Unicode is a standard for the serial representation of text, defining a set of code points that correspond to components that can be composed into nearly any character used in any human language. ISO standard 10646 specifes what it calls the Universal Coded Character set, or UCS, which is the identical to the Unicode character set, but Unicode includes additional processing constraints that are not found in ISO 10646.
On this page, code point refers to the thing the Unicode standard calls a character, and character in turn refers to a completely-formed character that may be composed of any number of Unicode code points, and which in some external explanations is awkwardly referred to as a "grapheme cluster".
The following issue reports, TIPs, and discussions provide information on how Unicode character support is implemented in Tcl.
Issue report: [https://core.tcl-lang.org/tcl/tktview/821620d417%|%Different handling of surrogates in utf-8 between Tcl8 and Tcl9]: Provides a description of the difference between Tcl 8.6.Tcl 8.7 and Tcl 9 in handling surrogate pairs.
Unicode is a superset of iso8859-1 , which is a superset of ASCII. Whereas ASCII defines 128 characters, and ISO8859-1 defines 191 characters, Unicode allows code points from 0 to 0x10ffff (1,114,111), and version 12.0 assigns code points to 137929 of them. Unfortunately, Unicode got the terminology wrong, calling the thing represented by a code point a character when in fact a code point might may represent things that by themselves are not complete characters, as well as things that aren't characters at all. That is to say, each code point represents a grapheme. This has implications for Tcl: A string is not a string of characters, but a string of graphemes.
A character may be composed of any number of code points, and the number of producible characters is larger than the number of available code points. A code points may be a letter, ligature, citation mark, diacritic symbol, syllable, accent, sign, symbol used in technical transcription, some other mark, surrogate, sentinel (control code), or even some privately defined unit of text.
Code points are organized into planes, each containing up to 65536 code points. The majority of characters used in the human languages of the world have code points between 0 and 65535, which together make up the Basic Multilingual Plane (BMP). Currently a default build of Tcl is only capable of handling these code points, but work is underway to change that, and workarounds requiring non-default build-time configuration options exist.
There are various byte-serializations for representing sequence of code points, including utf-8, utf-16, and utf-32, where 8, 16, and 32 respectively are the minimal storage requirements for a code point.
The following things are also specified by Unicode:
RS, PYK : Unicode versions 3.0 and earlier specified code points in the u0000-uFFFD range, known as the "basic multilingual plane" (BMP) so any code point could be stored in 16 bits. Version 3.1 added code points in the supplementary multilingual plane (SMP, u10000-u1FFFF), supplementary ideographic plane (SIP u20000-u2FFFF), and the supplementary special purpose plane (SMP, uE0000-uEFFFF). A code point encoded in UTF-8 requires one to four bytes of storage:
0ppppppp 110ppppp 10pppppp 1110pppp 10pppppp 10pppppp 11110ppp 10pppppp 10pppppp 10pppppp
where "p" is a "payload" bit.
AMG, PYK: RFC 3629 3269 limits Unicode to \u0 through \U10ffff, so it's only necessary to encode 21 bits. Consequently, a valid UTF-8 sequence can only range from 1 through 4 bytes in length. Joel Spolsky's article is wrong about this.
Thus, bytes 0xf8 and greater are illegal. 0xf8 through 0xfb would have introduced a five-byte sequence. 0xfc and 0xfd would have introduced a six-byte sequence. 0xfe and 0xff have always been forbidden
0xc0 and 0xc1 are also forbidden since they could only appear as the first byte of an ASCII character being encoded using two bytes, though UTF-8 requires that the shortest available encoding always be used. Tcl intentionally breaks this rule by encoding ASCII NUL as 0xc0 0x80 so that a NUL can appear in text without being interpreted as a terminator. Even in Tcl, 0xc1 is never used.
UTF-8 has 10 illegal bytes out of 256, or 3.9%. Presumably applications (such as Tcl!) can (and do!) assign custom meaning to these bytes, but the resultant string would not be valid for data interchange.
comp.lang.tcl 2008-04:
Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl From: [email protected] Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 11:55:45 -0700 (PDT) Local: Sat, Apr 26 2008 2:55 pm Subject: unicode - get character representation from \uxxx notation Hello, to show my problem see the following example: > set tcl_patchLevel 8.5.3b1 > set str "n\u00E4mlich" nämlich > set c 0xE4 > set str "n\\uformat %04.4X $chmlich" n\u00E4mlich How do I get the \u00E4 in the character representation let's say iso8859-1 ? > encoding convertto iso8859-1 $str Newsgroups: comp.lang.tcl From: [email protected] Date: Sat, 26 Apr 2008 14:21:27 -0700 (PDT) Local: Sat, Apr 26 2008 5:21 pm Subject: Re: unicode - get character representation from \uxxx notation To convert the hex number expressed as a string 0x00e4 to a Unicode character, use: format "%c" 0x00e4 You can then use encoding convertto to convert this to another encoding, e.g.: encoding convertto iso8859-1 format "%c" 0x00e4
I have a request from a developer concerning whether Tcl is capable of handling code points larger than the Unicode BMP. His application was using tdom and it encountered the 𝒜 character, which is a script-A, unicode value 0x1D49C, which tdom reports it can't handle because it is limited to UTF-8 code-unit sequences up to 3 bytes in length.
What do Tcl programmers do to properly process the code points whose utf-8 representation is larger than 3 bytes?
Note this is in an enterprise setting. Finding a solution is critical in the publishing (web or print) arena.
RS 2008-07-09 pyk 2022-07-02: Unicode out of BMP (> U+FFFF) requires a deeper rework of Tcl and Tk: We'd need 32 bits for each code point, and/or surrogate pairs. UTF-8 at least can deal with 31-bit code points by principle.
LV: In July 2008 there was some discussion on the TCT mailing list about ways that the Tcl code itself could evolve to handle things better. But for right now, users have to face either dealing with their wide Unicode via a different programming language in some way (whether converting wide characters to some other similar character, using some sort of macro representation, etc.)
AMG 2015 PYK 2022-07-02: It's been seven years since the above discussion. What progress has been made?
tcl.h contains the comment:
Fast random access to code points is quite important, e.g. for regular expressions, so I don't see how standard UTF-16 meets Tcl's needs unless augmented by some kind of indexing mechanism. Maybe the thinking is that reduced performance is acceptable for strings outside the BMP due to their assumed rarity, though I hope for logarithmic rather than linear, perhaps with some caching to further optimize the common situation of the sought-for code-point indexes being near each other.
But this is kind of a worst-of-both-worlds sort of deal. If you're going to have to pay for variable-width representation, might as well go with UTF-8 rather than -16.
nemanov_oo 2022: IMHO, there is no special benefit of using even utf-32 due to combining code points. utf-8 is enough and practical choice.
AMG PYK: I invented a (hopefully) fast indexing scheme for UTF-8 strings, though it could certainly be adapted for UTF-16.
Instead of the current linear time UTF-16 conversion step, make an array storing the byte index of every nth code point other than the first. During lookup, divide the sought-for code-point index c by n, then subtract one to get the array slot which stores the byte index for the start of the segment. (No need to store the start of the first segment; it's always zero!) Then scan forward one code point at a time, covering at most n-1 code points.
For best performance, let n be a compile-time constant power of 2. This allows all division and modulo operations to be implemented in terms of shifts and masks.
The most obvious optimization is to discard the indexing array if the byte count and the code point count turn out to be equal. This means the string is ASCII, so no UTF-8 magic is required.
For compression, instead of b (byte index), have the array store b-c, i.e. the number of UTF-8 continuation bytes preceding the segment. Upon lookup, add c-(c%n). This can reduce memory usage by letting strings with fewer continuation bytes use unsigned 8- or 16-bit array slots. This subtraction also makes the next optimization simpler.
Take the difference between the current and next array slot values (additionally subtract n if not doing the above compression) to get the number of UTF-8 continuation bytes in the segment. During the scan, decrement this value for each continuation byte encountered. When the remaining count is zero, it's known that the remaining code points are one byte each, so jump straight to the code point. If a segment is all ASCII to begin with, this optimization kicks in immediately.
Another potential optimization is to scan backwards from the start of the next segment (or end of string) if the code poin index modulo n is greater than some threshold. Probably should put the threshold at 3*n/4 since backward UTF-8 scans have to be done one byte at a time, whereas forward scans are one whole code point at a time. This can be combined with the above optimization.
Yet another optimization is to remember the b result of the previous index lookup and scan relative to it if within n code points forward or whatever threshold backwards.
The maximum number of array slots is (byte_count/n)-1, so allocation can be done right away if the byte count is known but not the code point count. Though if the string is merely NUL-terminated and not (byte)length-counted, then it's necessary to either make two passes through the string or to allocate an initial guess then geometrically grow the allocation if the guess is short.
Using the backwards scan optimization, the above could have instead started at b = f[i] = 4 and c = n-(c&m) = 2, then scanned backwards. Decrement b at each byte. At each non-continuation byte (i.e. (e[b]&0xc0)!=0x80), decrement c. (Be careful near the end of the string.)
If the continuation byte counting optimization is used, it's known that the segment contains only two continuation bytes because f[i]-f[i-1] = 4-2 = 2. When code points 17 "á" and 20 "þ" are found, it's also known that no continuation bytes remain, so after "þ", simply add the remaining c to b to get the final b.
I haven't thought as much about updating the fast seek index when modifying the string. I don't see why appending to the string would invalidate the already-computed index; simply add to the end. But inserting/replacing/deleting a substring would probably take linear time due to recomputing the index from the start of the edit. I don't really mind that though because this operation already takes linear time due to memmove().
AMG PYK: How are combining code points handled? They seem to be treated as individual code points, and they're only combined in the display. Trouble with this is that the cursor can go between combining code points, along with similar problems like cutting a string in the middle of a character.
I wish for a way to treat a code point along with all its combining code points, i.e. a character, as a logical unit. For instance, string length would return the number of characters, not the number of code points. New commands would have to be defined to pick apart a character into constituent code points. I imagine most programs will want characteers to be atomic.
Behind the scenes, Tcl could even normalize strings, though I'm not sure whether this should be automatic, manual, or configurable.
SW PYK: I'm working on a package exporting the ICU library's Unicode functions to Tcl. icu4tcl currently supports:
LES on Dec 31 2023: I would like to ask a couple of questions (or the same question in two different ways):
I have a file that is a screenshot, its filename was something I copied and pasted straight from the Web page:
I don't know if the wiki is going to display it correctly. Rigth after the Mary_Ringwald name there is a USA flag. It really looked like the USA flag on the Web page. Oh, hey, it does look like the USA flag as I paste it into the Edit box! So anyway, In my file managers, including 'ls -a' on the terminal, that is displayed as two little boxes that look like [U][S]. And that is what it looks like when I paste that into a Tcl/Tk text widget. However, if I use Tcl to operate on that file, say [file mtime $filename], Tcl says the file can't be found. Obviously, it chokes on the Unicode filename although it can see the file is there. Why does that happen?
Secondly, I can't insert this into a Tk text widget:
$widget insert end [subst "\\u1F4C4"]
However, I can copy the symbol from elsewhere and paste it into a Tk text widget, and it looks correct. If Tk can display it, why can't I insert it?
APN There are several issues here.
$widget insert end \ud83d\udcc4
The surrogate pair \ud83d\udcc4 is the UTF-16 equivalent of U+1F4C4. Note there is no subst required. As to why you could cut and paste, that is because the cut and paste operation on Windows will do the surrogate conversion for you (on Windows, not sure about other platforms). I'm still curious about the US flag you are seeing. How did you map that to 1F4C4?
On Tcl/Tk 9, no need for surrogates, you can directly use the code point
$widget insert end \U1F4C4
LES I'm sorry I caused some confusion. The US flag and the "page" or "document" icon are two separate cases. I did mean each one separately, I didn't mean them to be the same. Your "surrogate" method doesn't work for me, but I have Tcl 8.6.6. Yes, it's old. Thank you.