info , a built-in command, provides information about the state of a Tcl interpreter.
With info, you can find out about your Tcl environment. For example
proc ls {{ns ::} {all no}} { puts [list namespace $ns] foreach child [namespace children $ns] { if {{all} eq $all} { list $child all } { puts [list namespace $child] } } set pat [set ns]::* foreach proc [info procs $pat] { puts [list proc $proc] } foreach var [info vars $pat] { if {[array exists $var]} { puts [list array $var] } { puts [list variable $var] } } }
now what would be a good way of extending that to list the significant symbols in interps?
See tkinspect
In How can I tell where a proc was called , comp.lang.tcl, 2001-05-30, in response to a question about finding a way to tell who called a particular proc, Bruce Hartweg wrote (modified):
# quick tester: proc who_called {} { puts [list {I was called from} [ lindex [info level -1] 0] {but first call was to} [ lindex [info level 1] 0]] } proc a {} who_called proc b {} who_called proc c {} who_called proc d {} a proc e n {$n} # end
% a {I was called from} a {but first call was to} a % b {I was called from} b {but first call was to} b % c {I was called from} c {but first call was to} c % e a {I was called from} a {but first call was to} e % e b {I was called from} b {but first call was to} e % e c {I was called from} c {but first call was to} e % e d {I was called from} a {but first call was to} e
Will Taylor writes:
I find a backtrace useful -- putting these two stmts in the proc in question:
set backtrace {} getBackTrace backtrace puts stderr [list [info level 0] [join $backtrace { => }]]
Here is the backtrace proc:
proc getBackTrace backTraceRef { upvar $backTraceRef backTrace set startLevel [expr {[info level] - 2}] for {set level 1} {$level <= $startLevel} {incr level} { lappend backTrace [lindex [info level $level] 0] } }
The Bag of algorithms makes a couple of mentions of backtracing, and even has other uses of info ... .
AM: A common idiom that I use:
set scriptdir [file dirname [info script]]
so that I know where my other scripts or data files that need to be sourced/read are located.
Another use: detect the difference between running the script on its own or as a package:
if {[file tail [info script]] eq [file tail $::argv0]} { # The script is running on its own! }
There is one particular caveat: the command will return an empty string when it is called in an event handler - then there is no script being "sourced" anymore! So, save the result when you need it later on (that is: later on in the process, not later in the source file).