Arjen Markus (20 april 2013) Here is a little script to create a window that slowly fades and then vanishes. Some e-mail programs (Thunderbird) for instance use this type of window when a new e-mail arrives.
(Note: the fading window appears in the lower-right corner)
# fading.tcl -- # Create a transient window that slowly fades away # toplevel .fading wm overrideredirect .fading 1 wm geometry .fading -0-0 raise .fading pack [label .fading.label -text "Slowly fade away ..."] tkwait visibility .fading proc fade {w degree} { wm attributes $w -alpha $degree if { $degree > 0 } { after 200 [list fade $w [expr {$degree-0.05}]] } else { destroy $w } } after 1000 {fade .fading 1.0}
Kevin Walzer: The fading alogrithm is useful for other things also, such as a Cocoa-style popover on Mac.