JOB 16-08-22
Modified the source of the helpviewer package - based on Tkhtml2. Please see code below.
# ############################################################################# # This software is copyrighted by Ramon Ribó (RAMSAN) [email protected]. # ( The following terms apply to all files # associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed # in individual files. # The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided # that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this # notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, # license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. # Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors # and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that # the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where # they apply. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY # DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE # IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE AUTHORS AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE # NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR # MODIFICATIONS. # ############################################################################# # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # (c) 2016, Johann Oberdorfer - Engineering Support | CAD | Software # johann.oberdorfer [at] # # # helpviewer modified to work with actual BWidget packages # and some various improvements done, respectively: # - search dialog behavior # - pan package added, ... # - changes to implement tiled widget set, ... # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TO-DO: # - Implement breadcrumps navigation info for a better # user experience when browsing through various help files ... # - zoom font size up/down (stylemanager) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- lappend auto_path [file dirname [info script]] package provide helpviewer 2.0 # requiring exactly 2.0 to avoid getting the one from Activestate package require -exact Tkhtml 2.0 package require -exact BWidget 1.9.10 package require BWidget_patch Widget::theme 1 package require fileutil # package is optional catch { package require Pan } if { [info command tkTabToWindow] == "" } { proc tkTabToWindow {w} { focus $w after 100 { set w [focus] if {[string equal [winfo class $w] Entry]} { $w selection range 0 end $w icursor end } } } } set comms [list tkButtonInvoke tkTextSelectTo tkEntryInsert tkEntryBackspace \ tk_textCut tk_textCopy tk_textPaste tk_focusNext tk_focusPrev tkTextClosestGap \ tkTextAutoScan tkCancelRepeat] foreach i $comms { auto_load $i if {![llength [info commands $i]]} { tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand $i } } namespace eval History { variable list "" variable pos variable menu proc Add { name } { variable list variable pos variable menu lappend list $name set pos [expr [llength $list]-1] if { $pos == 0 } { if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Backward -state disabled } } else { if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Backward -state normal } } if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Forward -state disabled } } proc GoHome { w } { variable list variable pos variable menu set pos 0 if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Backward -state disabled } if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Forward -state normal } # HelpViewer::LoadRef $w [lindex $list $pos] 0 HelpViewer::LoadRef $w [file join $HelpViewer::HelpBaseDir index.htm] 0 } proc GoBackward { w } { variable list variable pos variable menu incr pos -1 if { $pos == 0 } { if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Backward -state disabled } } if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Forward -state normal } HelpViewer::LoadRef $w [lindex $list $pos] 0 } proc GoForward { w } { variable list variable pos variable menu incr pos 1 if { $pos == [expr [llength $list]-1] } { if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Forward -state disabled } } if { [info exists menu] && [winfo exists $menu] } { $menu entryconf Backward -state normal } HelpViewer::LoadRef $w [lindex $list $pos] 0 } } namespace eval HelpPrefs { variable tttrick 0 variable RunningAlone 0 } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval HelpViewer { variable HelpBaseDir variable LastFileList # These images are used in place of GIFs or of form elements # if { [lsearch [image names] biggray] == -1 } { image create photo biggray -data { R0lGODdhPAA+APAAALi4uAAAACwAAAAAPAA+AAACQISPqcvtD6OctNqLs968+w+G4kiW5omm 6sq27gvH8kzX9o3n+s73/g8MCofEovGITCqXzKbzCY1Kp9Sq9YrNFgsAO/// } image create photo smgray -data { R0lGODdhOAAYAPAAALi4uAAAACwAAAAAOAAYAAACI4SPqcvtD6OctNqLs968+w+G4kiW5omm 6sq27gvH8kzX9m0VADv/ } image create photo nogifbig -data { R0lGODdhJAAkAPEAAACQkADQ0PgAAAAAACwAAAAAJAAkAAACmISPqcsQD6OcdJqKM71PeK15 AsSJH0iZY1CqqKSurfsGsex08XuTuU7L9HywHWZILAaVJssvgoREk5PolFo1XrHZ29IZ8oo0 HKEYVDYbyc/jFhz2otvdcyZdF68qeKh2DZd3AtS0QWcDSDgWKJXY+MXS9qY4+JA2+Vho+YPp FzSjiTIEWslDQ1rDhPOY2sXVOgeb2kBbu1AAADv/ } image create photo nogifsm -data { R0lGODdhEAAQAPEAAACQkADQ0PgAAAAAACwAAAAAEAAQAAACNISPacHtD4IQz80QJ60as25d 3idKZdR0IIOm2ta0Lhw/Lz2S1JqvK8ozbTKlEIVYceWSjwIAO/// } } if { [lsearch [image names] imatge_fletxa_e] == -1 } { image create photo imatge_fletxa_e -data { R0lGODlhJwAeAJECAE5qmoWh0f///wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAnAB4AAAJb lI+py+0Po5y00mBzCCDf3XnRBooQWZoNmqoK27oHTNc2Y+c69+4+HJr9hqSg gIjkIZJDo4Hpcz6hOemUSrNeUYCu9wsOdx1AGY5rPsfSyzVbqH0r34s4/Y4v AAA7 } image create photo imatge_fletxa_d -data { R0lGODlhJwAeAJECAE5qmoWh0f///wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAnAB4AAAJa lI+py+0Po5y0WhfuDVlT3nkRGIoYaT4klzYr677yPMf0fTP4Ti/8/1IAh6AE cQgAII6/pJGJcz6hM6kiic1qtwCZtWV4fcGC1ZhMOqM56nUb/SYLlPK63VAA ADs= } image create photo imatge_quit -data { R0lGODlhIAAeAJECAE5qmoWh0f///wAAACH5BAEAAAIALAAAAAAgAB4AAAJm lI+py+0Powq02kulwNwC2YVfVAHmiaYgNWpP6QYvG8sNrFU3nesLHgr+eEFh AlgMHYlJ5QHZxJiezKintalaA1METpAKm64T3oqLpXJr3fI613anIXPvtmet D/MasT/uEig4eFAAADs= } image create photo imatge_save -data { R0lGODlhIAAeAOcAAEdjk05qmktnl1VxoWuHt2yIuUhklUlllVJunmSAsHuX x4ik1Iml1YSg0EhklE9rm197q3aSwoai0oej04Wh0YSg0V57q01pmVt3p3GN vYGez3yazpuy2YGe0XWRwVdzo2yIuIGdzYKf0IGe0KC229Lc7vz9/v///4Og 0FFtnUpmllNvn2eDs32ZyX2bzn+cz5ev2MfU6vT3+6W63YSh02N/r1BsnGJ+ rnmVxYSh0X6cz4+o1bvL5uzw+Njh8HqWxkpnl4Cdz4ij0rDC4eLp9P7+/1Rw oExomIKezoKg0miEtEdklGmFtY2o1Pj6/H6by4ql04+p1Yej1Fh0pNvj8evw +L/N54mk022JuWSAsYOh06i83vT2+8bT6pau14Kez/r7/fv8/dHc7qC123iY zVx4qHaTw36c0NDb7dzk8qq933mYzXuZz4ah0aK11ZSs04Kf0XKOvmB8rIWi 1J602ufs9rXG44ul03qZzXmYzoOf0Zmv1LvH2Nbb3OPk3b/K2X+d0Pn6/fH1 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LastFileList set retval "" catch { set w [winfo toplevel $w] set retval $LastFileList($w) } return $retval } proc HelpViewer::EnterLastFile { w file } { variable LastFileList set w [winfo toplevel $w] set LastFileList($w) $file } # A font chooser routine. # # $base.h.h config -fontcommand pickFont proc HelpViewer::pickFont {size attrs} { global tcl_platform if { [lsearch [font names] HelpFont] != -1 } { set family [font conf HelpFont -family] set fsize [font conf HelpFont -size] } else { set family "Helvetica" switch $::tcl_platform(platform) { windows { set fsize 12 } default { set fsize 15 } } } if { $HelpPrefs::tttrick } { set a [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs fixed]?{Symbol}:"$family"}] } else { set a [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs fixed]?{Courier}:"$family"}] } set b [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs italic]?{italic}:{roman}}] set c [expr {-1<[lsearch $attrs bold]?{bold}:{normal}}] set d [expr int($fsize*pow(1.2,$size-4))] # if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { # set d [expr {3+int(12*pow(1.2,$size-4))}] # } else { # set d [expr {3+int(12*pow(1.2,$size-6))}] # } list $a $d $b $c } # This routine is called for each form element # proc HelpViewer::FormCmd {n cmd args} { # puts "FormCmd: $n $cmd $args" switch $cmd { select - textarea - input { set w [lindex $args 0] label $w -image nogifsm } } } proc HelpViewer::ImageCmd {args} { global OldImages Images showImages if {!$showImages} { return smgray } set fn [lindex $args 0] set list [file split $fn] if { [lindex $list 0] == "." } { set list [lrange $list 1 end] } set fn [eval [concat "file join $list"]] if { [file dirname $fn] == "." } { set fn [file tail $fn] } if {[info exists OldImages($fn)]} { set Images($fn) $OldImages($fn) unset OldImages($fn) return $Images($fn) } if {[catch {image create photo -file $fn} img]} { return smgray } if {[image width $img]*[image height $img]>20000} { global BigImages set b [image create photo -width [image width $img] \ -height [image height $img]] set BigImages($b) $img set img $b after idle "HelpViewer::MoveBigImage $b" } set Images($fn) $img return $img } proc HelpViewer::MoveBigImage b { global BigImages if {![info exists BigImages($b)]} return $b copy $BigImages($b) image delete $BigImages($b) unset BigImages($b) update } # This routine is called for every <SCRIPT> markup # proc HelpViewer::ScriptCmd {args} { # puts "ScriptCmd: $args" } # This routine is called for every <APPLET> markup # proc HelpViewer::AppletCmd {w arglist} { # puts "AppletCmd: w=$w arglist=$arglist" ttk::label $w -text "The Applet $w" } # This procedure is called when the user clicks on a hyperlink. # See the "bind $base.h.h.x" below for the binding that invokes this # procedure # proc HelpViewer::HrefBinding {w x y} { set new [$w href $x $y] catch { if { [llength $new] == 1 } { set new [lindex $new 0] if { [llength $new] == 1 } { set new [lindex $new 0] } } } LoadRef $w $new } proc HelpViewer::LoadRef { w new { enterinhistory 1 } } { global tcl_platform if { [regexp {http:/localhost/cgi-bin/man/man2html\?(\w+)\+(\w+)} $new {} sec word] } { SearchManHelpFor $w $word $sec return } elseif { $new != "" && [regexp {[a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]:.*} $new] } { regexp {http:/.*} $new url if { [regexp {:/[^/]} $url] } { regsub {:/} $url {://} url } if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { set comm [auto_execok konqueror] if { $comm == "" } { set comm [auto_execok netscape] } if { $comm == "" } { tk_messageBox -icon warning -message \ "Check url: $url in your web browser." -type ok } else { exec $comm $url & } } else { global env if {[file exists [file join $env(ProgramFiles) "internet explorer" iexplore.exe]]} { exec [file join $env(ProgramFiles) "internet explorer" iexplore.exe] $url & } else { tk_messageBox -icon warning -message \ "Check url: $url in your web browser." -type ok } # set comm [freewrap::shell_getCmd_imp .html open] # if { $comm == "" } { # tk_messageBox -icon warning -message \ # "Check url: $url in your web browser." -type ok # } else { # regsub -all {\\} $comm {\\\\} comm # exec "$comm" $url & # } } return } if {$new!=""} { set LastFile [GiveLastFile $w] if { [string match \#* [file tail $new]] } { set new $LastFile[file tail $new] } set pattern $LastFile# set len [string length $pattern] incr len -1 if {[string range $new 0 $len]==$pattern} { incr len $w yview [string range $new $len end] if { $enterinhistory } { History::Add $new } } elseif { [regexp {(.*)\#(.*)} $new {} file tag] } { LoadFile $w $file $enterinhistory $tag } else { LoadFile $w $new $enterinhistory } } } proc HelpViewer::Load { w } { set filetypes { {{Html Files} {.html .htm}} {{All Files} *} } global lastDir htmltext set f [tk_getOpenFile -initialdir $lastDir -filetypes $filetypes] if {$f!=""} { LoadFile $w $f set lastDir [file dirname $f] } } # Clear the screen. # proc HelpViewer::Clear { w } { global Images OldImages hotkey $w clear catch {unset hotkey} } proc HelpViewer::ClearOldImages {} { global OldImages # foreach fn [array names OldImages] { # image delete $OldImages($fn) # } # catch {unset OldImages} } proc HelpViewer::ClearBigImages {} { global BigImages # foreach b [array names BigImages] { # image delete $BigImages($b) # } # catch {unset BigImages} } proc HelpViewer::ReadFile {name} { # # read html file and try to detect charset # return value is a string holding all the html stuff # if { [file dirname $name] == "." } { set name [file tail $name] } if {[catch {open $name r} fp]} { tk_messageBox -icon error -message $fp -type ok return {} } else { fconfigure $fp -translation binary set r [read $fp [file size $name]] close $fp # attempt to detect charset="UTF-8" ! if { [regexp {(?i)<meta\s+[^>]*charset=utf-8[^>]*>} $r] || [string first "charset=utf-8" [string tolower $r]] != -1 || [string first "charset=\"utf-8\"" [string tolower $r]] != -1 } { set fp [open $name r] fconfigure $fp -encoding utf-8 set r [read $fp] close $fp } return $r } } # Load a file into the HTML widget # proc HelpViewer::LoadFile {w name { enterinhistory 1 } { tag "" } } { global HelpPriv if { $name == "" } { return } if { [file isdir $name] } { set files [glob -dir $name *] set ipos [lsearch -regexp $files {(?i)(index|contents|_toc)\.(htm|html)}] if { $ipos != -1 } { set name [lindex $files $ipos] } else { return } } set html [ReadFile $name] if {$html == ""} return Clear $w EnterLastFile $w $name $w config -base $name if { $enterinhistory } { if { $tag == "" } { History::Add $name } else { History::Add $name#$tag } } $w sel clear $w parse $html ClearOldImages if { $tag != "" } { update idletasks $w yview $tag } TryToSelect $name variable SearchPos set SearchPos "" } proc HelpViewer::GiveManHelpNames { word } { if { [auto_execok man2html] == "" } { return "" } set err [catch { exec man -aw $word } file] if { $err } { return "" } set words "" foreach i [split $file \n] { set ext [string trimleft [file ext $i] .] if { $ext == "gz" } { set ext [string trimleft [file ext [file root $i]] .] } if { [lsearch $words "$word (man $ext)"] == -1 } { lappend words "$word (man $ext)" } } return $words } proc HelpViewer::SearchManHelpFor { w word { mansection "" } } { if { $mansection == "" } { regexp {(\S*)\s+\(man\s+(.*)\)} $word {} word mansection } set err [catch { exec man -aw $word } file] if { $err } { return } set files [split $file \n] if { [llength $files] > 1 } { set found 0 foreach i $files { set ext [string trimleft [file ext $i] .] if { $ext == "gz" } { set ext [string trimleft [file ext [file root $i]] .] } if { $mansection == $ext } { set found 1 set file $i break } } if { !$found } { set file [lindex $files 0] } } else { set file [lindex $files 0] } if { [file ext $file] == ".gz" } { set comm [list exec gunzip -c $file | man2html] } else { set comm [list exec man2html $file] } set err [catch { eval $comm } html] #if { $err } { return } Clear $w $w sel clear $w parse $html ClearOldImages variable SearchPos set SearchPos "" } # Refresh the current file. # proc HelpViewer::Refresh {w args} { set LastFile [GiveLastFile $w] if {![info exists LastFile] || ![winfo exists $w] } return LoadFile $w $LastFile 0 } proc HelpViewer::ResolveUri { args } { return [file join [file dirname [lindex $args 0]] [lindex $args 1]] } proc HelpViewer::ManageSel { htmlw w x y type } { global HelpPriv tcl_platform if { ![winfo exists $w] } { return } if { [winfo parent $w] != $htmlw } { return } if { [info exists HelpPriv(lastafter)] } { after cancel $HelpPriv(lastafter) } switch -glob $type { press { update idletasks $htmlw sel clear set idx [$htmlw index @$x,$y] if { $idx == "" } { return } $htmlw insert $idx $htmlw sel set $idx $idx } motion* { if { $type == "motion" } { #set ini [$htmlw index sel.first] set ini [$htmlw index insert] if { $ini == "" } { $htmlw sel clear } else { set idx [$htmlw index @$x,$y] if { $idx <= $ini } { $htmlw sel set $idx $ini } else { $htmlw sel set $ini $idx } } } set isout 0 if { $x > [winfo width $htmlw] } { $htmlw xview scroll 1 units set isout 1 } elseif { $x <0 } { $htmlw xview scroll -1 units set isout 1 } if { $y > [winfo height $htmlw] } { $htmlw yview scroll 1 units set isout 1 } elseif { $y <0 } { $htmlw yview scroll -1 units set isout 1 } if { $isout } { set HelpPriv(lastafter) [after 100 HelpViewer::ManageSel \ $htmlw $w $x $y motionout] } } release { #set ini [$htmlw index sel.first] set ini [$htmlw index insert] if { $ini == "" } { $htmlw sel clear return } set idx [$htmlw index @$x,$y] if { $idx == $ini } { $htmlw sel clear } else { if { $idx <= $ini } { $htmlw sel set $idx $ini } else { $htmlw sel set $ini $idx } } if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { selection own -command "HelpViewer::LooseSelection $htmlw" $htmlw } } } } proc HelpViewer::LooseSelection { w } { $w sel clear } proc HelpViewer::CopySelected { w { offset 0 } { maxBytes 0} } { global tcl_platform set ini [$w index sel.first] set end [$w index sel.last] if { $ini == "" || $end == "" } { return } regexp {([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)} $ini {} initoc inipos regexp {([0-9]+)[.]([0-9]+)} $end {} endtoc endpos #puts [$w token list $initoc $endtoc] set rettext "" set iposlast [expr $endtoc-$initoc] set ipos 0 foreach i [$w token list $initoc $endtoc] { set type [lindex $i 1] set contents [join [lrange $i 2 end]] switch -- $type { Text { set inichar 0 set endchar [string length $contents] if { $ipos == 0 } { set inichar $inipos } if { $ipos == $iposlast } { set endchar [expr $endpos-1] } append rettext [string range $contents $inichar $endchar] } Space { if { [lindex $contents 1] == 0 } { append rettext " " } else { append rettext "\n" } } } incr ipos } if { $tcl_platform(platform) == "windows"} { clipboard clear -displayof $w clipboard append -displayof $w $rettext } else { return [string range $rettext $offset [expr $offset+$maxBytes-1]] } } # what can be: HTML or Word or CSV proc HelpViewer::SaveHTMLAs { w what } { set fromfile [GiveLastFile $w] switch $what { HTML { set types { {{HTML file} {.html .htm} } {{All Files} * } } set ext ".html" set initial [file tail $fromfile] } Word { set types { {{Word file} {.doc} } {{All Files} * } } set ext ".doc" set initial [file root [file tail $fromfile]].doc } CSV { set types { {{CSV file} {.csv .txt} } {{All Files} * } } set ext ".csv" set initial [file root [file tail $fromfile]].csv } } if { [file exists ConcretePrefs::reportexportdir] && \ [file isdir $ConcretePrefs::reportexportdir] } { set defaultdir $ConcretePrefs::reportexportdir } else { set defaultdir "" } if { $::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } { set tofile [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension $ext -filetypes $types \ -initialfile $initial -parent $w -initialdir $defaultdir \ -title "Save Results"] } else { set tofile [Browser-ramR file save] } if { $tofile == "" } { return } catch { set ConcretePrefs::reportexportdir [file dirname $filename] } if { [file ext $tofile] == ".html" || [file ext $tofile] == ".htm" } { set reportexportdir [file dirname $tofile] set imgdir [file join $reportexportdir timages] if { [file exists $imgdir] } { set retval [tk_dialogRAM $w._tmp Warning \ [concat "Are you sure to delete directory "\ " '$imgdir' and all its contents?"]\ warning 0 OK Cancel] if { $retval == 1 } { return } if { [catch { file delete -force $imgdir } err] } { tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message \ "error: Could not delete directory '$imgdir' ($err)" \ -type ok return } } if { [catch { file copy -force [file join [file dirname $fromfile] "timages"] \ $imgdir file copy -force $fromfile $tofile } err] } { tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message \ [concat "Problems exporting report to '$tofile' ($err). "\ "Check write permissions and disk space"] \ -type ok return } } elseif { [file ext $tofile] == ".doc" || [file ext $tofile] == ".rtf" } { rtf:HTML2RTF $fromfile $tofile "Ram Series" } elseif { [file ext $tofile] == ".csv" || [file ext $tofile] == ".txt" } { rtf:HTML2CSV $fromfile $tofile "Ram Series" } else { tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message \ "Unknown extension for file '$tofile'" \ -type ok return } set comm [FindApplicationForOpening $tofile] # do not visualize set comm "" if { $comm == "" } { tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message \ "Report exported OK to file '$tofile'" \ -type ok } else { set text "Report exported OK to file '$tofile' Do you want to visualize it?" set retval [tk_messageBox -default no -icon question -message $text \ -parent $w -title "Report exported" -type yesno] if { $retval == "yes" } { eval exec $comm [list [file native $tofile]] & } } } proc HelpViewer::HTMLToClipBoardCSV { w } { set fromfile [GiveLastFile $w] rtf:HTML2CSV $fromfile "" "Ram Series" tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message \ "Done" \ -type ok } proc HelpViewer::FindApplicationForOpening { file } { if { $::tcl_platform(platform) == "windows" } { return [auto_execok start] } else { set comm "" switch [string tolower [file extension $file]] { ".htm" - ".html" { set comm [auto_execok konqueror] if { $comm == "" } { set comm [auto_execok netscape] } } ".csv" - ".txt" { set comm [auto_execok kspread] } } } return $comm } proc HelpViewer::HelpSearchWord { word } { variable notebook set HelpViewer::searchstring $word $notebook raise search SearchInAllHelp } proc HelpViewer::FillDir { tree node } { variable HelpBaseDir if { $node == "root" } { set dir $HelpBaseDir } else { set dir [lindex [$tree itemcget $node -data] 1] } set idxfolder 0 set files "" foreach i [glob -nocomplain -dir $dir *] { lappend files [file tail $i] } foreach i [lsort -dictionary $files] { set fullpath [file join $dir $i] regsub {^[0-9]+} $i {} name regsub -all {\s} $fullpath _ item if { [file isdir $fullpath] } { # exclude special directories ... if { [string equal -nocase $i "images"] } { continue } if { [string equal -nocase $i "externals"] } { continue } if { [string equal -nocase $i "lib"] } { continue } $tree insert $idxfolder $node $item \ -image appbook16 -text $name \ -data [list folder $fullpath] -drawcross allways incr idxfolder } elseif { [string match .htm* [file ext $i]] } { set name [file root $i] $tree insert end $node $item \ -image filedocument16 -text $name \ -data [list file $fullpath] } } } proc HelpViewer::moddir { idx tree node } { variable HelpBaseDir if { $idx && [$tree itemcget $node -drawcross] == "allways" } { FillDir $tree $node $tree itemconfigure $node -drawcross auto if { [llength [$tree nodes $node]] } { $tree itemconfigure $node -image appbookopen16 } else { $tree itemconfigure $node -image appbook16 } } else { if { [lindex [$tree itemcget $node -data] 0] == "folder" } { switch $idx { 0 { set img appbook16 } 1 { set img appbookopen16 } } $tree itemconfigure $node -image $img } } } proc HelpViewer::KeyPress { a } { variable tree variable searchstring set node [$tree selection get] if { [llength $node] != 1 } { return } append searchstring $a after 300 [list set HelpViewer::searchstring ""] if { [$tree itemcget $node -open] == 1 && [llength [$tree nodes $node]] > 0 } { set parent $node set after 1 } else { set parent [$tree parent $node] set after 0 } foreach i [$tree nodes $parent] { if { !$after } { if { $i == $node } { if { [string length $HelpViewer::searchstring] > 1 } { set after 2 } else { set after 1 } } } if { $after == 2 && [string match -nocase $HelpViewer::searchstring* \ [$tree itemcget $i -text]] } { $tree selection clear $tree selection set $i $tree see $i return } if { $after == 1 } { set after 2 } } foreach i [$tree nodes [$tree parent $node]] { if { $i == $node } { return } if { [string match -nocase $HelpViewer::searchstring* [$tree itemcget $i -text]] } { $tree selection clear $tree selection set $i $tree see $i return } } } proc HelpViewer::Select { tree num node } { variable html if { $node == "" } { set node [$tree selection get] if { [llength $node] != 1 } { return } } elseif { ![$tree exists $node] } { return } if { $num >= 1 } { if { [$tree itemcget $node -open] == 0 } { $tree itemconfigure $node -open 1 set idx 1 } else { $tree itemconfigure $node -open 0 set idx 0 } moddir $idx $tree $node if { $num == 1 && $idx == 0 } { return } # set selection and ... # hans: bring current selection onto the screen $tree selection set $node $tree see $node if { [llength [$tree selection get]] == 1 } { set data [$tree itemcget [$tree selection get] -data] if { $num >= 1 && $num <= 2 } { LoadFile $html [lindex $data 1] } } return } } proc HelpViewer::TryToSelect { name } { variable HelpBaseDir variable tree set nameL [file split $name] set level [llength [file split $HelpBaseDir]] set node root while 1 { set found 0 foreach i [$tree nodes $node] { if { [lindex [$tree itemcget $i -data] 1] == [eval file join [lrange $nameL 0 $level]] } { set found 1 break } } if { !$found } { return } if { [lindex [$tree itemcget $i -data] 0] == "folder" } { if { [$tree itemcget $i -open] == 0 } { $tree itemconfigure $i -open 1 } moddir 1 $tree $i } if { $level == [llength $nameL]-1 } { Select $tree 3 $i return } set node $i incr level } } proc HelpViewer::Search {} { variable html if { ![info exists ::HelpViewer::searchstring] } { set msg "Before using 'Continue search', use 'Search'" append msg [winfo toplevel $html] tk_messageBox \ -icon warning -message $msg \ -type ok return } if { $HelpViewer::searchstring != "" } { set comm [list $html text find $HelpViewer::searchstring] if { $::HelpViewer::searchcase == 0 } { lappend comm nocase } if { $HelpViewer::SearchType == "-forwards" } { if { $HelpViewer::SearchPos != "" } { lappend comm after $HelpViewer::SearchPos } else { lappend comm after 1.0 } } else { if { $HelpViewer::SearchPos != "" } { lappend comm before $HelpViewer::SearchPos } else { lappend comm before end } } set idx1 "" foreach "idx1 idx2" [eval $comm] break if { $idx1 == "" } { # bell } else { scan $idx2 "%d.%d" line char set idx2 $line.[expr $char+1] $html selection set $idx1 [$html index $idx2] set y [lindex [$html coords $idx1] 1] if { $y == "" } { set y 0 } set height [lindex [$html coords end] 1] foreach "f1 f2" [$html yview] break set ys [expr $y/double($height)-($f2-$f1)/2.0] if { $ys < 0 } { set ys 0 } $html yview moveto $ys $html refresh set HelpViewer::SearchPos $idx1 } } } proc HelpViewer::SearchCmd {} { # # perform search as well on the html viewer widget content # search up to the 1st occurance of the search string # so that the string item is highlighted an immediately shown # on the screen... # variable searchstring variable searchcase variable SearchType if {$searchstring == ""} { return } # search in the html widget as well! set searchcase 0 set SearchType "-forwards" # html widget needs some time to establish screen... # catch maybe not really required, just in case... after 200 "catch {[namespace current]::Search}" } proc HelpViewer::CenterWindow {w wparent} { wm withdraw $w update idletasks set top [winfo toplevel [winfo parent $w]] set width [winfo reqwidth $w] set height [winfo reqheight $w] if { [wm state $top] == "withdrawn" } { set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $top]/2-$width/2] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $top]/2-$height/2] } else { set x [expr [winfo x $top]+[winfo width $top]/2-$width/2] set y [expr [winfo y $top]+[winfo height $top]/2-$height/2] } if { $x < 0 } { set x 0 } if { $y < 0 } { set y 0 } wm geom $w ${width}x${height}+${x}+$y wm deiconify $w update idletasks wm geom $w [wm geom $w] focus $w } proc HelpViewer::SearchWindow {} { # # a modal search dialog window # which stays on the screen until manually closed by the user # allows to forward/backward browsing of all occurances of the # given search pattern in the underlying html viewer widget # note: # once the search dialog gets closed, the <F3> binding in the # html viewer widget is still working, the current search # settings are only maintainable in the search dialog though # variable html variable searchwin_close set wparent $html set w $wparent.search_dlg catch { destroy $w } toplevel $w wm transient $w $wparent wm title $w "Search" bind $w <Escape> "set [namespace current]::searchwin_close 0" bind $w <Return> "[namespace current]::Search" bind $w <F3> "[namespace current]::Search" # dialog gui declarations set fb [ttk::frame $w.fb] pack $fb -side bottom -padx 2 -pady 5 -expand true ttk::button $fb.ok \ -text "Search" \ -command "[namespace current]::Search" ttk::button $fb.cancel \ -text "Cancel" \ -command "set [namespace current]::searchwin_close 0" pack $fb.ok $fb.cancel -side left -padx 10 -expand true set f1 [ttk::frame $w.entry] pack $f1 -side top -fill x ttk::label $f1.l1 -text "Search Text: " ttk::entry $f1.e1 \ -textvariable "[namespace current]::searchstring" tkTabToWindow $f1.e1 pack $f1.l1 -side left pack $f1.e1 -side right -fill x -expand true set f25 [ttk::frame $w.f25] pack $f25 -side top ttk::radiobutton $f25.r1 \ -text "Forward" \ -variable "[namespace current]::SearchType" \ -value "-forwards" ttk::radiobutton $f25.r2 \ -text "Backward" \ -variable "[namespace current]::SearchType" \ -value "-backwards" pack $f25.r1 -side left pack $f25.r2 -side right set f3 [ttk::frame $w.f3] pack $f3 -side top ttk::checkbutton $f3.cb1 \ -text "Consider case" \ -variable "[namespace current]::searchcase" ttk::checkbutton $f3.cb2 \ -text "From beginning" \ -variable "[namespace current]::searchFromBegin" pack $f3.cb1 $f3.cb2 CenterWindow $w $wparent # dialog data initialization... if { ![info exists ::HelpViewer::searchstring] } { set ::HelpViewer::searchstring "" } set ::HelpViewer::SearchPos "" set ::HelpViewer::searchmode -exact set ::HelpViewer::searchcase 0 set ::HelpViewer::searchFromBegin 0 set ::HelpViewer::SearchType -forwards # ---------------------------------------------------- grab $w tkwait variable "[namespace current]::searchwin_close" grab release $w destroy $w # ---------------------------------------------------- } proc HelpViewer::CreateIndex {} { variable HelpBaseDir variable Index variable IndexFilesTitles variable progressbar variable progressbarStop variable html if { [array exists Index] } { return } if { [file exists [file join $HelpBaseDir wordindex]] } { set fin [open [file join $HelpBaseDir wordindex] r] foreach "IndexFilesTitles aa" [read $fin] break array set Index $aa close $fin return } WaitState 1 ProgressDlg $html.prdg -textvariable HelpViewer::progressbarT -variable \ HelpViewer::progressbar -title "Creating search index" \ -troughcolor \#48c96f -stop Stop -command "set HelpViewer::progressbarStop 1" set progressbar 0 set progressbarStop 0 catch { unset Index } set files [::fileutil::findByPattern $HelpBaseDir "*.htm *.html"] set len [llength [file split $HelpBaseDir]] set ipos 0 set numfiles [llength $files] set IndexFilesTitles "" foreach i $files { set HelpViewer::progressbar [expr int($ipos*50/$numfiles)] set HelpViewer::progressbarT $HelpViewer::progressbar% if { $HelpViewer::progressbarStop } { destroy .prdg return } set fin [open $i r] set aa [read $fin] set file [eval file join [lrange [file split $i] $len end]] set title "" regexp {(?i)<title>(.*?)</title>} $aa {} title if { $title == "" } { regexp {(?i)<h([1234])>(.*?)</h\1>} $aa {} {} title } lappend IndexFilesTitles [list $file $title] set IndexPos [expr [llength $IndexFilesTitles]-1] foreach j [regexp -inline -all -- {-?\w{3,}} $aa] { if { [string is integer $j] || [string length $j] > 25 || [regexp {_[0-9]+$} $j] } { continue } lappend Index([string tolower $j]) $IndexPos } close $fin incr ipos } proc IndexesSortCommand { e1 e2 } { upvar freqs freqsL if { $freqsL($e1) > $freqsL($e2) } { return -1 } if { $freqsL($e1) < $freqsL($e2) } { return 1 } return 0 } set names [array names Index] set len [llength $names] set ipos 0 foreach i $names { set HelpViewer::progressbar [expr 50+int($ipos*50/$len)] set HelpViewer::progressbarT $HelpViewer::progressbar% if { $HelpViewer::progressbarStop } { destroy .prdg return } foreach j $Index($i) { set title [lindex [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $j] 1] if { [string match -nocase *$i* $title] } { set icr 10 } else { set icr 1 } if { ![info exists freqs($j)] } { set freqs($j) $icr } else { incr freqs($j) $icr } } # if { $i == "variable" } { # puts "-----variable-----" # foreach j $Index($i) { # puts [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $j]-----$j # } # parray freqs # } set Index($i) [lrange [lsort -command HelpViewer::IndexesSortCommand [array names freqs]] \ 0 4] # if { $i == "variable" } { # puts "-----variable-----" # foreach j [lsort -command HelpViewer::IndexesSortCommand [array names freqs]] { # puts [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $j]-----$j # } # } unset freqs incr ipos } set HelpViewer::progressbar 100 set HelpViewer::progressbarT $HelpViewer::progressbar% destroy $html.prdg set fout [open [file join $HelpBaseDir wordindex] w] puts -nonewline $fout [list $IndexFilesTitles [array get Index]] close $fout WaitState 0 } proc HelpViewer::IsWordGood { word otherwords } { variable Index variable IndexFilesTitles if { $otherwords == "" } { return 1 } if { ![info exists Index($word)] } { return 0 } foreach i $Index($word) { set file [lindex [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $i] 0] if { [HasFileTheWord $file $otherwords] } { return 1 } } return 0 } proc HelpViewer::HasFileTheWord { file otherwords } { variable HelpBaseDir variable Index variable IndexFilesTitles variable FindWordInFileCache set fullfile [file join $HelpBaseDir $file] foreach word $otherwords { if { [info exists FindWordInFileCache($file,$word)] } { if { !$FindWordInFileCache($file,$word) } { return 0 } continue } set fin [open $fullfile r] set aa [read $fin] close $fin if { [string match -nocase *$word* $aa] } { set FindWordInFileCache($file,$word) 1 } else { set FindWordInFileCache($file,$word) 0 return 0 } } return 1 } proc HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelp {} { variable HelpBaseDir variable Index variable searchlistbox1 set word [string tolower $HelpViewer::searchstring] CreateIndex set HelpViewer::SearchFound "" set HelpViewer::SearchFound2 "" if { [string trim $word] == "" } { return } set words [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $word] if { [llength $words] > 1 } { set word [lindex $words 0] set otherwords [lrange $words 1 end] } else { set otherwords "" } set ipos 0 set iposgood -1 foreach i [array names Index *$word*] { if { ![IsWordGood $i $otherwords] } { continue } lappend HelpViewer::SearchFound $i if { [string equal $word [lindex $i 0]] } { set iposgood $ipos } incr ipos } if { $iposgood == -1 && [llength [GiveManHelpNames $HelpViewer::searchstring]] > 0 } { lappend HelpViewer::SearchFound $HelpViewer::searchstring set iposgood $ipos } if { $iposgood >= 0 } { $searchlistbox1 selection clear 0 end $searchlistbox1 selection set $iposgood $searchlistbox1 see $iposgood SearchInAllHelpL1 } } proc HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL1 {} { variable Index variable IndexFilesTitles variable SearchFound2 variable SearchFound2data variable searchlistbox1 variable searchlistbox2 set SearchFound2 "" set SearchFound2data "" set sels [$searchlistbox1 curselection] if { $sels == "" } { # bell return } set words [regexp -all -inline {\S+} $HelpViewer::searchstring] if { [llength $words] > 1 } { set otherwords [lrange $words 1 end] } else { set otherwords "" } set ipos 0 set iposgood -1 set iposgoodW -1 foreach i $sels { set word [$searchlistbox1 get $i] if { [info exists Index($word)] } { foreach i $Index($word) { foreach "file title" [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $i] break if { ![HasFileTheWord $file $otherwords] } { continue } if { [lsearch $HelpViewer::SearchFound2 $title] != -1 } { continue } lappend SearchFound2 $title lappend SearchFound2data $i if { [string match -nocase *$word* $title] } { set W 1 foreach i $otherwords { if { [string match -nocase *$i* $title] } { incr W } } if { [string match -nocase *$HelpViewer::searchstring* $title] } { incr W } if { [string equal -nocase $HelpViewer::searchstring $title] } { incr W } if { $W > $iposgoodW } { set iposgood $ipos set iposgoodW $W } } incr ipos } } foreach i [GiveManHelpNames $word] { lappend SearchFound2 $i if { $iposgood == -1 } { set iposgood $ipos } else { set iposgood -2 } incr ipos } } if { $iposgood < 0 && $ipos > 0 } { set iposgood 0 } if { $iposgood >= 0 } { focus $searchlistbox2 $searchlistbox2 selection clear 0 end $searchlistbox2 selection set $iposgood $searchlistbox2 see $iposgood SearchInAllHelpL2 } } proc HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL2 {} { variable HelpBaseDir variable SearchFound2data variable IndexFilesTitles variable SearchFound2 variable SearchFound2data variable html variable searchlistbox2 set sels [$searchlistbox2 curselection] if { [llength $sels] != 1 } { # bell return } if { [regexp {(.*)\(man (.*)\)} [lindex $SearchFound2 $sels]] } { SearchManHelpFor $html [lindex $SearchFound2 $sels] } else { set i [lindex $SearchFound2data $sels] set file [file join $HelpBaseDir [lindex [lindex $IndexFilesTitles $i] 0]] LoadFile $html $file 1 } } proc HelpViewer::WaitState { what } { variable tree variable html switch $what { 1 { $tree configure -cursor watch $html configure -cursor watch } 0 { $tree configure -cursor "" $html configure -cursor "" } } update } proc HelpViewer::ExitCmd {{wbase ""}} { variable callbackcmd if {$callbackcmd != ""} { catch {uplevel $callbackcmd} } if {$wbase != "" && [winfo exists $wbase]} { destroy $wbase } else { exit 0 } } proc HelpViewer::getTreeWidget {} { variable tree return $tree } proc HelpViewer::getTreeRootName {} { return "root" } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # main dialog # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc HelpViewer::HelpWindow { file {base .help} {geom ""} {title ""} {cmd ""} } { variable HelpBaseDir variable html variable tree variable searchlistbox1 variable searchlistbox2 variable notebook variable callbackcmd global lastDir tcl_platform argv0 if { [info command html] == "" } { set msg "Package Tkhtml 2 is missing.\n" append msg "You must get Tkhtml in order to use this function!\n" append msg "Can not continue." tk_messageBox \ -title "Error in [namespace current] procedure." \ -icon "error" \ -message $msg \ -type ok return } set callbackcmd $cmd if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } { option add *Scrollbar*Width 10 option add *Scrollbar*BorderWidth 1 option add *Button*BorderWidth 1 } option add *Menu*TearOff 0 catch { destroy $base } if { $title == "" } { set title Help } if { [file isdir $file] } { set HelpBaseDir $file } else { # set HelpBaseDir [file dirname $file] } set HelpBaseDir [file normalize $HelpBaseDir] if { [info procs InitWindow] != "" } { InitWindow $base $title PostHelpViewerWindowGeom } else { toplevel $base wm title $base $title } wm withdraw $base wm protocol $base WM_DELETE_WINDOW "[namespace current]::ExitCmd $base" ################################################################################ # menu is not mapped in this version ################################################################################ # frame $base.mbar -bd 2 -relief raised # menubutton $base.mbar.file -text File -underline 0 -menu $base.mbar.file.m # pack $base.mbar.file -side left -padx 5 # set m [menu $base.mbar.file.m] # $m add command -label Open -underline 0 -command "HelpViewer::Load $base.h.h" # $m add command -label Refresh -underline 0 -command "HelpViewer::Refresh $base.h.h" # $m add separator # $m add command -label Index -acc Ctrl-i -command "\ # HelpViewer::LoadFile $base.h.h [list $file] ;\ # set HelpViewer::lastDir [list [file dirname $file]]" # $m add command -label Refresh -acc Ctrl-r -command "HelpViewer::Refresh $base.h.h" # $m add separator # $m add command -label Close -acc Ctrl-q -command "destroy $base" # bind $base <Control-o> "HelpViewer::Load $base.h.h" # bind $base <Control-r> "$m invoke Refresh" # bind $base <Control-i> "$m invoke Index" # bind $base <Control-q> "$m invoke Close" # menubutton $base.mbar.edit -text Edit -underline 0 -menu $base.mbar.edit.m # pack $base.mbar.edit -side left -padx 5 # set m [menu $base.mbar.edit.m] # $m add command -label Copy -acc Ctrl-c -command "HelpViewer::CopySelected $base.h.h" # bind $base <Control-c> "$m invoke Copy" # menubutton $base.mbar.go -text Go -underline 0 -menu $base.mbar.go.m # pack $base.mbar.go -side left -padx 5 # set History::menu [menu $base.mbar.go.m] # $History::menu add command -label Backward -acc Alt-<- -state disabled -command \ # "History::GoBackward $base.h.h" # $History::menu add command -label Forward -acc Alt--> -state disabled -command \ # "History::GoForward $base.h.h" # bind $base <Alt-Left> "$History::menu invoke Backward" # bind $base <Alt-Right> "$History::menu invoke Forward" global showImages set showImages 1 # $m add checkbutton -label {Show Images} -variable showImages #trace variable showImages w "Refresh $base.h.h" ################################################################################ # the HTML viewer ################################################################################ set pw [PanedWindow $ -activator line -side top -pad 5] set weight1 5 set weight2 12 set pane1 [$pw add -weight $weight1] $pane1 configure -bg \#EDF3FE NoteBook $pane1.nb -homogeneous 1 -bd 1 -internalborderwidth 3 -bg \#EDF3FE \ -activebackground \#EDF3FE -disabledforeground \#EDF3FE pack $pane1.nb -side top -fill both -expand true set notebook $pane1.nb set f1 [$pane1.nb insert end tree -text "Contents" -image appbook16] set sw [ScrolledWindow $f1.lf -relief sunken -borderwidth 1] pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set tree [Tree $sw.tree -bg white\ -relief flat -borderwidth 2 -width 15 -highlightthickness 0 \ -redraw 1 -deltay 18 -bg #EDF3FE\ -opencmd "HelpViewer::moddir 1 $sw.tree" \ -closecmd "HelpViewer::moddir 0 $sw.tree" \ -width 5 \ ] $sw setwidget $tree set font [option get $tree font Font] if { $font != "" } { $tree configure -deltay [expr [font metrics $font -linespace]] } if { $::tcl_platform(platform) != "windows" } { $tree configure -selectbackground \#48c96f -selectforeground white } $pane1.nb itemconfigure tree -raisecmd "focus $tree" set f2 [$pane1.nb insert end search -text "Search" -image viewmag16] set fs [frame $] pack $fs -side top -fill x label $fs.l1 -text "S:" -bg #EDF3FE entry $fs.e1 -textvariable HelpViewer::searchstring -bg #EDF3FE pack $fs.l1 -side left pack $fs.e1 -side right -fill x -expand true $pane1.nb itemconfigure search -raisecmd "tkTabToWindow $fs.e1" bind $fs.e1 <Return> "focus $; HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelp" set sw [ScrolledWindow $f2.lf1 -relief sunken] pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set searchlistbox1 [listbox $ -listvar HelpViewer::SearchFound -bg #EDF3FE \ -exportselection 0] $f2.lf1 setwidget $ set sw [ScrolledWindow $f2.lf2 -relief sunken] pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set searchlistbox2 [listbox $ -listvar HelpViewer::SearchFound2 \ -bg #EDF3FE -exportselection 0] $f2.lf2 setwidget $ bind $ <FocusIn> "if { \[%W curselection] == {} } { %W selection set 0 }" bind $ <ButtonPress-1> "focus $; HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL1; HelpViewer::SearchCmd" bind $ <Return> "focus $; HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL1; HelpViewer::SearchCmd" bind $ <FocusIn> "if { \[%W curselection] == {} } { %W selection set 0 }" bind $ <ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL2; HelpViewer::SearchCmd" bind $ <Return> "HelpViewer::SearchInAllHelpL2; HelpViewer::SearchCmd" set HelpViewer::SearchFound "" set HelpViewer::SearchFound2 "" $pane1.nb compute_size $pane1.nb raise tree set pane2 [$pw add -weight $weight2] set sw [ScrolledWindow $pane2.lf -relief sunken -borderwidth 0] pack $sw -fill both -expand yes set html [html $sw.h \ -padx 5 \ -pady 9 \ -formcommand HelpViewer::FormCmd \ -imagecommand HelpViewer::ImageCmd \ -scriptcommand HelpViewer::ScriptCmd \ -appletcommand HelpViewer::AppletCmd \ -underlinehyperlinks 0 \ -bg white -tablerelief raised \ -resolvercommand HelpViewer::ResolveUri \ -exportselection 1 \ -takefocus 1 \ -fontcommand HelpViewer::pickFont \ -width 550 \ -height 500 \ -borderwidth 0 \ ] $sw setwidget $html bind $html.x <1> "focus $html; HelpViewer::HrefBinding $html %x %y" bind $base <Control-c> "HelpViewer::CopySelected $html" frame $base.buts -bg grey93 button $base.buts.b1 -image imatge_fletxa_e -bg grey93 -relief flat \ -command "History::GoBackward $html" -height 50 \ -highlightthickness 0 button $base.buts.b2 -image imatge_fletxa_d -bg grey93 -relief flat \ -command "History::GoForward $html" -height 50 \ -highlightthickness 0 menubutton $base.buts.b3 -text "More..." -bg grey93 -fg DarkGrey -relief flat \ -menu $base.buts.b3.m -activebackground grey93 menu $base.buts.b3.m $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Home" -acc "" -command \ "History::GoHome $html" $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Previus" -acc "Alt-Left" -command \ "History::GoBackward $html" $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Next" -acc "Alt-Right" -command \ "History::GoForward $html" $base.buts.b3.m add separator $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Search in page..." -acc "Ctrl+F" -command \ "focus $html; HelpViewer::SearchWindow" $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Search more" -acc "F3" -command \ "focus $html; HelpViewer::Search" $base.buts.b3.m add separator $base.buts.b3.m add command \ -label "Close" -acc "ESC" -command \ "[namespace current]::ExitCmd $base" if { $HelpPrefs::RunningAlone } { button $base.buts.b4 -image imatge_quit -bg grey93 -relief flat \ -command "[namespace current]::ExitCmd" \ -height 50 \ -highlightthickness 0 } else { button $base.buts.b4 -image imatge_quit -bg grey93 -relief flat \ -command "[namespace current]::ExitCmd $base" \ -height 50 \ -highlightthickness 0 } pack $base.buts.b1 $base.buts.b2 $base.buts.b3 -side left pack $base.buts.b4 -side right # menubutton $base.buts.b3 -image imatge_save -bg grey93 -relief flat \ # -menu $base.buts.b3.m -height 50 -grid "2 e" -activebackground grey93 # menu $base.buts.b3.m # $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "As HTML" -command \ # "HelpViewer::SaveHTMLAs $base HTML" # $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "As RTF file (Word)" -command \ # "HelpViewer::SaveHTMLAs $base Word" # $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "As CSV file (Excel)" -command \ # "HelpViewer::SaveHTMLAs $base CSV" # $base.buts.b3.m add command -label "Copy to clipboard (Excel)" -command \ # "HelpViewer::HTMLToClipBoardCSV $base" pack $base.buts -side top -fill x pack $pw -side bottom -fill both -expand true # This procedure is called when the user selects the File/Open # menu option. # set lastDir [pwd] if { [package provide Pan] != "" } { pan bind $tree.c pan bind $html.x } bind $html.x <3> [list tk_popup $base.buts.b3.m %X %Y] # This binding changes the cursor when the mouse move over # top of a hyperlink. # bind HtmlClip <Motion> { set parent [winfo parent %W] set url [$parent href %x %y] if {[string length $url] > 0} { $parent configure -cursor hand2 } else { $parent configure -cursor {} } } if {[string equal "unix" $::tcl_platform(platform)]} { bind $html.x <4> { %W yview scroll -1 units } bind $html.x <5> { %W yview scroll 1 units } bind $tree.c <4> { %W yview scroll -5 units } bind $tree.c <5> { %W yview scroll 5 units } } focus $html bind $html bind $html <Prior> { %W yview scroll -1 pages } bind $html <Next> { %W yview scroll 1 pages } bind $html <Home> { %W yview moveto 0 } bind $html <End> { %W yview moveto 1 } bind $base <1> "HelpViewer::ManageSel $html %W %x %y press" bind $base <B1-Motion> "HelpViewer::ManageSel $html %W %x %y motion" bind $base <ButtonRelease-1> "HelpViewer::ManageSel $html %W %x %y release" if { $tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { selection handle $html "HelpViewer::CopySelected $html" } $tree bindText <ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 1" $tree bindText <Double-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 2" $tree bindImage <ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 1" $tree bindImage <Double-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 2" $tree bindText <Control-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 3" $tree bindImage <Control-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 3" $tree bindText <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 4" $tree bindImage <Shift-ButtonPress-1> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 4" # dirty trick foreach i [bind $tree.c] { bind $tree.c $i "+ [list after idle [list HelpViewer::Select $tree 0 {}]]" } bind $tree.c <Return> "HelpViewer::Select $tree 1 {}" bind $tree.c <KeyPress> "if \[string is wordchar -strict {%A}] {HelpViewer::KeyPress %A}" bind $tree.c <Alt-KeyPress-Left> "" bind $tree.c <Alt-KeyPress-Right> "" bind $tree.c <Alt-KeyPress> { break } bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Alt-Left> "History::GoBackward $html; break" bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Alt-Right> "History::GoForward $html; break" FillDir $tree root bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Control-f> "focus $html; HelpViewer::SearchWindow ; break" bind [winfo toplevel $html] <F3> "focus $html; HelpViewer::Search ; break" if { [info script] == $::argv0 } { bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Escape> "[namespace current]::ExitCmd" } else { bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Escape> "[namespace current]::ExitCmd $base" } bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Control-f> "focus $html; HelpViewer::SearchWindow ; break" bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Alt-KeyPress-c> [list $notebook raise tree] bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Control-KeyPress-i> [list $notebook raise search] bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Alt-KeyPress-i> [list $notebook raise search] bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Control-KeyPress-s> [list $notebook raise search] bind [winfo toplevel $html] <Alt-KeyPress-s> [list $notebook raise search] update # If an arguent was specified, read it into the HTML widget. if {$file != ""} { LoadFile $html $file } # set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $base]/2-400] # set y [expr [winfo screenheight $base]/2-300] # wm geom $base 650x400+${x}+$y if { $geom == "" } { # set width 400 # set height 500 # set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $base]/2-$width/2] # set y [expr [winfo screenheight $base]/2-$height/2] # wm geom $base ${width}x${height}+${x}+${y} set x [expr [winfo screenwidth $base]/2-400] set y [expr [winfo screenheight $base]/2-300] wm geom $base 650x400+${x}+$y } else { wm geom $base $geom } update idletasks wm deiconify $base return $html } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # test section # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- if { [info script] == $argv0 } { wm withdraw . package require Tkhtml 2.0 package require Img if { $::tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} { set file {/c/TclTk/RamDebugger/help} } else { set file {/Documents and Settings/ramsan/Mis documentos/myTclTk/RamDebugger/help} bind all <MouseWheel> { set w %W while { $w != [winfo toplevel $w] } { catch { set ycomm [$w cget -yscrollcommand] if { $ycomm != "" } { $w yview scroll [expr int(-1*%D/36)] units break } } set w [winfo parent $w] } } } HelpViewer::HelpWindow $file } else { set HelpViewer::HelpBaseDir [file join [info script] help] }
set dir [file dirname [info script]] lappend auto_path [file join $dir ".."] lappend auto_path [file join $dir "../../lib"] package require Tk wm withdraw . # requiring exactly 2.0 to avoid getting the one from Activestate package require -exact Tkhtml 2.0 # same is required for BWidget ... package require -exact BWidget 1.9.10 package require BWidget_patch Widget::theme 1 package require helpviewer 2.0 # case 1: demo dir # set demo_dir [file join [file dirname [info script]] "demo_doc"] # set demo_dir [file join [file dirname [info script]] "demo_help"] set demo_dir $::BWIDGET::LIBRARY # start the viewer... HelpViewer::HelpWindow $demo_dir return # case 2: demo file set demo_file [file join [file dirname [info script]] "demo_doc/index.html"] HelpViewer::HelpWindow $demo_file set HelpViewer::HelpBaseDir $demo_dir set hwidget [HelpViewer::HelpWindow ""] HelpViewer::LoadRef $hwidget $demo_file
if {[catch { package require starkit if {[starkit::startup] eq "sourced"} { return } }]} { namespace eval ::starkit { if {[set this [info script]] == ""} { set this [info nameofexecutable] } variable topdir [file normalize [file dirname $this]] } } lappend auto_path [file join $::starkit::topdir "lib"] lappend auto_path [file join $::starkit::topdir "lib3"] package require Tk package require tile wm withdraw . # requiring exactly 2.0 to avoid getting the one from Activestate package require -exact Tkhtml 2.0 # same is required for BWidget ... package require -exact BWidget 1.9.10 package require BWidget_patch Widget::theme 1 package require helpviewer 2.0 set help_dir [file join $::starkit::topdir "../Docu"] # start the help viewer... HelpViewer::HelpWindow $help_dir
# Makefile.tcl --- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Purpose: # Create (*)starkit and application binaries # for unix and windows. This makefile might be used to # "cross compile" binaries for any target OS. # # Copyright(c) 2016, Johann Oberdorfer # mail-to: johann.oberdorfer <at> # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This source file is distributed under the BSD license. package require Tk wm withdraw . catch { console show; update } set t0 [clock milliseconds] # main entry point: set THIS_APP [file normalize [file dirname [info script]]] set TCLKIT_DIR [file join $THIS_APP "../tclkit"] set INSTALL_DIR [file join $THIS_APP "../Apps"] # unix / win / osx ... set OSX_KIT [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "Darwin_kbsvq8.6-gui"] set WIN_KIT [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "WindowsNT_kbsvq8.6-gui.exe"] set SDXUTIL [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "sdx.exe"] set UPXUTIL [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "upx.exe"] # set MAKETCL [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "make.tcl"] # source $MAKETCL # *edit* to reflect your build platform # you are currently running on: # ------------------------------------- set TCL_KIT [file join $TCLKIT_DIR "WindowsNT_kbsvq8.6-gui.exe"] set VER "2.0" set VFS "Ver${VER}" set APP "HelpViewer" # default operation mode if {$argc == 0} { set argv "win" } switch -- $argv { "win" { puts "Creating windows executable: ${APP}.exe ..."; update file delete -force ${APP}.exe file copy -force $WIN_KIT winkitbin.exe exec $SDXUTIL wrap ${APP}.exe -vfs $VFS -runtime $TCL_KIT file delete -force winkitbin.exe # compressing the exe... puts "Running UPX to compress executable ..."; update exec $UPXUTIL ${APP}.exe } "sdx" { puts "Creating windows executable: sdx.exe ..."; update file delete -force sdx.exe file copy -force $TCL_KIT tclkitbin.exe exec $TCL_KIT $SDXUTIL wrap sdx.exe -vfs $SDXUTIL -runtime tclkitbin.exe file delete -force tclkitbin.exe } default { puts "Unknown or missing argument!" } } puts "Done - [expr ( [clock milliseconds] - $t0 ) / 1000.0] sec."