
Gerhard Reithofer 2010-05-28 The LCD-Editor simulates the display unit EA T123-I2C ( ) used in the microcontrollerboard halvedDISC , see:

LCD Editor

This can be useful for creating screenshots and documentation.

The TCL-Source package contains also the LCD-font bitmap definitions and the Bitmap Editor (by Keith Vetter) which has been improved by some additional functions. With this program the existing dot-matrix definitions can be changed or extended.

Sorry lvirden, but I've overwritten your original page by accident :-(

Gerhard Reithofer 2023-05-08 - homepage link changed

JOB Thank you gerhard. With the following snippet appended to your code, you can emulate a clock.

proc _show_time {} {
  global EData Canvas

  # set fmt "%d.%b,%H:%M:%S"
  set fmt "%d.%b %H:%M:%S"
  # ----------------------------
  set tm_str [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%A,%d.%m.%Y,%H:%M:%S"]
  # puts $tm_str

  set tmp [split $tm_str ","]
  set day [lindex $tmp 0]
  set dt  [lindex $tmp 1]
  set tm  [lindex $tmp 2]

  # puts "$tm - $dt - $day"

  set EData(a,0) " $tm "
  set EData(c,0) {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
  set EData(a,1) $dt
  set EData(c,1) {1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}
  set EData(a,2) " $day "
  set EData(c,2) {1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1}

  display_TXT $Canvas
  # keep it running ...
  after 1000 {_show_time}


Output looks like: