c39 barcode in dxf

This writes a c39 type barcode and is coded for a laser etching on anodized aluminum (reverse video like). You'll need Writing DXF and Code 39 generation. JBR

 proc dxf::barcode { x y w h string } {
        set y1 [expr $y + $h]

        set x0 $x
        set x  [expr $x + $w * 8]
        dxf::solidbox  $x0 $y $x $y1

        foreach { bar space } [split [c39 $string] ""] {
            set x [expr $x + $w * $bar]

            if { $space ne {} } {
                set x0 $x
                set x  [expr $x + $w * $space]

                dxf::solidbox $x0 $y $x $y1
        dxf::solidbox  $x $y [expr $x + $w * 8] $y1