MEd 2006/03/09: Just another kind of "wiki-reaping". This little script allows you to run source code which is currently located in the system's clipboard. You can choose between
To run code on wiki pages just select the text passage in your browser window -> right-click -> copy to clipboard. I tried to run A Simple Fan Animation this way and it worked with both, sandbox and standard mode.
package require Tk proc runinterp {} { .out.output delete 1.0 end if {$::runsecure} { puts "Starting safe interpreter..." set engine [safe::interpCreate -nestedLoadOk] safe::loadTk $engine $engine alias wm caughtwm $engine alias tk_messageBox caughtmsgbox } else { puts "Starting standard interpreter..." set engine [interp create] $engine eval "package require Tk" } $engine alias puts slaveputs $engine eval [clipboard get] } proc caughtmsgbox {args} { eval tk_messageBox $args -parent . } proc caughtwm {args} { .out.output insert end "Caught: wm $args\n" } proc slaveputs {pstring} { .out.output insert end "> $pstring\n" } proc viewclip {w} { $w delete 1.0 end $w insert 1.0 [clipboard get] } set runsecure 1 . configure -padx 5 frame .ctrl -pady 5 -pady 5 -relief ridge -borderwidth 2 frame .out checkbutton .ctrl.trusted -text "Sandbox mode" -variable runsecure button -text "Run clipboard code" -command runinterp button .ctrl.view -text "View clipboard content" -command {viewclip .out.output} button .ctrl.exit -text "Exit" -command exit scrollbar .out.vbar -orient vertical -command {.out.output yview} scrollbar .out.hbar -orient horizontal -command {.out.output xview} text .out.output -font "Courier 10" -width 50 -height 15 -xscrollcommand {.out.hbar set} -yscrollcommand {.out.vbar set} -wrap none grid .out.output -row 1 -column 1 -sticky news grid .out.vbar -row 1 -column 2 -sticky ns grid .out.hbar -row 2 -column 1 -sticky we grid rowconfigure .out 1 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure .out 1 -weight 1 pack .ctrl.trusted .ctrl.view .ctrl.exit -side left -expand 1 -fill x -padx 5 pack .ctrl -expand 1 -fill x -pady 5 pack .out -expand 1 -fill both -pady 5 ### End of script
MEd Beside this there seems to be a bug in Tcl/Tk 8.4 when running on Windows: It was not possible for me to enter text in an entry or text widget within an safe interpreter, however it works fine under Linux (and it also works fine on both, Linux and Windows when using Tcl/Tk 8.5).