ulis, 2003-09-29. Updated 2003-09-30.
Deprecated, 2003-12-07. See Blurring an image (faster proc).
Please, before running the script:
# blur package namespace eval ::blur \ { namespace export blur # blur image proc proc blur {image {blur 0.1}} \ { variable {} # get coef if {$blur < 0.0 || $blur > 1.0} \ { error "blur should be between 0.0 and 1.0" } set neighbur [expr {int($blur * 4.0)}] # get image size set height [image height $image] set width [image width $image] # get pixels set (data) [$image data] set data {} for {set y 0} {$y < $height} {incr y} \ { set row {} for {set x 0} {$x < $width} {incr x} \ { # blur pixel set pixel [pixel $x $y $width $height $blur $neighbur] lappend row [eval format #%02x%02x%02x $pixel] } lappend data $row } unset (data) set image [image create photo] $image put $data return $image } # blur pixel proc proc pixel {x y maxx maxy blur neighbur} \ { variable {} # get pixel & neighbour if {$neighbur == 0} { set rgb0 [rgb $x $y] } \ else { set rgb0 [pixel $x $y $maxx $maxy $blur [expr {$neighbur - 1}]] } set rgb [list 0 0 0] set list1 [list 0] incr neighbur for {set i 1} {$i <= $neighbur} {incr i} \ { lappend list1 $i -$i } set list1 [lrange $list1 0 end-1] set list2 [list $neighbur -$neighbur] set n 0 foreach i $list1 \ { foreach j $list2 \ { set x1 [expr {$x + $i}] set y1 [expr {$y + $j}] if {$x1 < 0 || $x1 >= $maxx || $y1 < 0 || $y1 >= $maxy} { continue } ladd rgb [rgb $x1 $y1] incr n } } foreach j $list1 \ { foreach i $list2 \ { set x1 [expr {$x + $i}] set y1 [expr {$y + $j}] if {$x1 < 0 || $x1 >= $maxx || $y1 < 0 || $y1 >= $maxy} { continue } ladd rgb [rgb $x1 $y1] incr n } } lmultiply rgb $blur ldivide rgb $n lmultiply rgb0 [expr {1.0 - $blur}] ladd rgb $rgb0 lround rgb return $rgb } # add components proc ladd {rgb1_name rgb2} \ { upvar $rgb1_name rgb1 foreach i {0 1 2} \ { lset rgb1 $i [expr [lindex $rgb1 $i] + [lindex $rgb2 $i]] } } # multiply components proc lmultiply {rgb_name factor} \ { upvar $rgb_name rgb foreach i {0 1 2} \ { lset rgb $i [expr [lindex $rgb $i] * $factor] } } # divide components proc ldivide {rgb_name factor} \ { upvar $rgb_name rgb foreach i {0 1 2} \ { lset rgb $i [expr [lindex $rgb $i] / $factor] } } # round components proc lround {rgb_name} \ { upvar $rgb_name rgb foreach i {0 1 2} \ { lset rgb $i [expr round([lindex $rgb $i])] } } # get a rgb list proc rgb {x y} \ { variable {} set pixel [lindex [lindex $(data) $y] $x] scan $pixel #%2x%2x%2x r g b return [list $r $g $b] } } # ============= # demo # ============= set blur1 0.2 set blur2 0.4 wm title . "blur $blur1 - $blur2" package require Tk namespace import ::blur::blur image create photo _img_ -file flower1.gif set width [image width _img_] set height [image height _img_] set width2 [expr {$width * 2}] pack [canvas .c -height $height -width $width2] .c create image 0 0 -anchor nw -image [blur _img_ $blur1] .c create image $width 0 -anchor nw -image [blur _img_ $blur2]
FW: See also TkPhotoLab, which is a generalized version that also supports custom image manipulation based on a similar algorithm.