TABLE OF CONTENTS (Specific Packages):
Tclx - for_file
When I am using "for_file" in windows version TCL/TK then I am getting error like invalid command name "for_file" while executing for_file std_msg c:/Tool/iisver {break}
Is for_file command is not exist in windows version, if so, then what's the best way to use in windows instead of for_file ?
lv for_file is a part of tclx. Make certain you have downloaded and installed that extension, and that your application includes a line such as
package require Tclx
before you use for_file.
RS: If you can't get TclX, see the for_file page.
Tclx - ctoken
And another question is related to "ctoken". ctoken in windows version tcl/tk not working why? Is there any another method replacing this in windows version tcl/tk?
Could you kindly suggest me.
lv ctoken is a part of tclx, not of tcl. After you do a package require Tclx ; does that help any?