Brute force with velvet gloves


This page was spun off from Solving cryptarithms, numeric puzzles in which digits have been replaced by letters. See also Brute force again

TFW (Feb, 23 2004) - Got frustrated helping my 5th grade son solve some extra credit homework.

Program 1

We must solve the equation below, where ABCDE*4=EDCBA, nothing fancy but the brute force methods solved it before your finger leaves the keyboard.

 puts {
 # Solve the problem
 #    X4
 proc ABCDE {args} {
    set nums {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
    set counter 0
    foreach a $nums {
       foreach b $nums {
          foreach c $nums {
             foreach d $nums {
                foreach e $nums {
                   set n1 [expr {"$a$b$c$d$e"*4}]
                   set n2 "$e$d$c$b$a"
                   incr counter
                   if {$n1==$n2} {
                      puts "We solved it! $a$b$c$d$e * 4 = $n2 at $counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

Program 2

Here is another one, we have $1 in coins but only one can be a nickel. So we know that 19 coins must add to 95 cents using only pennies, dimes, quarters and half-dollars. Again, the simple brute force method yields an answer before your finger leaves the keyboard

 puts {
 # Solve the problem
 # 20 coins = $1.00, only one is a nickel
 # so we have 19 coins = 95 cents
 proc solve2 {args} {
    set nums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19}
    set counter 0
    foreach penny $nums {
       foreach dime $nums {
          foreach quarter $nums {
             foreach halfdollar $nums {
                if {($penny+$dime+$quarter+$halfdollar)==19} {
                   set value [expr {$penny*1+$dime*10+$quarter*25+$halfdollar*50}]
                   incr counter
                   if {$value==95} {
                      puts "We solved it! penny=$penny dime=$dime quarter=$quarter halfdollar=$halfdollar at $counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

Program 3

rdt (2004.08.02) Well this is certainly brute force and it gets the job done. However, here is my take on that:

  proc solve2a {args} {
    set counter 0
    for {set penny 0} {$penny < 20} {incr penny} {
      for {set dime 0} {$dime < 10} {incr dime} {
        for {set quarter 0} {$quarter < 4} {incr quarter} {
          for {set halfdollar 0} {$halfdollar < 2} {incr halfdollar} {
            if {($penny+$dime+$quarter+$halfdollar)==19} {
              incr counter
              set value [expr {$penny*1+$dime*10+$quarter*25+$halfdollar*50}]
              if {$value==95} {
                puts "We solved it! penny=$penny dime=$dime quarter=$quarter halfdollar=$halfdollar at counter tries"
    puts "Not Solved"

If I did not mis-transcribe it. :) This results in the correct answer in only 62 tries!

Program 4

RS experiments with the following "General Problem Solver" (for small values of General), which, with heavy metaprogramming, builds up a nest of foreachs suiting the problem, quick kills (with continue) to force unique values for the variables, and returns the first solution found, or else an empty string:

 proc solve {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= ==}
    set outers {}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z]([A-Z])} /$problem]
    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set domain1 [lreplace $domain0 $pos $pos]
    foreach var $vars {
        append body "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n"
        lappend map $var $$var
        foreach outer $outers {
            append body "if {$$var eq $$outer} continue\n"
        lappend outers $var
        append epilog \}
    set test [string map $map $problem]
    append body "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}" $epilog
    if 1 $body

This passes the tests from earlier in this page:


So this routine is not blindingly fast, but can process a number of problems from earlier in this page, without other configuration than specifying the problem.

Program 5

Another kind of cryptarithm I found in Martin Gardner's Mathematical Circus:


requires epsilon comparison with a periodic fraction... Any takers? - Took it myself, by replacing == equality with abs(delta)<epsilon:

GWM 13.10.04 the fraction .talktalk... can be expressed as the rational fraction TALK/9999. So the problem comes down to 9999*EVE = TALK*DID. Surely this is much easier, and involves only integer comparisons.

 proc solve {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= )-( ... ""}
    set outers {}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z]([A-Z])} /$problem]
    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set domain1 [lreplace $domain0 $pos $pos]
    foreach var $vars {
        append body "foreach $var \$domain[expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0] \{\n"
        lappend map $var $$var
        foreach outer $outers {
            append body "if {$$var eq $$outer} continue\n"
        lappend outers $var
        append epilog \}
    set test abs(([string map $map $problem]))<=.00000001
    append body "if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}" $epilog
    if 1 $body

The other tests still pass, but the output is a bit harder to read:

 % solve EVE/DID.=.TALKTALK...
 % solve ABCDE*4=EDCBA
 % solve 7AB*CD=EFGHJ

The last example comes wrong, because the fixed "7" in front is re-used for J in the end.

Program 6

PWQ 25 Feb 04, Can TFW please post an example of the problem:

   7ab * cd = efghi?

I tried a version, but my fingers have finished typing and I am still waiting for an answer. Thanks.

TFW 25 Feb 04, OK here is one that solves 7AB*CD=EFGHI (without reusing the 7 and no duplicates)

 proc 7AB {args} {
    set nums {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}
    foreach A $nums {
       if {[string first $A "70"]>=0} continue
       foreach B $nums {
          if {[string first $B "70$A"]>=0} continue
          foreach C $nums {
             if {[string first $C "70$A$B"]>=0} continue
             foreach D $nums {
                if {[string first $D "7$A$B$C"]>=0} continue
                foreach E $nums {
                   if {[string first $E "70$A$B$C$D"]>=0} continue
                   foreach F $nums {
                      if {[string first $F "7$A$B$C$D$E"]>=0} continue
                      foreach G $nums {
                         if {[string first $G "7$A$B$C$D$E$F"]>=0} continue
                         foreach H $nums {
                            if {[string first $H "7$A$B$C$D$E$F$G"]>=0} continue
                            foreach I $nums {
                               if {[string first $I "7$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H"]>=0} continue
                               if {"7$A$B" * "$C$D"=="$E$F$G$H$I"} {
                                  return "7$A$B*$C$D==$E$F$G$H$I"

PS. The answer is 715*46==32890

RS got that too (with the first solve version), after respecifying the problem in a slightly clumsy way, and 27 minutes:

 % solve Z=7&&ZAB*CD=EFGHI

TFW either of the GPS solvers work fine if you specify the domain as not having 7 as an option (since it is already used)

 % solve 7AB*CD=EFGHI {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9}

I get an answer back in about 5 seconds. - RS: Clever - I didn't think of that...

A nice cryptarithm given by Donald E. Knuth, was solved in 30 seconds on XP:


Program 7

SMH 20.03.2005. I adapted Richard's solution and produced a version which runs faster (at least on my computer, running tcl 8.5 on windows 2003)

 proc solve1 {problem {domain0 {0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9}}} {
    set vars [lsort -u [split [regsub -all {[^A-Z]} $problem ""] ""]]
    set map {= ==}
    set initials [regexp -all -inline {[^A-Z0-9]([A-Z])} /$problem]

    # remove 'given' digits

    foreach d [regexp -all -inline {([0-9])} /$problem] {
      set l [lsearch $domain0 $d]
      if { $l >= 0 } {set domain0 [lreplace $domain0 $l $l] }

    set pos [lsearch $domain0 0]
    set str [join $domain0 ""]
    set l [expr [string length $str] + 1]
    set epilog ""
    set ind ""  ;# used for producing indented loops
    set lastVar [lindex $vars end]
    set str$l $str
    foreach var $vars {
        set sow [expr [lsearch $initials $var]>=0]
        set oldl $l
        incr l -1
        append body "$ind for {set i$var 0} {\$i$var<$l} {incr i$var} \{\n"
        set oldind $ind; append ind "  " 
        append body "$ind set $var \[string range \$str$oldl \$i$var \$i$var]\n"
        if {$sow} { append body "$ind if {\$$var == 0} continue\n"}
        if { $var ne $lastVar} { append body "$ind set str$l \[string replace \$str$oldl \$i$var \$i$var]\n"} 
        lappend map $var $$var
        set epilog "$oldind \}\n $epilog"
    set test [string map $map $problem]
    append body "$ind if {\[expr $test\]} {return \[subst $test\]}\n" $epilog

    if {1} $body else {puts $body}


I made additional changes to allow for digits which are already given (7AB*CD=EFGHJ) and to allow 0 to be considered as a solition for A in this case.


 solve0 SEND+MORE=MONEY 9567+1085==10652 59704109 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 SEND+MORE=MONEY 9567+1085==10652 35950294 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 SAVE+MORE=MONEY 9386+1076==10462 83318251 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 SAVE+MORE=MONEY 9386+1076==10462 37336192 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 YELLOW+YELLOW+RED=ORANGE 143329+143329+846==287504 335511905 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 YELLOW+YELLOW+RED=ORANGE 143329+143329+846==287504 114768229 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 ABCDE*4=EDCBA 21978*4==87912 98717 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 ABCDE*4=EDCBA 21978*4==87912 54209 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 7AB*CD=EFGHI 713*59==42067 6058217 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 7AB*CD=EFGHI 715*46==32890 2423831 microseconds per iteration
 solve0 VIOLIN+VIOLIN+VIOLA=TRIO+SONATA 176478+176478+17640==2576+368020 22872194 microseconds per iteration
 solve1 VIOLIN+VIOLIN+VIOLA=TRIO+SONATA 176478+176478+17640==2576+368020 13372726 microseconds per iteration

See also The Einstein puzzle