There are several ways to execute Perl programs from Tcl applications. Most succinct is simply to apply Tcl's powerful exec in a command such as
[Explain open, and other IPC, more generally.]
See also Concepts of Architectural Design for Tcl Applications and Inventory of IPC methods.
It's quick work in Tcl to code a
proc perl_interpret script { return [exec perl << [uplevel [list subst -novariables -noback $script]]] }
which allows one to write
set a 13 set b 79 puts [perl_interpret { $result = [set a] + [set b]; print "The sum is ", $result, ".\n"; }]
Phil Ehrens offers a slightly more elaborate version:
proc perl { args } { set perl_opts -e foreach arg $args { # pick off things that look like options # to pass to perl if { [ regexp {^-+\S+$} $arg ] } { set perl_opts [ concat $arg $perl_opts ] } else { # and the rest is the code and the file args lappend perl_code $arg } } # this is the debugging code ;^) puts stderr "perl $perl_opts $perl_code" catch { eval exec perl $perl_opts $perl_code } result return $result }
An example usage of this is
perl "print \"foo!\n\"; print \"bar\""
Tclperl is quite nice. So is the Perl widget, although in a much different way.
Inline::Tcl [L1 ]. And module Tcl [L2 ].
More recent version of Perl modules to access Tcl/Tk and vice versa is at [L3 ], allows invoking of perl scripts as [::perl::Eval {print "hello, I am Perl"}] VK