An acronym for Geographic information system
See Also
- SpatiaLite
- a spatial extension to SQLite
- an open-source GIS application that previously used Tk for its GUI. (A wxPython GUI was available in v6.4 (2010). In version 7 (2015), the Tk GUI and Tcl scripting were removed.)
- Geographic World Maps
- reference to data files that show maps of the world.
- Geographic mapping the Tcl way
- Tclworld
- Database
- EKB a list of GIS applications that use Tcl/Tk
- DL a service that converts addresses to long/lat - a necessity for using Google's map API.
- tclTiger
- Tcl interface to the TIGER dataset
- Map widget
- looks to be a Tk widget specifically for drawing maps..
- tkGeoMap
- specialty canvas widget & supporting libraries
- Tnm/Scotty/TkInEd
- has node-plotting with a GIS orientation
- MapServer Workbench
- TP a Tcl-based project to create and edit files for MapServer . The code is somewhat out-of-date with the current version of MapServer, needs just a little TLC to get back up to speed. It builds on early work by Peter deVoil (code that is now msexplorer.tcl). Anyone interested in taking over development? Email me.
- GPSMan
- (KKovacs) a GPS program written entirely in Tcl/Tk, and one of the best ones, IMHO. GPSMan new release 6.4.3 on 29 April 2012
- geographical database covering all countries and containing over eight million placenames, free of charge
- iGMT
- a Tcl/Tk frontend to the most fabulous GMT = Generic Mapping Tools [L1 ]
- Raster operations on the canvas
- AM bears relation to GIS....
- Rmap
- Belgian Geographical Interface
- ActiveX interface?
- klimb
- a specialized mapping program that displays USGS topo maps of the SF Bay Area. It lets you interactively map out bike routes while displaying the routes total distance and amount of climbing.
- [L2 ]
- an article on GIS with a Tcl flavor, November 2001, then a more elaborate version of the same program design showed up again in December 2001 [L3 ]
- dead link on 2013-01-15
- arcencode
- Tcl implementation of the coordinate list compression algorithm used by MapQuest and Google Maps. It is useful for encoding a long sequence of coordinate data as a single comparatively compact URL parameter.
- Shapetcl
- C extension that provides read/write access to Esri shapefiles.
- Open Geographic Datastore Interface. An application programming interface (API) that uses standardized access methods to work in conjunction with GIS software packages and various geospatial data products. OGDI uses a client/server architecture to facilitate the dissemination of geospatial data products over any TCP/IP network, and a driver-oriented approach to facilitate access to several geospatial data products/formats. C library with Tcl wrapper.
- GPSMC and MapTour
- two mature projects from Ukraine for GPS monitoring and tour planning, both written in Tcl/Tk (2014-11)
- tclshapefile
- a tcl-only package to read shapefiles. Data are returned as dicts.
- Integrated Geographic Information System - Tool Kit. Collection of GIS tools and libs related to the following tasks:
- OSM Data Processing and data conversion
- Data Quality Assessment
- Spatial Data Fusion
- (3D) Generalization
Prospectively, IGIS.TK can be utilized as either a general-purposed GIS application or advanced GIS programming environment.

A GSoC2009 project is underway to improve Tcl's support for reading raster and vector geospatial data formats, as well as rendering them in a Tk canvas widget. Project's detailed description and status updates can be found at: The tcl-map GSoC2009 project. The source code is hosted at:
CL has lots of toy maps (of US states, Norway, the Volga River, ...) written as Tcl programs, with "live" canvases, ... He's trying to figure out how to package them so others can see them. A hint of what's possible appears in "Open Cartography" [L4 ].
Zarutian is thinking about scanning and vectorizing several free maps of Iceland's Captialzone (?? Capital city/zone ??).