Purpose: Discuss the various options for writing Tcl Common Gateway Interface CGI compliant applications.
It's really easy, even if you don't use one of the helper libraries out there. There are two parts of running as a CGI script. The first part is understanding the incoming request, which is just a matter of looking at the right environment variables and, possibly, reading some data from stdin. The second part is producing the output to go back to the client (via the webserver), which is really just producing (on stdout) HTML with a little header magic.
The things to watch out for are testing and error handling. If an error occurs, the chance is it will just end up in the server log and you won't find out what happened for ages. And constructing a test harness can be a pain as well (there are many environment variables to set to emulate a CGI environment!)
One trick I use is to generate the output to a string and only output that string at the last moment. I then have a wrapper round my whole script that detects (with the help of catch of course) whether an error occurred and, if so, produces a nice error page instead of output which is still in the string. Careful overriding of the puts command can make this easier still:
rename puts orig_puts
proc puts {args} {
set newline 1
if {[lindex $args 0] eq "-nonewline"} {
set newline 0
set args [lassign $args dummy]
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
global accumulator
append accumulator [lindex $args 0]
if {$newline} {
append accumulator \n
} elseif {[llength $args] == 2} {
if {$newline} {
orig_puts {*}$args
} else {
orig_puts -nonewline {*}$args
} else {
error "wrong # args: should be \"puts ?-nonewline? ?channel? string\""
Procedures for writing CGI scripts or HTML pages using Tcl7.4 to 8.2. Support for forms, tables, cookies, Netscape extensions, file upload, plug-ins, etc. The PostScript file is the paper published describing the procedures. The cgi-bin URL is a collection of CGI examples. The examples.cgi directory is a series of live cgi examples which allow you to see how various features work. Latest version is now version 1.8.0.
A Tcl support library that works with dtclsh and tcl-www and provides support for mailto-like functionality using HTML forms. email-www comes with CGI scripts for simple, demonstration mail forms, but it is designed to be used as a library. It includes basic support for email to FAX gateways and role mapping (aliases) in addition to plain electronic mail support.
Extension of CGI that eliminates drawbacks and provides high performance, which remaining highly compatible with existing CGI applications. Original only supports Tcl 7.4, see idle site for pointers to Tom Pointdexter's version for newer support, as well as other language support. To use some features you need tclX, at least 8.0.2 installed. You must have the fcgi development kit 2.0b2.1 or newer to use Fcgi. FastCGI is supported by at least these servers: Apache 1.2.x (with mod_fastcgi 2.0.9), NCSA 1.5 w/FastCGI support, Netscape server w/FastCGI support, Open Market, Stronghold, Bluestone Sapphire web servers. Some problems appear to exist with this code and recent Tcls, resulting in core dumps on Unix. Contact Tom Poindexter for details.
Allows a CGI program to generate forms that include a directory browser that resembles PC based applications. Can specify virtual root directory and working directory, URL where directories are to be linked, and URL where files are to be linked.
Tcl 7.6 and 8.0 set of commands and libraries providing interfaces to disk-based btree and hashtables, TCP/IP server-client objects, along with examples of an IRC robot object, RFC931 authentication object, support for WWW CGI scripts, WWW log file parsing. Also, this includes file requestors, dialog boxes, pull-down menus, class libraries for databases, listboxes, a Tk notepad, progress notifiers, UDP-based object sharing, and more. Package includes Tcl, Tk, itcl, Tcl-DP, tclX, color pixmap and GIF support, and Expect.
A general Tcl library of procedures. Contains code to produce man pages from Tcl source, conversions from Tcl to C, HTML rendering, generating HTML, handling CGI forms, command line argument processing, a debugging message system, an object system, and various Tk widgets built with the object system.
Small extension allowing Tcl programmers to write CGI programs which can handle the POST method of data. Enables a secure WWW interface to Tcl applications.
Extensions to Tcl 7.4/Tk 4.0 to allow interactive or script based access to a SAP R/3 system through RFC calls. Allows one to develop CGI-BIN access through which SAP can be accessed.
Beta release of a CGI script accelerator for ISAPI enbabled HTTP servers. No changes to CGI scripts are needed. Initial version is tuned for Tcl 8.x and Windows NT. A Windows 95/98 version is available for testing. Future versions will become commercially available after development completes.
A Tcl script to do CGI processing of 'email the form data' for the programmer. Requires uncgi. See http://www.net-quest.com/%7Eivler/ for explanation of the script.
Tcl based CGI script that allows people to enter data and then formats it into a table. Data can contain HTML, which then will be included so that links can be put in.
Commercial product which attempts to improve web response time by predicting, retrieving, and filtering pages for you, in the background. Prioritizes retrieved data and caches the data on your hard drive. Works transparently with your web browser. Consists of a page fetcher, a pruner, and maintainer of a news page listing what pages have been downloaded for the user. Runs as a proxy HTTP server. Supports CGI scripting and safe Tcl CGI scripting. Works on Windows 95/Windows NT and Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer. See above page for a 14 day evaluation copy.
The NCSA's httpd can invoke tcl scripts. It appears there is a test example called test-cgi.tcl that comes with the httpd source. At least one bug fix was reported relating to the content length field. Contact mailto:[email protected] (Michael Salmon) for details.
The contact is developing a "WWW server" (sic) (really HTTP?) using Tcl/Tk/tclX/Tcl-DP. Alpha version currently supports simple GET, HEAD, POST directives and CGI-Scripts and can server plaintext, HTML, GIF, JPG, and AU file formats. Configure it similar to CERN. Provides no authentication or access controls, or cgi program execution for POST or searching.
A WWW client demonstrating the capabilities of the Caml Special Light programming language. Supports most of HTML 3.2, as well as Caml Special Light applets. Supports CGI calling, english, french and japanese, V0.41 requires Tcl 7.5/Tk 4.1 or Tcl 7.6/Tk 4.2, metamail, djpeg, gzcat, and Caml v1.06 or newer.
Apache module to enable server parsed web pages using Tcl as the scripting language. It is simlar in functionality to PHP, fast, easy to use, tightly integrated with HTML, and extensible. It is currently available in an alpha release. Includes dtcl-mode.el, which lets you switch between Tcl and HTML modes, dtcl.tcl, a port of Don Libes' cgi.tcl. Supports TTML pages. Latest version is v0.7.3.
Trial version of a commercial Tcl/Tk IDE for Windows 95/98/2000/NT. Supports Multithreads, Unicode, and the Tcl Stubs interface. Includes project, command and console view, smart MDI editor with color coding of command keywords and comments, command keyword editor, Tcl/Tk 8.2 core, and a debugger. Also includes a web builder (MyrmecoWeb), MyrmecoWiz, a wizard for generating c/c++ code templates for Tcl extensions, MyrmecoTk, a component based framework for GUI applications, Salan, a Tcl extension for HTML, CGI, and XML. Platform: Windows 95/98/2000/NT 4.0 Current version is 2.3.
Namazu (catfish, in English) is search engine software intended for easy use. Not only does it work as a CGI interface for small to medium scale WWW search engines, but is also appropriate for personal search databases. Search clients are available in Mule and Tcl/Tk, Java, Perl. It has been ported to OS/2, Unix, and Win32. tknamazu is the Tcl/Tk search client.
A simple order form generator and processor package. It consists of a Tcl support library and CGI scripts that read forms from template files and use the email-www package to transport the results.
SnamlScript is a language to generate HTML5 for Web applications. It adds block command and inline command to integrate the Tcl with HTML5 for Web programming. Example:
# Use SnamlScript HTML5 package
package require HTML5
# output to a file. If no output or its first parameter is null, default output is to stdout.
output hello.html
# declare document type as html
__doctype html
# html header. quote command render the string.
_html "lang='en'"
_title; quote Hello; title_
# html body
__img "src='hello.gif' alt='hello'"
quote "Hello World!"
An HTTP daemon written in Tcl. Uses event-driven I/O, and caches URL to file name lookups. Provides CGI interface, built in image map hit detection, uses SafeTcl as an additional way to process a page, supports server side includes, and provides a GUI to monitor the server's activity. Should run on all platforms. A mailing list is available. Currently this is at version 3.0.2.
Tcl script which creates an HTML presentation of a Tcl program. Preserves spacing, emphasizes comments, bolds Tcl keywords for presentation on the WWW. Works as either a CGI script or stand-alone script. Written in Tcl 7.6.
A commercial Netscape Server API plugin that allows you to program the Netcape HTTP server using Tcl. Speeds up developer time on WWW site developement by replacing CGI by allowing one to embed Tcl into pages. Also known as Velocigen. Currently at version v1.1.3.
A "wiki wiki web" application written in Tcl. It allows anyone with a web browser to edit pages of the application remotely. Allows a loosely organized web forum. The application provides hypertext between its pages. Application can be used both as a stand alone Tk application and as a CGI application. Requires Tclkit or Tcl 8.0.x and mk4tcl. The mini net site is an up to date snapshot of the entire Wiki.
Source for geturl, geturl2, uncgi, test-cgi, guest book, as well as other WWW related Tcl tools. Note that a HTTP server written in Tcl, tclX, Tcl-DP, and GD Tcl is also described here.