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[[Information on this page needs refreshed, given that during 2007 the entire engine was replaced with [wubwikit]. ]]

Wikit is the Wiki engine used in the Tclers Wiki (see [About the Wiki]), but it can be used in a number of other ways:
   * as a CGI process (see [Wikit under CGI]), in which case it becomes a part of your web server - making collaborative editing possible
   * it can be used standalone, running locally with a Tcl/Tk graphical front end (see [Wikit in local mode]) - providing includes a high-performance search facility and making it very easy to browse and edit information off-line.
   * via its own embedded web server (see [How to grow your own Wiki]) - allowing you to run a web based wiki even on platforms without a web server - such as a Windows desktop!
   * embedded in your application - providing a hyperlinked and searchable help system (see [adding the wikit to your script]).

The name "Wikit" can be interpreted in two ways:
    1. An implementation of [Wiki] in [Tcl]
    2. An implementation of [Wiki] using [Metakit].

Both are accurate.

Wikit itself is fully self contained in a single platform-independent file, called a [Starkit]  It requires a platform-dependent runtime called [Tclkit]. The contents of the Wiki are contained in a single file [Metakit] database.

One useful application is to provide a local copy of [the Tcler's Wiki] - see [wiki database for offline use]

''You can't see the full size of the file until the download is done. In case you're wondering, wikit.gz had 5,640 Kb on July 14, 2003. 6,500 Kb in December, 2003. 7,500 Kb in February, 2004. 8,500 in May, 2004. And growing. It hit 9638 KB in February 13, 2005. On November 10, 2005 the size is 10,928 Kb. On September 25 2006, the size is 14,500 Kb. On January 17, 2007, the size is 15,939,580 bytes! There are over 17,880 pages, and over 44 megabytes of page text.'' 

The wikit home page is
There is also a repository at

Other pages on this wiki are:

   * [Wikit Command Line] - how to look inside a Starkit
   * [Suggestions for Wikit] - things that would be useful to add
   * [Wikit problems] - things that ought to be fixed
   * [Wikit's performance] - some notes on Wikit's efficiency
   * [Wikit configuration] - describes all the CGI env-var options
   * [Searching and bookmarking URLs on the Tcl'ers Wiki] - describes searching
   * [Formatting Rules] - what can you do on a Wikit page?
   * [Embedding Images in the Wiki]
   * [Adding images to local mode wikis]
   * [Wikit is way cool]
   * [How to grow your own Wiki]
   * [WikIndent] - a script to add a space in front for source code submits
   * [Some Wikit scripts] - using Tcl to go beyond what wikit offers
   * [AKG Wikit] - an extended version of Wikit by Alistair Grant
   * [Wikit page references as attributes]
   * how to setup [WikitOnPocketPC] and [WikitOnPalmOS]
   * [Wikit User Names] - how to add your name or initials to a page when you change it
   * [Indexing and Searching the Wikit with Xapian]
   * [wikit db repair]

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