Sonic the Hedgehog game in pure Tcl/Tk

Difference between version 4 and 6 - Previous - Next|%'Sonac the Hedgehog'%|% is an imitation of Sega's 'Sonic the hedgehog', written in pure Tcl/Tk, with [Snack] for sound effects.

[Sonic the hedgehog game screenshots]

It runs on Linux and windows, and can run on Mac OS if you disable sound with the command line option '-sound 0'

It runs fast on Linux, and fast enough to be playable on windows, but seems to run too slowly on MacOS.

You control 'Sonac', a blue hedgehog, and your mission is to guide him through an obstacle course until he reaches the goal signpost.

You can run left and right (using Z and X or the left and right arrow keys), jump (with the space bar), and roll down steep hills (with S or the down arrow key).

The game is available on github:

There's a video of the game here on youtube:

And a video here on vidlii:

[PO] Looks good and runs fine with Tcl 9.

[dusthillresident] Thanks for trying it out and for the feedback, PO. I'll add it to the list of applications verified working in Tcl 9.

I'd also like to mention, I've just uploaded the latest version to the github (here ). This new version features very many improvements:

* improved physics and handling

* bugs fixed

* timing issues corrected, now runs a lot smoother and at a consistent speed on windows as well as on linux

* generally much more playable

I'd appreciate if you'd try it out and let me know if it works on your systems. Thank you, 
- dhr

[PO] New version runs fine with Tcl/Tk 9.0.1 on Windows 11. Tested with current [BAWT] 3.0.1 release.

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