Projects using, [ TCL | Expect | Perl | GnuPlot | TWAPI | GPIB ]
- Using a slightly modified <wikit-akg.kit> [L1 ], in CGI mode with Apache 2.0 [L2 ] web server, as an abstract information database.
- Logging BER, AGC levels and other parameters from Scientific Atlanta [L3 ] D9224 PowerVu Digital IRD's
- Talk to DS18S20 [L4 ] [L5 ] digital sensors to log Building temperatures and alarm on over-temps
- Monitoring and logging status, levels and alarms from 300kVA THYCON [L6 ] UPS system
- GPIB instrument control with TCL Also, GPIB control with SciLab [L7 ]
- Scaling Down [L8 ]
- Higher Level Programming for the 21st Century [L9 ]
CvK programs mostly with TCL/TK (of course) but, also likes using Perl and C.
Get TCL and Perl from ActiveState's