Richard Suchenwirth 2004-09-25 - An XML document is called valid if it complies to a specification. In the SGML heritage, specifications in DTD format were used. However, as the language of DTDs is not the same as XML, they are considered old-fashioned now, and it's fancier to validate against XML Schemas (XSDs), which are themselves written in XML. At work I'm dealing more and more with XML documents, and there are defined XSDs too, but actual validation happens much too rarely, letting errors creep in. So I chose an XSD validator for this weekend's fun project, and experimented with the examples presented on .
I'm well aware that there's many more devils lurking in the details, but my first target was reached - to validate their example XML with the example XSD, and show that deviations from the Schema caused validation to fail (throwing an error with a hopefully readable message). I then proceeded to add some more xs:restrictions, except for xs:whiteSpace, which seems more like a processing instruction than a restriction to me. If you want to use this code, just add those features that you need but I neglected :)
This project of course uses tdom for XML parsing, so we can rely on that the XML is at least well-formed, but otherwise operates on the "asList" format that makes it easy to process data in pure Tcl. In the code below, note that "kids" is used for the more conventional "children", to reduce typing.
Tests at
package require tdom proc validateFile {filename {schema ""}} { set doc [file2list $filename] foreach {name atts -} $doc break if {$schema eq ""} { set schema [keyget $atts xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation] } if {$schema eq ""} {error "no schema given"} unset -nocomplain ::def readSchema $schema is-a $name $doc } proc file2list filename { set doc [dom parse [readfile $filename]] set root [$doc documentElement] foreach i [$root selectNodes //comment()] {$i delete} ;# (1) K [$root asList] [$doc delete] }
This returns the value of a key from a {key val key val...} dict-like list, or else the specified default:
proc keyget {list key {default ""}} { foreach {k v} $list {if {$k eq $key} {return $v}} return $default }
#-- Contents of a file as a string
Reading a schema involves keeping track of pathnames, as a schema might include another one, addressed with relative path. I use a global stack for paths, and implement the XSD elements as Tcl procs, so they can be directly eval-led.
proc readSchema filename { lappend ::Stack [file join [pwd] [file dir $filename]] eval [file2list $filename] set ::Stack [lrange $::Stack 0 end-1] } proc K {a b} {set a}
This is the core of validation: it retrieves the definitions from the global def array, and sees whether they're met by the input data. For detecting undefined attributes, I place all into an array, and cancel out those that were checked by xs:attribute (or are allowed in general, by xmlns bureaucracy...) This however is done only if "is-a" isn't just recursing from element to type name.
proc is-a {typename data} { if [info exists ::def($typename)] { set typename $::def($typename) } match? $typename $data } proc match? {definition data} { if {[lindex $definition 0 0] eq "is-a"} { return [is-a [lindex $definition 0 1] $data] } if {[llength [lindex $data 1]] % 2 == 0} { array set atts [lindex $data 1] foreach i {xmlns xmlns:xsi xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation} { array unset atts $i } } else {set atts {}} foreach condition $definition { if {[lindex $condition 0] eq "#comment"} continue if {[lindex $condition 0] eq "string"} { lset condition 0 xs:string } if ![eval $condition [list $data]] { error "bad data '$data' for $condition" } if [string match *attribute [lindex $condition 0]] { array unset atts [keyget [lindex $condition 1] name] } #-- Attributes can also be inside a complexType if [string match *complexType [lindex $condition 0]] { foreach part [lindex $condition 2] { if [string match *attribute [lindex $part 0]] { array unset atts [keyget [lindex $part 1] name] } } } } if {[array get atts] ne ""} { error "undefined attribute(s) '[array get atts]' in $data" } return 1 }
The asList format makes it easy to implement XSD elements as Tcl commands. As in XML just a single colon indicates namespace, this is not in conflict with Tcl namespaces, but is part of the name. Here they are, in roughly alphabetic order:
proc xs:annotation args {} proc xs:attribute {atts kids data} { set name [keyget $atts name] set dataatts [lindex $data 1] if {[keyget $atts use] eq "required" && [keyget $dataatts $name -none-] eq "-none-"} { error "missing required attribute '$name' in $data" } is-a [keyget $atts type] [keyget $dataatts $name] } proc xs:attributeGroup {atts kids {data -}} { set name [keyget $atts name] if {$name ne ""} { set ::def($name) $kids } else { #is-a [keyget $atts ref] $data ;# TODO return 1 } } proc xs:boolean x {in {true false 0 1} $x} proc xs:complexContent {atts kids data} { foreach kid $kids {eval $kid [list $data]} return 1 } proc xs:element {atts kids} { set name [keyget $atts name] if [llength $kids] { set ::def($name) $kids } else { set ::def($name) [list [list is-a [keyget $atts type]]] } } proc xs:enumeration {atts kids data} { set value [keyget $atts value] expr {[string equal $value $data] || [string equal $value [lindex $data 2 0 1]]} } proc xs:extension {atts kids data} { set base [keyget $atts base] set xkids [concat [lindex $::def($base) 0 2] [lindex $kids 0 2]] xs:sequence {} $xkids $data } proc xs:include {atts kids} { set path [lindex $::Stack end] set loc [keyget $atts xs:schemaLocation] if {$loc eq ""} {set loc [keyget $atts schemaLocation]} readSchema [file join $path $loc] } proc xs:fractionDigits {atts - data} { regexp {(\.([0-9]*))?$} [lindex $data 2 0 1] - - digits expr [string length $digits] <= [keyget $atts value] }
Some restrictions are so similar that I found it better to define a generic handler, and specialize that by aliasing in the comparison operator:
proc generic'length'bound {op atts - data} { expr [string length [lindex $data 2 0 1]] $op [keyget $atts value] } interp alias {} xs:length {} generic'length'bound == interp alias {} xs:maxLength {} generic'length'bound <= interp alias {} xs:minLength {} generic'length'bound >= proc generic'numeric'bound {op atts - data} { expr [lindex $data 2 0 1] $op [keyget $atts value] } interp alias {} xs:maxExclusive {} generic'numeric'bound < interp alias {} xs:maxInclusive {} generic'numeric'bound <= interp alias {} xs:minExclusive {} generic'numeric'bound > interp alias {} xs:minInclusive {} generic'numeric'bound >= proc generic'string'test {type data} { expr {[string is $type -strict [lindex $data 2 0 1]] || [string is $type -strict $data]} } interp alias {} xs:decimal {} generic'string'test double interp alias {} xs:double {} generic'string'test double interp alias {} xs:float {} generic'string'test double interp alias {} xs:int {} generic'string'test int foreach type {xs:string xs:anyURI xs:language xs:NMTOKEN xs:date} { interp alias {} $type {} K 1 ;# always true :-) } proc xs:integer x {expr {![catch {incr x 0}]}} proc xs:positiveInteger x {expr {[incr x 0]>0}}
So far I've not seen cases where XSD regular expressions differ from Tcl's, so this quick shot is sufficient for now:
proc xs:pattern {atts kids data} { set re ^[keyget $atts value]$ expr {[regexp $re $data] || [regexp $re [lindex $data 2 0 1]]} }
The restriction code got a bit bloated by the fact that most restrictions are to be combined with "and" (i.e. all must match), while enumeration restrictions go by "or" (i.e. one must match):
proc xs:restriction {atts kids data} { set base [keyget $atts base] set x [lindex $data 2 0 1] set r [expr {$base eq "string"? 1: [is-a $base $x]}] if !$r {return 0} set enum [expr {![string match *enumeration* $kids]}] foreach condition $kids { if [string match "*enumeration" [lindex $condition 0]] { incr enum [eval $condition [list $data]] } else { if {![eval $condition [list $data]]} {return 0} } } return $enum } proc in {list element} {expr {[lsearch -exact $list $element]>=0}} proc xs:schema {atts kids} { set namespace [extract'namespace $atts] if {$namespace ne ""} { set ::def(_ns_) $namespace: } else {set ::def(_ns_) ""} foreach kid $kids {eval $kid} } proc extract'namespace atts { foreach {key value} $atts { if [string match xmlns:* $key] {return [string range $key 6 end]} } }
For validating sequences of elements, I convert the XSD data to a regular expression, so that
regexp {(foo ){1,1}(bar ){1,}(grill ){0,1}} {foo bar bar } -> 1 proc xs:sequence {atts kids data} { set re "" foreach kid $kids { set name [lindex $kid 0] if { $name eq "#comment"} continue if ![string match *element $name] { error "bad kid $kid" } set atts [lindex $kid 1] set name [keyget $atts name] if {$name eq ""} {set name [keyget $atts ref]} if ![info exists ::def($name)] {eval $kid} set type($name) [keyget $atts type] if {$type($name) eq ""} {set type($name) $name} set min [keyget $atts minOccurs 1] set max [string map {unbounded ""} [keyget $atts maxOccurs 1]] append re "($name ){$min,$max}" } set skimmed [skim [lindex $data 2]] if ![regexp ^$re$ "$skimmed "] { error "sequence mismatch $re - $skimmed" } foreach testkid [lindex $data 2] { set name [lindex $testkid 0] if {$name eq "#comment"} continue is-a $type($name) $testkid } return 1 } proc xs:simpleType {atts kids {data -none-}} { set name [keyget $atts name] if {$name ne ""} { set ::def($name) $kids if {$::def(_ns_) ne ""} {set ::def($::def(_ns_)$name) $kids} return 1 } else { match? $kids $data } } interp alias {} xs:complexType {} xs:simpleType proc xs:totalDigits {atts kids data} { set value [keyget $atts value] set x [lindex $data 2 0 1] expr {[string is digit $x] && [string length $x] == $value} } proc xs:unsignedByte x { expr {$x*1>=0 && $x<256} } proc xs:unsignedInt x { if {[llength $x]==3} {set x [lindex $x 2 0 1]} expr {[incr x 0]>=0} } proc #comment args {} ;#-- just ignore them
This returns the first elements (names) of a list of lists, e.g.
skim {{a 1} {b 2 3 4} {c 5 6}} -> {a b c}
proc skim list { set res {} foreach element $list { set name [lindex $element 0] if {$name eq "#comment"} continue lappend res $name } set res }
#-- Debug helper
proc ! args { puts !!$args for {set i [info level]} {$i>=0} {incr i -1} { puts $i:[info level $i] } }
#-- This prepares for schemas using the xsd: or no namespace:
foreach cmd [info commands xs:*] { interp alias {} xsd:[string range $cmd 3 end] {} $cmd if {$cmd eq "xs:string"} continue interp alias {} [string range $cmd 3 end] {} $cmd } #foreach test {po.xml ship.xml greeting.xml directory.xml} { # puts $test:[validateFile $test] #} validateFile [lindex $argv 0] [lindex $argv 1]
SEH 10/7/04 -- I tried to validate an xml document using the generic schema at , and I got an error "invalid command name xs:import"
RS: Well, I didn't claim completeness, and obviously there is no implementation for xs:import yet. The W3C Schema has so many nooks and crannies that I didn't bother with all... just being happy that simple examples worked. But I'll look at xs:import later today.
CO: 11/4/04 -- This is great! I had to change xs:boolean a bit...
Am working on adding an xs:dateTime and xs:duration.
The validator seems to fail if the schema contains comments (!--) that span multiple lines. RS 2008-07-07: Right. But as comments can appear in very many places in XML, independent of validation, I found it is easiest to just remove them from the DOM tree right after parsing:
foreach i [$root selectNodes //comment()] {$i delete}
I've added that marked as ;# (1) in proc file2list above.
BC - 2009-09-08 08:11:45
Is there an accepted way to do XSD validation these days? I notice some time (ok 5 years) has passed since this little post, and yet half a day of research hasn't turned up anything conclusive.
CL responds that he's collecting notes [L1 ] on the same subject.