LDAP, an acronym for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, is a protocol for
CL observes that learning to work with LDAP can intimidate newcomers, if only for the usual complication of client-server protocols (SNMP presents the same challenge): one must have a working server and client before achieving the "Hello, world" level of progress. In the '90s, there were quite a few public LDAP services, and it was inviting to connect new client applications to them for quick exercise.
As far as I know, they're all gone now [task: confirm this]. Is there interest in Tclistan for a public LDAP server against which we can all practice? I might set one up ... (again, same's true for SNMP).
Examples of the following are solicited:
Jochen Loewer's (see below), a derivative of the latter available in tcllib as of 2004,
As of 2010, there is no up-to-date tcl GUI client.
musashiXXX 2010-05-10
I've written a CGI based interface to LDAP. It was designed for the sole purpose of allowing users to administer a single OU from a web interface. It's very basic at the moment but I plan on developing it further. The tarball is located here: http://nefaria.com/scriptz/tcl-ldap-cgi.tar.gz ... there is no README or instructions (I'm working on that) but if you need any help, feel free to contact me (musashiXXX) on irc.freenode.net #tcl or via e-mail ([email protected]).
schlenk The tcllib ldap client package was greatly enhanced in the 1.9 version of Tcllib.
Using LDIF you can for example parse Mozilla Thunderbird Addressbooks, which can be exported in ldif format, see the examples/ldap directory in the tcllib distribution.
rojo 2011-04-26 10:20:20:
An example of an LDAP search in a MS environment:
#! /bin/sh # \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} namespace eval ldapsearch { set settings(domain) your.domain set settings(user) authorized_user set settings(pass) p4sSwh1rRed # for pw_expires, use "never" or keywords compatible with clock arithmetic # see https://www.tcl-lang.org/man/tcl/TclCmd/clock.htm#M22 set settings(pw_expires) {90 days} set settings(server_timezone) GMT set settings(client_timezone) US/Eastern # timeout in seconds for LDAP queries... For some reason, when searching for cn # or displayName, results return instantly; whereas searching any other field # (employeeID for instance) returns results in *exactly* the number of seconds # in this timeout setting, regardless of the actual time needed to complete the # search. Perhaps the Windows domain controller does not send its EOF-ish search # complete signal when searching non-indexed columns the same as it does for # sAMAccountName / cn / displayName / etc. But I digress. Set this low for # faster queries, but not low enough that valid searches return 0 results. set settings(timeout) 8 # Wildcard searches seem to error with ldap::secure_connect set settings(use-ssl) false ######################### # End of user variables # ######################### variable settings package require ldap if {$settings(use-ssl)} { package require tls } proc isid {what} { # What does an employee ID look like in your organization? # For this example we'll say it's in the format of E01234567 return [regexp -nocase {^E\d{8}$} $what] } proc search {what} { variable settings global env if {$settings(use-ssl)} { if {[catch {ldap::secure_connect $settings(domain)} idx]} { set idx [ldap::connect $settings(domain)] } } { set idx [ldap::connect $settings(domain)] } if {$settings(use-ssl) && [::ldap::info tls $idx]} { puts "SSL connected to [::ldap::info ip $idx]" } { puts "Connected to [::ldap::info ip $idx]" } ldap::bind $idx $settings(user)@$settings(domain) $settings(pass) set attributes { sAMAccountName name displayName employeeID pwdLastSet userAccountControl memberOf msExchHomeServerName msExchHideFromAddressLists } if {[isid $what]} { set filter "(employeeID=$what)" set options [list -scope sub -timelimit $settings(timeout) -sizelimit 1] } else { set filter "|(cn=$what*)(displayName=$what*)" set options [list -scope sub -timelimit $settings(timeout) -sizelimit 20] } if {[catch { set dc "dc=[string map {. ,dc=} $settings(domain)]" ldap::searchInit $idx $dc $filter $attributes $options } fail]} { puts "Init failure: $fail"; ldap::unbind $idx; ldap::disconnect $idx; return } while {![catch {ldap::searchNext $idx} flat]} { set dn [lindex $flat 0] set flat [lindex $flat 1] if {![llength $flat]} { continue } foreach attr $attributes { set res($attr) {} } foreach {name val} $flat { set res($name) $val } # Interpret dates from the server's time zone, displaying them in the client's if {[info exists env(TZ)]} { set keepTZ $env(TZ) } { set keepTZ $settings(client_timezone) } set env(TZ) $settings(server_timezone) # $res(pwdLastSet) is measured in 100 nanosecond intervals since 1/1/1601 # convert to seconds set res(pwdLastSet) [expr {wide($res(pwdLastSet) * pow(10,-7))}] # convert to 1970 epoch incr res(pwdLastSet) [clock scan {1601-1-1} -format {%Y-%m-%d}] # expires when? if {![regexp {\d} $settings(pw_expires)]} { set res(pwdExpires "never" } else { set dur [lindex $settings(pw_expires) 0] set unit [lindex $settings(pw_expires) 1] set res(pwdExpires) [clock format [clock add $res(pwdLastSet) $dur $unit]\ -format {%+} -timezone $settings(client_timezone)] } # Set how long ago? set res(pwdAge) "[expr {([clock seconds] - $res(pwdLastSet)) / 60 / 60 / 24}] days" # Math finished. Make pwdLastSet human readable now. set res(pwdLastSet) [clock format $res(pwdLastSet) -format {%+} -timezone $settings(client_timezone)] # restore temporarily changed env(TZ) set env(TZ) $keepTZ # see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/305144 for $res(userAccountControl) set UAC { 134217728 UF_USE_AES_KEYS 67108864 UF_PARTIAL_SECRETS_ACCOUNT 16777216 TRUSTED_TO_AUTH_FOR_DELEGATION 8388608 PASSWORD_EXPIRED 4194304 DONT_REQ_PREAUTH 2097152 USE_DES_KEY_ONLY 1048576 NOT_DELEGATED 524288 TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION 262144 SMARTCARD_REQUIRED 131072 MNS_LOGON_ACCOUNT 65536 DONT_EXPIRE_PASSWORD 8192 SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT 4096 WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT 2048 INTERDOMAIN_TRUST_ACCOUNT 512 NORMAL_ACCOUNT 256 TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT 128 ENCRYPTED_TEXT_PWD_ALLOWED 64 PASSWD_CANT_CHANGE 32 PASSWD_NOTREQD 16 LOCKOUT 8 HOMEDIR_REQUIRED 2 ACCOUNTDISABLE 1 SCRIPT } set flags [list] foreach {dec flag} $UAC { if {!$res(userAccountControl)} { break } if {$res(userAccountControl) >= $dec} { lappend flags $flag; incr res(userAccountControl) -$dec } } set res(userAccountControl) $flags set groups [list] foreach group $res(memberOf) { lappend groups [string map {CN= ""} [lindex [split $group ,] 0]] } set res(memberOf) $groups set res(msExchHomeServerName) [lindex [split [lindex $res(msExchHomeServerName) end] =] end] foreach {name val} [array get res] { puts "$name: $val" } puts "\n" } # puts "Last value of \$flat: $flat" ldap::searchEnd $idx ldap::unbind $idx ldap::disconnect $idx return } }; # end namespace if {[llength $argv]} { puts $argv; ldapsearch::search [lindex $argv 0] }
$ tclsh % source thisfile.tcl % ldapsearch::search employeeID - outputs exact match where employeeID=searchterm % ldapsearch::search username - outputs records for (up to 20) accounts matching cn=searchterm* or displayName=searchterm*