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Vtk [http://www.kitware.com/] is a powerful engine for scientific visualization.  
It's open source.  [Karl Lehenbauer] finds it "quite amazing".

It has used Tcl/Tk as an integration platform from nearly the beginning [http://www.usenix.org/publications/library/proceedings/tcl96/martin.html] [http://public.kitware.com/VTK/pdf/dioot.pdf], however, as of 2017 '''[VTK is deprecating Tcl/Tk]'''.  It's also tightly integrated with Java and C++.

Its test suite, Dart, automates nightly regression [testing] and puts status displays on the Web [http://public.kitware.com/VTK/Testing/Dashboard/MostRecentResults-Nightly/Dashboard.html].  
It, too, is open source and is discussed further on the [testing] page of the Wiki.

| What:| vtkedit|
| Where:| http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be/%7Evtkedit/index.shtml|
| Description:| Editor for the VTk visualization toolkit|
| Updated:| 07/2001|
| Contact:| mailto:[email protected]|
| What:| Visualization Toolkit (VTk)|

| Where:| http://www.kitware.com/opensource/vtk.html <<br>> http://www.vtk.org/|

|Description:| An object-oriented 3D visualization system (3D computer graphics, image processing and visualization) written in C++ with full bindings for Tcl/Tk, Java and Python. It has rendering support for OpenGL, Starbase, GL, XGL, and X. <<br>> It will run on UNIX, Windows96 and WindowsNT. <<br>> This is the code from the Prentice Hall book "The Visualization Toolkit, an Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics" (ISBN 013199837-4).  Version 2.0 beta is currently available.|

|Updated:| 08/2001|
|Updated:| 2013-06-27  VTK 6.0.0|
|Contact:| mailto:[email protected] (Kenneth M Martin)|
|Contact:| http://www.kitware.com/company/contact.html|
| What:| VTK-CFD|

| Where:| http://www.visualizationtoolkit.org/ <<br>> http://www.aero.iitm.ernet.in/%7Eprabhu/software/vtk/vtk-cfd/ <<br>> http://www.aero.iitm.ernet.in/%7Eprabhu/software/vtk/vtkPipeline/|

| Description:| Visualization toolkit for Computational Fluid Dynamics data, written in Python and tkinter. <<br>> Currently at version 0.6 . <<br>> Also available is a Python module implementing a Visualization pipeline browser, using VTK and Tkinter. <<br>> Currently at version 1.0 .|

| Updated:| 07/2001|
| Contact:| mailto:[email protected]|
| What:| vtkGUI|
| Where:| http://www.hpc.cineca.it/software/vtkgui-visual-programming-tool-visualization-toolkit <<br>> http://sourceforge.net/projects/vtkgui/|

| Description:| vtkGUI is a free, open source program written in TCL/IncrTCL that was initially inspired by vtkPipeline and vtkShow. Its purpose is to allow quick assembly of a VTK pipeline in order to teach/learn/prototype with VTK. vtkGUI is not meant to do any robust work. However, since it can save VTK pipelines in both TCL and C++ it can be used as the starting point for any bigger application.|

| Updated:| 11/2004|
| Contact:| mailto: [email protected]|
| What:| VisuSimple|
| Where:| http://dunne.uni-hd.de/VisuSimple/|

| Description:| VisuSimple is an interactive visualization and graphics/mpeg-generation program for 2D- and 3D-data in the VTK-format. One can (among other things)|

||        *read Structured or Unstructured data files in VTK-format ("data.vtk")|
||        *visualize the grid|
||        *visualize isolines (isosurfaces)|
||        *visualize carpets of 2d scalar data, shading|
||        *visualize vectorfields as arrows, multiple arrowtypes can be chosen from|
||        *make simple animations|

| Updated:| 12/2006|
| Contact:| mailto: [email protected] |

----VTKit [http://www.bioengineering-research.com/vtk/vtkit.htm] is a tclkit extended with the vtk 5.5 libraries for the Windows(tm) platform.

----Two VTK books are freely available for download :

- VTK User’s Guide [https://www.vtk.org/vtk-users-guide/]

- Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics [https://www.vtk.org/vtk-textbook/]

http://www.comp.leeds.ac.uk/djd/graphs/%|%Graph Visualization Library%|%: a library of filters for visualizing large graphs.  Includes Tcl/Tk example scripts.

<<categories>> Package | Graphics | 3D Graphics | Visualization