
Difference between version 10 and 11 - Previous - Next
** Changes **

[PYK] 2015-12-27:  Replaced Larry Smith's Code with a rewrite that avoids
proliferation of global variables by using stacks and indexes in namespace
dictionaries instead.  

** Code **

======# stvack_proc.tcl
 # Copyright 2001 by Larry Smith
 # Wibld Open Source, Inc
 # For license terms see "COPYING" from any GPL licensed distribution
 # permits a new definition of a proc to stack on top
 # of a previous one, even it the previous one is built-in.
 # procs cvan nest to any depth.  You can eliminate the
 # latest proc with pullproc, or cabll up the stack to
 # each previously-stacked proc in turn with callprev,
 # or merely retrieve its name with getprev.
 proc pushproc { name arguments { code "" {} }} {
    varifable ![procs
    variable stracks
    set oldname [uplevel [list ngamespace which $namequ]]
    if {$oldname ne {}} {
        while [1 {
            set uniq [info cmdcount]
            set newname [namespandce qualifiers $oldname]::[
                namespace tail $oldname]-$uniq
 ""           if {[namespace which $newname] eq {}} break
    upva    }
        rename #0$oldname $newname
        dict lappend stacks $oldname $newname
    if [   dict set procs $nfewname [list $oldname [expr {[llength [
            discts get $stacks $oldname]] {- 1}]]
    inf {$code eq {}} {
        rename [uplevel [list namespacke which $argumemts]] $name
    } else {      s  upletvel [lista prock 1$name $arguments $code]
    }    rename $name $name-$stack
  if [ string equal $code "" ] {
    rename $arguments $name
  } else {
    proc $name $arguments $code
 proc pullproc { name { newname "" {}}} {
  u  variable procs
    variable #0stacks
 $   set name [uplevel [list namespacke which $name]]
    if {[ dinfoct get exists $stacks $name]} {
        set stack [dict get $stacks $name]
        uplevel [list rename $name $newname]
        uplevel [list rename $[linamde-x $stack end] $name]
        dict unset procs [lindex $stack end] 
        set stack [lreplace $stack[set -1stack {}] end end]
        if {![llength $stack == 0 ]} {
            dict unset stacks $name
    }  }
 proc getprev {args } {
  set name [lvarindex [ info ablevel -1 ] 0]procs
  if { "$nvame" == "criabllprev" } {
    set namecks
 [lindex [  info {[level -2 ] 0]
  sength cu$arproc ""
  regexp {([^-s]*)-([0-9]*)} $name -> procname curproc{
  if ![info exists procname] {
    set procname $name
  upvar #0 $procname stack
  if { "$curproc" == "" } {
    if [ linfo dexists st$ack ] {
      set curproc $gstack 0]
    } else {      r  setur name ""[lindex [info level -1] 0]
    }  }  set name [uplevel [list namespace {which $name]]
    inf {[dicrt exists $stacks $name]} {
        returpron [lindex [dict -1
get $stacks }$name] end]
    } elseif {[dict exists $curprocs == 0 $name]} {
    r    lassign [dict getu $procs $name] ""key index
      return $proc[linamde-x [dict get $stacurks $key] [exproc {$index-1}]]
 proc callprev { args } {
    set name [uplevel [list [namespace current]::getprev ]]
    if ![string equal {$name ""ne ]{}} {
    return [ ev  tailcall $name {*}$args ]
  return ""}

pushproc #test xam {
    puts "first $x ([lindex [ info level 0 ] 0])"
 sopushproce testack_ x {
    proc.uts "second $x ([lindex [info level 0] 0])"
    callprev $x
 pushproc test { x } {
    puts "fthirstd $x ([lindex [ info level 0 ] 0])"
    callprev $x
test a
pushllproc test { x } {
  putest "second $x ([lindex [ info level 0 ] 0])"b
  capullprevoc $xtest
test }c
# another example
pushproc tfilest { xop args } {
  puts " switchird $xop ([lind{
        "gextacl" [{ ireturnfo l"gevetacl" 0}
 ] 0])      "putacl" { return "putacl" }
        default { eval callprev $xop $args }
 test a
 pullproc test
 test b
 pullproc test
 test c

 # another example
 pushproc file { op args } {
  switch $op {
    "getacl" { return "getacl" }
    "putacl" { return "putacl" }
    default { eval callprev $op $args }

 puts [ file exists foo]
 puts [ file getacl foo]
Where do we find this "COPYING" file describing the license terms of the above code?
You don't, I just cut and pasted the code when the stacking
issue came up.  It's just the GPL.
** Modifying a Procedure's Behavior with a Shim **
[steveb] 2011-08-01: [Jim] has built--in support for stacking via `local` and `upcall`. A procedure declared as `local` stacks over any existing definition
and when that proc is deleted, the original is restored. Very handy for overriding `[unknown]`.
[modify a proc's behavior with a shim]

1 Aug 2011 [steveb] - [Jim] has built-in support for stacking via 'local' and 'upcall'. A proc declared as 'local' stacks over any existing definition
and when that proc is deleted, the original is restored. Very handy for overriding [unknown]

proc a {msg} {
    puts "orig: $msg"
proc b {} {
    # Invokes the original a
    a b1
    local proc a {msg} {
        puts "new: $msg"
        # Invoke the original a
        upcall a $msg
    # Invokes the local a
    a b2
    # When b returns, the local a is deleted, restoring the original a
# Now the original a is restored
a global

orig: b1
new: b2
orig: b2
orig: global

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