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[JM] 10/13/2018 -|%plink%|%:
a command-line interface to the PuTTY back ends

I found the following code for a [Poor Man's Expect] for windows which runs by driving plink.exe:
W        #!/bin/sh
        # plink.tcl
        proc waitTime {time} {
        after $time {set a 0 }
        vwait a
        proc openPipe {pipestr} {
        global exePath
        if {[info exists exePath]==0 } {
                set exePath "."
        set currentPath [pwd]
        cd $exePath
        set channel [open "|plink.exe $pipestr" r+]
        cd $currentPath
        fconfigure $channel -block 0 -buffering none -buffersize 1 -encoding utf-8
        fileevent $channel readable [list getEcho $channel]
        return $channel
        proc getEcho {channel} {
        variable ${channel}read
        if [catch {
                set s [read $channel]
                #puts -nonewline $s
                append ${channel}read $s
        } errmsg ] {
                puts stderr "getEcho error := $errmsg"
        proc connect { protocol remoteip username password} {
        set url "-$protocol -l $username -pw $password $remoteip "
        set channel [openPipe $url]
        variable ${channel}read
        set ${channel}read ""
        set timeout 0
        while {1} {
        if {[regexp "#|>" [set ${channel}read]]>0} {
        } elseif {$timeout > 12000} {
                puts stderr "connect $url : timeout "
        waitTime 100
        incr timeout 100
        regsub -nocase -all {\e\[\?\d{1,4}h|\e\[\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2}){0,2}m|\e\(B\e\[m} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read
        puts [set ${channel}read ]
        return $channel
        proc sendCommand {channel str args} {
        variable ${channel}read
        puts -nonewline $channel $str
        puts -nonewline $channel "\r"
        set ${channel}read ""
        set readflush ""
        set timeout 0
        waitTime 100
        if {[llength $args]>0} {
                set m "$args|#|>"
        } else {
                set m "#|>"
        while {1} {
                if {[regexp $m [set ${channel}read]] > 0} {
                } elseif {$timeout>10000} {
                        if {[expr $timeout%3000]==0} {
                        if {$readflush==[set ${channel}read]} {
                                puts "execute command : $str timeout"
                                set readflush [set ${channel}read]
                waitTime 100
                incr timeout 100
        #regsub -nocase -all "~#" [set ${channel}read] "->" ${channel}read ;#?~#????->
        regsub -nocase -all {\e\[\?\d{1,4}h|\e\[\d{1,2}(;\d{1,2}){0,2}m|\e\(B\e\[m} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read
        regsub {.*?\n} [set ${channel}read] "" ${channel}read ;#???????
        if {[llength $args]<1 && [regexp -all {(.*?)(\n)} [set ${channel}read]] >0 } {
                set i 1
                set c ""
                set a [split [set ${channel}read] "\n"]
                foreach x $a {
                        if {$i<[llength $a]} {
                                incr i
                                append c $x "\n"
                set ${channel}read [string trimright $c "\n"]
        # puts [set ${channel}read ]
        return [set ${channel}read]
        proc tclclose {channel} {
        fileevent $channel readable {}
        if [catch {
                exec taskkill /F /IM plink.exe
                #close $channel
        } errmsg ] {
                puts "close plink error : $errmsg"
                return false;
        return true;
        set ch [connect ssh root 123]
        puts [sendCommand $ch "ls -ll"]
        tclclose $ch
 TCL Automation SSH Interactive
 There are a lot of ssh tools, but they can be easily applied to automation scripts, which can be easily adapted to any environment.
 There are very few tcl tools for ssh interactive login.
 The following is an automated script that is satisfactory for individuals in the tcl automation process.
 ssh command interaction by sub-packaging plink.exe
 plink.exe login to the Linux server through the command line, tcl calls plink through cmd mode
 plink.exe is placed in the current directory of the script

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