Arjen Markus (31 october 2021) I was intrigued by a small Fortran program that presents a doughnut shape in ASCII art. The idea has been implemented in all manner of languages, as a quick search on the internet shows. Rather than transcribing it literally and create yet another ASCII art producing program in Tcl, I thought it would be nice to use the canvas instead.
The transcription was straightforward - just a bit of juggling the size of the rectangles to get a nice display. Perhaps the hardest part was to determine the colours to be used in stead of the characters. I opted for a sequence of red shades and to calculate the RGb values rather than via named colours, it is far easier that way ;).
Here is the code, it leaves some holes in the images, because the rectangles do not cover the doughnut shape contiguously, but I think it is a charming aspect.
# ascii-donut.tcl -- # Transcription of the "ASCII-Donut-Fortran" code to Tcl/Tk # The souerce code that I transcribed is at: # # # Rather than ASCII art it uses the canvas # set scale 3 set width [expr {80 * $scale}] ;# 80 * 3 = 240 -> factor 3 set height [expr {22 * $scale}] ;# 22 * 3 = 66 -> factor 10 pack [canvas .c -width [expr {4 * $width}] -height [expr {10 * $height}] -bg black] # # Create the rectangles # set wdelta 4 set hdelta 10 for {set h 0} {$h < $height} {incr h} { for {set w 0} {$w < $width} {incr w} { set x1 [expr {$w * $wdelta}] set x2 [expr {$x1 + $wdelta}] set y1 [expr {$h * $hdelta}] set y2 [expr {$y1 + $hdelta}] lappend id [.c create rectangle $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 -fill black -outline {} -tag ID] lappend z_buffer_0 0.0 } } # # Create the shades for the doughnut # for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} { set x1 [expr {50*$i}] set x2 [expr {$x1 + 49}] set r [expr {100 + (155 * min($i,6)) / 6}] set b [expr { int(255 * sqrt($i/12.0))}] set g $b lappend colours [format "#%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x" $r $g $b] } set speed 0.4 set tau [expr {3.14159 * 2.0}] set angle_x 0.0 set angle_y 0.0 console show while {1} { set z_buffer $z_buffer_0 .c itemconfigure ID -fill black set theta 0.0 while { $theta < $tau } { set phi 0.0 while { $phi < $tau } { set sinphi [expr { sin($phi) }] set costheta [expr { cos($theta) }] set cosjthetap2 [expr { $costheta+2.0 }] set sinax [expr { sin($angle_x) }] set sintheta [expr { sin($theta) }] set cosax [expr { cos($angle_x) }] set cosphi [expr { cos($phi) }] set cosay [expr { cos($angle_y) }] set sinay [expr { sin($angle_y) }] set mess [expr { 1.00 / ($sinphi*$cosjthetap2*$sinax + $sintheta*$cosax + 5.0) }] set t [expr { $sinphi*$cosjthetap2*$cosax - $sintheta*$sinax }] set xcrd [expr { int(40.0*$scale+$scale*30.0*$mess*($cosphi*$cosjthetap2*$cosay - $t*$sinay)) }] set ycrd [expr { int($scale*12.0+$scale*15.0*$mess*($cosphi*$cosjthetap2*$sinay + $t*$cosay)) }] set idx [expr { $xcrd+$width*$ycrd }] set lum [expr { int(8.0*(($sintheta*$sinax - $sinphi*$costheta*$cosax)*$cosay-$sinphi*$costheta*$sinax - $sintheta*$cosax-$cosphi *$costheta*$sinay)) }] if { $height > $ycrd && $ycrd > 0 && $xcrd > 0 && $width > $xcrd && $mess > [lindex $z_buffer $idx] } { lset z_buffer $idx $mess if { $lum > 0 } { .c itemconfigure $idx -fill [lindex $colours $lum] } else { .c itemconfigure $idx -fill [lindex $colours 0] } } set phi [expr { $phi + 0.02 }] } set theta [expr {$theta + 0.07 }] } set angle_x [expr { $angle_x+0.04*$speed }] set angle_y [expr { $angle_y+0.04*$speed }] after 200 { set next 1 } vwait next }