The modal widgets set

Googie (21.05.2005) - I've just created some Itcl-based modal widgets and I'd like to share them with others :) There are 2 widgets so far, meaby there'll be more... meaby someone else could add ones.

I know that there is tk_messageBox, but MsgBox looks better (I think so) under X11 and it's Tile-ready.

Modal window (it could be not-modal but callback-mode, optionally) grabs application input (with grab) and halts code execution at exec method call until user response in that window.

Here's example, what you can do with that widgets:

 package require Tk
 package require Itcl
 namespace import itcl::*
 source modal.tcl ;# this is base class for all modal widgets
 source msgbox.tcl
 source inputdialog.tcl

 MsgBox msg .question -message "Are you sure about that?" -title "Question" -buttons [list "Yes" "Not sure" "No" "I don't understeand"] -default 0
 # here some code, if you want
 switch -- [msg exec] {
     0 {
         puts "He/She wants!"
     1 {
         puts "He/She isn't sure!"
     2 {
         puts "He/She doesn't want!"
     3 {
         puts "He/She doesn't understeand!"

 InputDialog dialog .input -message "Type some value" -title "Input dialog" -default "Some initial string"
 # here's some your custom code
 set ret [dialog exec]
 if {$ret != ""} {
     puts "Entered: $ret"
 } else {
     puts "Entered empty string or clicked cancel/close button"

 proc test {button} {
     puts "Clicked button $button"
 MsgBox msg .msg -modal 0 -command test -message "Just test"
 msg exec
 puts "This command is executed immediately, instead waiting for user respond in above MsgBox."

And here's code of 2 classes used above and the 3rd class needed by these 2:

 class Modal {
         constructor {Path Args} {}
         destructor {}

         protected {
                 variable modal 1
                 variable command ""
                 variable path
                 variable parent ""
                 variable default 0
                 variable title "Modal"

                 method center {path {parent {}}}

         public {
                 variable sleep

                 method exec {}
                 method clicked {btn}

 body Modal::constructor {Path Args} {
         set path $Path
         foreach {opt val} $Args {
                 switch -- $opt {
                         "-modal" {
                                 set modal $val
                         "-command" {
                                 set command $val
                         "-title" {
                                 set title $val
                         "-parent" {
                                 set parent ""
                         "-default" {
                                 set default $val

 body Modal::destructor {} {
         destroy $path

 body Modal::center {path {parent {}}} {
         if {$parent == ""} {
                 set sp [split $path .]
                 if {[llength $sp] > 2} {
                         set parent [join [lrange $sp 0 end-1] .]
                 } else {
                         set parent .
         set sp [split [wm geometry $parent] +]
         set px [lindex $sp 1]
         set py [lindex $sp 2]
         set wd [winfo reqwidth $path]
         set ht [winfo reqheight $path]
         set x [expr {$px+([winfo reqwidth $parent]-$wd)/2}]
         set y [expr {$py+([winfo reqheight $parent]-$ht)/2}] 
         wm geometry $path +$x+$y

 body Modal::clicked {btn} {

 body Modal::exec {} {

 class MsgBox {
         inherit Modal

         constructor {Path args} {
                 Modal::constructor $Path $args
         } {}

         private {
                 variable buttons "ok"
                 variable msg ""

         public {
                 method exec {}
                 method clicked {btn}

 body MsgBox::constructor {Path args} {
         set title "MsgBox"
         foreach {opt val} $args {
                 switch -- $opt {
                         "-message" {
                                 set msg $val
                         "-buttons" {
                                 set buttons $val

 body MsgBox::exec {} {
         toplevel $path

         frame $path.u
         pack $path.u -side top -fill both
         label $path.u.l -text "" -font "helvetica 12 bold" -relief groove -bd 2
         pack $path.u.l -side top -fill x -pady 0.1c -padx 0.2c
         frame $path.d
         pack $path.d -side bottom -fill x
         frame $path.d.f
         pack $path.d.f -side bottom

         set i 0
         foreach txt $buttons {
                 button $path.d.f.$i -text $txt -command "$this clicked $i"
                 pack $path.d.f.$i -side left -pady 3
                 incr i

         bind $path <Destroy> "catch {$this configure -sleep $default}"

         wm title $path $title
         $path.u.l configure -text $msg
         center $path $parent
         wm resizable $path 0 0

         if {$modal} {
                 if {$parent == ""} {
                         set sp [split $path .]
                         if {[llength $sp] > 2} {
                                 set parent [join [lrange $sp 0 end-1] .]
                         } else {
                                 set parent .
                 grab $path
                 vwait [scope sleep]
                 set retval $sleep
                 delete object $this
                 return $retval

 body MsgBox::clicked {btn} {
         if {$command != ""} {
                 eval $command $btn
         } else {
                 set sleep $btn

 class InputDialog {
         inherit Modal

         constructor {Path args} {
                 Modal::constructor $Path $args
         } {}
         destructor {}

         private {
                 variable msg ""

         public {
                 method exec {}
                 method clicked {btn}

 body InputDialog::constructor {Path args} {
         set path $Path
         foreach {opt val} $args {
                 switch -- $opt {
                         "-message" {
                                 set msg $val

 body InputDialog::destructor {} {
         destroy $path

 body InputDialog::exec {} {
         toplevel $path

         frame $path.u
         pack $path.u -side top -fill both
         label $path.u.l -text "" -font "helvetica 12 bold" -justify left
         pack $path.u.l -side top -fill x -pady 2 -padx 0.2c
         entry $path.u.e 
         pack $path.u.e -side top -fill x -pady 0.1c -padx 0.2c
         frame $path.d
         pack $path.d -side bottom -fill x
         frame $path.d.f
         pack $path.d.f -side bottom

         button $path.d.f.ok -text "Ok" -command "$this clicked ok"
         pack $path.d.f.ok -side left -pady 3
         button $path.d.f.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "$this clicked cancel"
         pack $path.d.f.cancel -side left -pady 3

         bind $path <Destroy> "catch {$this configure -sleep {}}"

         wm title $path $title
         $path.u.l configure -text $msg
         center $path $parent
         wm resizable $path 0 0

         focus -force $path.u.e
         $path.u.e insert end $default
         $path.u.e selection range 0 end

         if {$modal} {
                 if {$parent == ""} {
                         set sp [split $path .]
                         if {[llength $sp] > 2} {
                                 set parent [join [lrange $sp 0 end-1] .]
                         } else {
                                 set parent .
                 grab $path
                 vwait [scope sleep]
                 set retval $sleep
                 delete object $this
                 return $retval

 body InputDialog::clicked {btn} {
         if {$btn == "cancel"} {
                 set sleep ""

         if {$command != ""} {
                 eval $command [$path.u.e get]
         } else {
                 set sleep [$path.u.e get]

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