Arjen Markus (23 february 2025) A small experiment with a statistical technique called LOESS, locally estimated scatterplot smoothing. I intend to include it in the math::statistics module of Tcllib. The idea is quite simple, though like in most statistical topics the devil is in the details: use data points around a chosen point to cancel out noise and get a smoother curve. The Wikipedia page on the subject explains in more detail.
The result is a much smoother line that captures the underlying function.
Of course you need to specify some size of the subset, a fraction of the total data set, so that is one free parameter.
The code below implements the LOESS algorithm, so no weighing of the data points. It is a start.
# lowess.tcl -- # Perform "locally estimated scatterplot smoothing" (LOESS) or # "locally weighted scatterplot smoothing" # # Note: # LOWESS still needs to be implemented. # package require math::statistics # loess -- # Perform LOESS: result is a list of estimates of the dependent variable # # Arguments: # xvalues The x-values (sorted in increasing order) # yvalues The corresponding y-values # alpha (Optional) fraction of the data points to be used # per local estimate. (Default: 0.1, should be between 0 and 1) # # Result: # Local estimates for the y-values # proc ::math::statistics::loess {xvalues yvalues {alpha 0.1}} { variable TOOFEWDATA if { [llength $xvalues] != [llength $yvalues] || [llength $xvalues] == 0 } { return -code error -errorcode DATA -errorinfo $TOOFEWDATA $TOOFEWDATA } set number [llength $xvalues] if { $alpha <= 0.0 || $alpha >= 1.0 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "Alpha should be between 0 and 1" \ "Alpha should be between 0 and 1" } set samples [expr {int($alpha * $number)}] if { $samples < 2 } { return -code error -errorcode ARG -errorinfo "Alpha should be at least [expr {2.0/$number}]" \ "Alpha should be at least [expr {2.0/$number}]" } # # Per data point: # - Select the set of samples to be used # - Perform the linear regression # - Estimate the value according to that regression for the data point # # Since we expect the data to be sorted, we can simply use a sublist - no need to # collect the data in a more sophisticated way. # set estimates {} for {set i 0} {$i < $number} {incr i} { set first [expr {$i - $samples/2}] set last [expr {$i + ($samples - $samples/2) - 1}] ;# Make sure we N samples if { $first < 0 } { set correction [expr {0 - $first}] set first 0 set last [expr {$last + $correction}] } if { $last >= $number } { set correction [expr {$number - $last + 1}] set last [expr {$number - 1}] set first [expr {$first + $correction}] } set x [lindex $xvalues $i] set xsubset [lrange $xvalues $first $last] set ysubset [lrange $yvalues $first $last] lassign [::math::statistics::linear-model $xsubset $ysubset] A B dummy lappend estimates [expr {$A + $B * $x}] } return $estimates }
To see if it works, I used this test program:
# test_lowess.tcl -- # Generate a data set with noisy data and perform # the LOESS or LOWESS regression. The test is that # the resulting curve looks like the nominal sine. # package require Plotchart source lowess.tcl pack [canvas .c -width 600 -height 600] set p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c {0.0 10.0 2.0} {-3.0 3.0 1.0}] $p dataconfig data -type symbol $p dataconfig curve -colour red $p dataconfig estimate -colour blue for {set i 0} {$i < 100} {incr i} { set x [expr {$i/10.0}] set y [expr {sin($x) + 2.0 * (rand() - 0.5)}] set z [expr {sin($x)}] $p plot data $x $y $p plot curve $x $z lappend xvalues $x lappend yvalues $y } set estimates [::math::statistics::loess $xvalues $yvalues] foreach x $xvalues y $estimates { $p plot estimate $x $y }
The result, for a particular run, was:
In this picture, the red line is the underlying curve without noise and the blue line is curve after smoothing via the given code. I used the default parameter value - use 10% of the total set.
Notes: This technique is mostly useful for enhancing scatter plots, though you could use the new y values for interpolation.
Also, the data need to be sorted in ascending order with respect to the x values. Otherwise selecting the various subsets would become more complex.