The drawscreen allows to draw on the screen. It can be sourced or used stand-alone. Good for demo utilities, like in transpops package.
(I tried searching the draw-on-screen feature in the wiki, by words like "screen draw drawing". Got a lot of links, still none satisfactory.)
When sourced, drawscreen runs this way:
source drawscreen.tcl ::drawscreen::run wins ?events? ?-fill fill? ?-width width? ?-length length? ?-bell bell?
drawscreen provides "cget" and "configure" for options, e.g.:
::drawscreen::configure -fill red -width 20 -length 30 puts [::drawscreen::cget fill -width -length] ::drawscreen config fill blue width 30 length 40 puts [::drawscreen cget -fill width length -bell]
When stand-alone, drawscreen runs this way:
tclsh drawscreen.tcl ?events? ?-fill fill? ?-width width? ?-length length? ?-bell bell?
Control+X keys are used to start drawing, then the left mouse button is used to drag-and-drop the mouse pointer. To end with the drawing, the right / double click is used.
In Windows, there is a short lag between Control+X and the bell signalizing drawscreen is ready to draw.
#! /usr/bin/env tclsh ########################################################### # Name: drawscreen.tcl # Author: Alex Plotnikov ([email protected]) # Date: 02/11/2023 # Brief: Handles drawing on the screen. # License: MIT. ########################################################### package require Tk package require treectrl # ________________________ Data of drawscreen _________________________ # namespace eval ::drawscreen { namespace export run cget configure namespace ensemble create namespace eval my { variable draw array set draw { width 6 fill #ff0000 length 10 bell yes started no X 0 Y 0 img {} } } } # ________________________ Private procedures _________________________ # proc ::drawscreen::my::Binding {wins events {com -}} { # Sets the bindings and options to start drawing. # wins - the list of parent window pathes # events - events to start drawing # com - command to bind variable draw if {$events eq {}} {set events {<Control-x> <Control-X>}} foreach w $wins { if {$com eq {-}} {set com "::drawscreen::my::Drawing $w ; break"} after idle [list ::drawscreen::my::Bind $w $events $com] } } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::Bind {w events com} { # Binds drawing events on a window to Drawing proc. # w - the window's path # events - list of events to start drawing # com - command to bind (or {} to unbind) variable draw if {[winfo exists $w]} { foreach ev $events { if {$com eq {}} { bind $w $ev $com ;# unbind at errors } elseif {[string first $com [bind $w $ev]]==-1} { if {![string match <*> $ev]} {set ev <$ev>} bind $w $ev $com } } } if {$com ne {}} { # as windows may be created and destroyed, # do check periodically if they are available after 200 [list ::drawscreen::my::Bind $w $events $com] } } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::Drawing {rootwin} { # Initializes drawing: creates a canvas holding the screen's content. # rootwin - a parent window's path variable draw set win [string trimright $rootwin .].drawscreen if {[winfo exists $win]} return ;# esp. for Windows' lag catch {set draw(oldfocus) [focus]} focus $rootwin set draw(win) $win set draw(cnv) $win.canvas set w [winfo screenwidth .] set h [winfo screenheight .] toplevel $win wm geometry $win 1x1+0+0 wm attributes $win -alpha 0.0 -topmost 1 wm overrideredirect $win 1 wm withdraw $win set draw(img) [image create photo -width $w -height $h] canvas $draw(cnv) -width $w -height $h -relief flat -bd 0 -highlightthickness 0 $draw(cnv) create image 0 0 -image $draw(img) -anchor nw pack $draw(cnv) -expand 1 -fill both -ipady 0 -padx 0 -pady 0 -side top ::drawscreen::my::Loupe $w $h bind $draw(cnv) <ButtonPress-1> "::drawscreen::my::DrawStart %X %Y" bind $draw(cnv) <Motion> "::drawscreen::my::Draw %X %Y" bind $draw(cnv) <ButtonRelease-1> "::drawscreen::my::DrawFinish" bind $draw(cnv) <Double-Button-1> ::drawscreen::my::DrawingDone bind $draw(cnv) <ButtonPress-3> ::drawscreen::my::DrawingDone # with "after" we avoid Tk shimmering after idle [list after 1 [list after 1 [list after 1 [list after 1 " \ wm deiconify $win; \ wm geometry $win ${w}x${h}+0+0; \ wm attributes $win -alpha 1.0"]]]] Bell } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::DrawingDone {} { # Deletes the drawing stuff. variable draw Bell set draw(started) no image delete $draw(img) destroy $draw(win) catch {focus $draw(oldfocus)} } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::DrawStart {X Y} { # Starts a current drawing. # X - x-coordinate of mouse pointer # Y - y-coordinate of mouse pointer variable draw set draw(X) $X set draw(Y) $Y set draw(started) yes } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::Draw {X Y} { # Does a current drawing. # X - x-coordinate of mouse pointer # Y - y-coordinate of mouse pointer variable draw if {$draw(started)} { if {abs($X-$draw(X))>$draw(length) || abs($Y-$draw(Y))>$draw(length)} { $draw(cnv) create line $X $Y $draw(X) $draw(Y) -fill $draw(fill) -width $draw(width) set draw(X) $X set draw(Y) $Y } } } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::DrawFinish {} { # Finishes a current drawing. variable draw set draw(started) no } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::Loupe {w h} { # Captures a screen image and pushes it into the canvas. # w - width of image # h - height of image variable draw set loupe_ctr_x [expr {$w / 2}] set loupe_ctr_y [expr {$h / 2}] loupe $draw(img) $loupe_ctr_x $loupe_ctr_y $w $h 1 } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::my::Bell {} { # Sounds. variable draw if {$draw(bell)} bell } # ________________________ Interface procedures _________________________ # proc ::drawscreen::run {wins {events ""} args} { # Runs my::Binding and catches errors. Logs errors to a log file. # wins - the list of parent window pathes # events - events to start drawing # args - options of drawscreen configure {*}$args if {[catch {my::Binding $wins $events} err]} { catch {my::DrawingDone} catch {my::Binding $wins $events {}} catch { set ch [open ~/TMP/drawscreen.log a] puts $ch $err close $ch } } } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::cget {args} { # Gets option values of drawscreen (width, fill, length). # args - list of option names (can be "width fill -fill -width" etc.) variable my::draw set res [list] foreach opt $args { set opt [string trimleft $opt -] if {[info exists my::draw($opt)]} { set val $my::draw($opt) } else { set val {} } lappend res $val } return $res } #_______________________ proc ::drawscreen::configure {args} { # Sets option values of drawscreen (width, fill, length). # args - list of pairs "option value" (e.g. "width 8 -fill blue") variable my::draw foreach {opt val} $args { set opt [string trimleft $opt -] if {$opt in {fill width length bell}} {set my::draw($opt) $val} } } # _________________________________ main _________________________________ # if {[info exist ::argv0] && [file normalize $::argv0] eq [file normalize [info script]]} { lassign $::argv hotk if {$hotk eq {}} {set hotk {Control-x Control-X}} set hk [string map [list < {} > {} { } {, }] $hotk] label .labinfo -text \ "Press $hk, then\ndrag-n-drop... or\nright/double click." pack .labinfo -padx 50 -pady 50 bind . <Escape> exit ::drawscreen::run . $hotk {*}[lrange $::argv 1 end] } # _________________________________ EOF _________________________________ #
saito - 2023-02-14
It looks like the command "loupe" plays a critical role here. But what is it? I am guessing it is coming from treectrl and it takes screenshots. But I can't find any documentation on it. Is it safe to assume it is widely available in most Tcl distributions, given treectrl?