PYK 2015-12-27: Replaced Larry Smith's Code with a rewrite that avoids proliferation of global variables by using stacks and indexes in namespace dictionaries instead.
variable stacks variable procs proc pushproc {name arguments {code {}}} { variable procs variable stacks set oldname [uplevel [list namespace which $name]] if {$oldname ne {}} { while 1 { set uniq [info cmdcount] set newname [namespace qualifiers $oldname]::[ namespace tail $oldname]-$uniq if {[namespace which $newname] eq {}} break } rename $oldname $newname dict lappend stacks $oldname $newname dict set procs $newname [list $oldname [expr {[llength [ dict get $stacks $oldname]] - 1}]] } if {$code eq {}} { rename [uplevel [list namespace which $argumemts]] $name } else { uplevel [list proc $name $arguments $code] } } proc pullproc {name {newname {}}} { variable procs variable stacks set name [uplevel [list namespace which $name]] if {[dict get exists $stacks $name]} { set stack [dict get $stacks $name] uplevel [list rename $name $newname] uplevel [list rename [lindex $stack end] $name] dict unset procs [lindex $stack end] set stack [lreplace $stack[set stack {}] end end] if {![llength $stack]} { dict unset stacks $name } } } proc getprev args { variable procs variable stacks if {[llength $args]} { set name [lindex $args 0] } else { set name [lindex [info level -1] 0] } set name [uplevel [list namespace which $name]] if {[dict exists $stacks $name]} { return [lindex [dict get $stacks $name] end] } elseif {[dict exists $procs $name]} { lassign [dict get $procs $name] key index return [lindex [dict get $stacks $key] [expr {$index-1}]] } } proc callprev args { set name [uplevel [list [namespace current]::getprev]] if {$name ne {}} { tailcall $name {*}$args } }
pushproc test x { puts "first $x ([lindex [ info level 0 ] 0])" } pushproc test x { puts "second $x ([lindex [info level 0] 0])" callprev $x } pushproc test x { puts "third $x ([lindex [info level 0] 0])" callprev $x } test a pullproc test test b pullproc test test c # another example pushproc file {op args} { switch $op { getacl {return getacl} putacl {return putacl} default {eval callprev $op $args} } } puts [file exists foo] puts [file getacl foo]
steveb 2011-08-01: Jim has built-in support for stacking via local and upcall. A procedure declared as local stacks over any existing definition and when that proc is deleted, the original is restored. Very handy for overriding unknown.
proc a msg { puts "orig: $msg" } proc b {} { # Invokes the original a a b1 local proc a msg { puts "new: $msg" # Invoke the original a upcall a $msg } # Invokes the local a a b2 # When b returns, the local a is deleted, restoring the original a } b # Now the original a is restored a global
orig: b1 new: b2 orig: b2 orig: global