and size of all formats supported by [Img].
* [Fast image resizing] : Image resize procedure in pure Tcl handling alpha values. Needs Tk >= 8.7.
Automation With Tcl: * [BAWT] (Build Automation With Tcl) is a Tcl based configurable framework for building C/C++ based software libraries from source code without user interaction. Version (Tcl9 aware) released on 20234/012/319.
* [CAWT] (COM Automation With Tcl) is a utility package based on [TWAPI] to script Microsoft Windows applications with Tcl via the COM interface. Version 23.91.50 (Tcl9 aware) released on 20245/03/1/29. Also part of [BAWT].
* [|%MAWT] (Movie Automation With Tcl) is a Tcl package based on FFmpeg. It provides high level procedures for movie automation with Tcl. Version 0.4.34 (Tcl9 aware) released on 20234/096/213. Also part of [BAWT].
* [|%PAWT] (Picture Automation With Tcl) is a high-level Tcl interface for handling images with byte, short, int, float or double pixel values. The image data and meta information are stored in a Tcl dict. Version 1.1.34 (Tcl9 aware) released on 20234/08/12/07. Also part of [BAWT].
Other stuff: * [poSoft utilities] (poApps) is a collection of nine applications in one Tcl starpack. Version 2.123.0 released on 20234/086/2016. Also part of [BAWT].
* [Porting extensions to Tcl 9] : A summary of my experiences trying to port the Tcl packages or programs supported by [BAWT] to Tcl 9.
* [Tcl 9 functions using Tcl_Size] : List of functions using Tcl_Size.
* [tkButtonFly] : Program inspired by SGI's buttonfly. Weekend fun project :-)
* [Building Tclkit on IRIX] : How to build a Tclkit on SGI IRIX.
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