Released April 29, 1999
fconfigure channel ?... -encoding ...?
Characters are now conceptually Unicode characters, not 8-bit characters in whatever the local machine encoding happens to be.
The Windows registry key/value which holds the root installation directory for Tcl/Tk changed (again!). To retrieve that directory from the Windows registry, use the Tcl command
registry get HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Scriptics\\Tcl\\[info tclversion] Root
Advanced regular expressions. See regexp(n). The changes result in incompatibilities at the C API as well as potential incompatibilities in regular expressions.
Expanded scan functionality, including XPG3. See scan(n).
New C-API's
Tcl_SaveResult, Tcl_RestoreResult, Tcl_DiscardResult.
Use these if you have to use the interpreter result for communication with a Tcl script (f.e. called from the C-level), but don't want to trash the current result as your caller might rely on it.