Things German is a guide to working with Tcl in the German language.
If you need the umlauted and other special characters used in German, here they are:
Ä \u00C4 Ö \u00D6 Ü \u00DC ä \u00E4 ö \u00F6 ü \u00FC ß \u00DF
Also note that "ß" (historically a ligature of "long-s" and "round-s") is an anomaly in case conversion: string toupper ß should result in the two characters "SS", but in the other direction it is not decidable whether string tolower SS should result in "ss" or "ß". (RS) This is traditionally correct, but the "capital ß" has already been invented and has entered Unicode, see or
DIN 66003 was a German national standard as a variation of ASCII, where the German umlauts, sharp s and paragraph sign were put in the ASCII (and today Unicode) positions of @ [ | ] { \ } ~. Here's a simple converter if you happen to deal with such strings:
interp alias {} din66003->u {} string map { \x40 \xa7 \x5b \xc4 \x5c \xd6 \x5d \xdc \x7b \xe4 \x7c \xf6 \x7d \xfc \x7e \xdf } ;# RS
RS 2005-08-17: clock format can return the full month name, but only in English. Here's how to "germanize" them:
% set ms {January February March April May June July August September October November December} % string map {arch ärz ne ni ec ez ry r y i c k} $ms Januar Februar März April Mai Juni Juli August September Oktober November Dezember
For de_AT (Austrian German), add anuary änner to the map. (Tcl 8.5 will have German as well as Austrian localization in clock).