This is an early attempt to wrap a GUI around teacup, an interface to ActiveState's teapot technology.
The following code isn't very pretty. Some of the problems include:
#! tclsh8.5 package require Tk package require csv set ::newer [list] set ::uninstalled [list] proc install {args} { set cmdlist [::csv::split $args] set cmd "teacup install --force --with-recommends -v [lindex $cmdlist 1] -exact [lindex $cmdlist 2] -is [lindex $cmdlist 0]" puts "$cmd" puts [exec {*}$cmd] } proc newer {} { set ::newer [exec teacup list --as csv --only newer] pack [scrolledlistbox .slbNewer $::newer install] -fill both -expand 1 return } proc uninstalled {} { set ::uninstalled [exec teacup list --as csv --only uninstalled] pack [scrolledlistbox .slbUninstalled $::uninstalled install] -fill both -expand 1 return } # This next file is from source scrolledlistbox.tcl newer uninstalled