Richard Suchenwirth 2001-01-03 - One of the core Wiki functionalities is to translate its own simple markup "language" into HTML. In ten days Christmas vacations offline, I still wanted to prepare some Wiki pages. Being both impatient and blessed with more time than usual, I wrote me the following converter. It doesn't handle all "WikiML" features (in fact, the language seems to be called STX), but
proc wiki2html fn { set fp [open $fn] set text [read $fp [file size $fn]] regsub {[\n\t ]+$} $text "" text set s [split $text \n] close $fp if [regexp {TITLE: (.+)} [lindex $s 0] -> title] { set s [lreplace $s 0 0] } else {set title $fn} set ofn [file rootname $fn].htm set fp [open $ofn w] set pre 0; set p 0 puts $fp "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>$title</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><H1>$title</H1>" regsub -all {\\\n} $s "\\ \n" s ;# keep the look of "\" continuation regsub -all {\&} $s {\&} s regsub -all < $s {\<} s regsub -all > $s {\>} s foreach i $s { if !$pre { set it 0; set todo 1 while {$todo} { set todo [regsub ''' $i <[expr {$it?"/":""}]B> i] set it [expr {1-$it}] } set it 0; set todo 1 while {$todo} { set todo [regsub '' $i <[expr {$it?"/":""}]I> i] set it [expr {1-$it}] } } if {![regexp {^[ \t]} $i] || [regexp {^ \* } $i]} { regsub -all {\[\[} $i \x81 i regsub -all {\]\]} $i \x82 i regsub -all {\[} $i {<A HREF=.>} i regsub -all {\]} $i {</A>} i regsub -all \x81 $i {[} i regsub -all \x82 $i {]} i } if {!$pre && [regsub {^ \* } $i <LI> i]} { set p 0 } elseif {!$pre && [string trim $i]==""} { if !$p {puts $fp <P>}; set p 1; continue } elseif {$pre && [string trim $i]==""} { puts $fp ""; continue } elseif {!$pre && $i=="----"} { puts $fp <HR>; continue } elseif {[regexp "^ " $i]||[regexp "^\t" $i]} { if !$pre {set pre 1; puts $fp <PRE>}; set p 0 } else { if $pre {set pre 0; puts $fp </PRE>}; set p 0 } puts $fp $i } if $pre {puts $fp </PRE>} set now [clock format [clock seconds]] puts $fp "<HR><I>Converted by wiki2html on $now</I>" puts $fp "</BODY></HTML>" close $fp }
#JM 8 Jul 2011 - and adding some code from TkPhotoLab, you can have a file selector...
proc loadImg {{fn ""}} { if {$fn==""} {set fn [tk_getOpenFile]} if {$fn != ""} { cd [file dirname [file join [pwd] $fn]] wiki2html $fn } } button .btn1 -text Select... -command loadImg pack .btn1
Andreas Kupries: Note that the TIP format is a close derivative of the WikiML and that Donal Fellows wrote several converters for it (to HTML, to TXT, to XML). See his website. See also the tiprender project at SourceForge .