Title: Hacking TiVo: The Expansion, Enhancement and Development Starter Kit
Author: Jeff Keegan Pages: 500 Publisher: Wiley Publishing, Inc. ISBN: 0764543369
Note: apparently you can only get this book from Amazon.
According to [L1 ], it seems TiVo hacking is done in Java. Am I missing something? I thought TiVo was a Tcl platform. -- Chris Nelson
LV There are plenty of other references to true hacking taking place in Tcl. It appears that rather than use a Tcl interface as their published API, they went instead to Java.
Interesting additional note - I was just over at http://tivohme.sf.net/ and the first white paper I see shows C code for a particular function; so apparently not everything is being done in Java.
TV The title sounds like a turbocharged TRS80 with hyperdrive and microcontroller devkit to me...
See also Company: TiVo Inc.