JOB - Sept.09: A notebook megawidget based on BWidget Notebook with dynamic tab management. This idea and some sample code is already available somewhere here in this wiki - I lost the reference.
Q: Anyone knows how to upload images to (and can help me out with this issue) - I just want to add a screenshot of how it looks like. A: You can use the Half Bakery, go to repository at or create your own, and upload images. JOB - Thank you very much for your information - here is the screenshot:
Here is the megawidget a like code:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dynnotebook.tcl --- # A megawidget based on BWidget's Notebook # Copyright(c) 2009, Johann Oberdorfer # mail-to: [email protected] # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This source file is distributed under the BSD license. # # NAME # dynnotebook - Implements a dynamic notebook widget. # It is derived from BW's Notebook and "knows" all # commands and options from this widget. # # TO-DO: # If tile is available, carry over ttk color settings for # foreground/background to integrate BW's Notebook widget with ttk. # # SYNOPSIS # dynnotebook pathName ?options? # # OPTIONS # -dummy [no=default|0|yes|1] # -pagecreatecommand [""=default] a command to be executed # when a new notebook page is created # -showtoolbar [no=default|0|yes|1] # shows additional toolbar for tab-manipulation # remember: a right mouse pull-down menu is # available all the time providing # the same functionality # -expandtoolbar [no=default|0|yes|1] # takes precedence only in case -showtoolbar is # set to yes, toggles the visability # # WIDGET COMMANDS # pathName cget option # pathName configure ?option? ?value option value ...? # pathName dummycmd # pathName addpage # pathName getactivepageindex # pathName getcurrentpageframe # pathName gettoolbarframe # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change history: # July 2009: Johann Oberdorfer, V0.1, first release # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- package provide dynnotebook 0.1 package require BWidget # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::dynnotebook::ttkutil:: { variable defaults namespace export \ LoadImages GetTtkOptionValue Wrap # where to find image library file (optional) / image files (required): set thisDir [file dirname [info script]] array set defaults [list \ pattern "*.gif" \ imageDir [file join $thisDir "images"] \ imageLib [file join $thisDir "ImageLib.tcl"] \ imageArrayName "images" \ ] } # support function to created default images # take only those images, which are specified by requiredImages argument list proc ::dynnotebook::ttkutil::LoadImages {requiredImages} { variable defaults # try to load image library file... if { [file exists $defaults(imageLib)] } { source $defaults(imageLib) return [array get images] } # load each image from image directory... foreach pattern $defaults(pattern) { foreach file [glob -directory $defaults(imageDir) $pattern] { set img [file tail [file rootname $file]] if { ![info exists images($img)] } { if {[lsearch $requiredImages [file tail $file]] != -1} { set images($img) [image create photo -file $file] } else { # create a blank image, so that the code won't break set images($img) [image create photo] } } } } return [array get images] } proc ::dynnotebook::ttkutil::GetTtkOptionValue { copt } { if { [catch {package require tile}] != 0 } { # a fallback solution: # retrieve option from the standard tk option database foreach opt [. configure] { if {[llength $opt] == 5} { set option [lindex $opt 1] set value [lindex $opt 4] if {$option == $copt} { return $value } } } return "" } if {[info commands ::ttk::style] ne ""} { set styleCmd ttk::style } else { set styleCmd style } foreach {option value} [$styleCmd configure .] { if {$option == $copt} { return $value } } return "" } proc ::dynnotebook::ttkutil::GetArg {args keystr arg} { upvar $arg cvalue set cvalue "" while {[set i [lsearch -exact $args $keystr]] >= 0} { set j [expr $i + 1] set cvalue [lindex $args $j] set args [lreplace $args $i $j] } return $args } # a helper function to distinguish between tk and ttk proc ::dynnotebook::ttkutil::Wrap {wtype wpath args} { variable vars if { ![info exists vars(tile_present)] } { set vars(tile_status) [catch {package present tile 0.8}] } if { $vars(tile_status) == 0 } { # filter out (ttk-)unsupported (tk-)options: set args [GetArg $args "-fg" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-bg" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-relief" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-highlightthickness" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-padx" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-pady" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-font" tmp] set args [GetArg $args "-bd" tmp] set w [eval ttk::$wtype $wpath $args] } else { set args [GetArg $args "-style" tmp] set w [eval $wtype $wpath $args] } return $w } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace eval ::dynnotebook:: { variable widgetOptions variable widgetGlobals # the public interface namespace export dynnotebook # list all allowed options with their database and class names # note: lower case is requ. here, but # - the option database needs to be upper case: # *DynNotebook.optname and # - the -class definition in turn looks like e.g.: # "DynNotebook"... array set widgetOptions { -dummy { dummy Dummy } \ -pagecreatecommand { pagecreatecommand PagecreateCommand } \ -showtoolbar { showtoolbar ShowToolbar } \ -expandtoolbar { expandtoolbar ExpandToolbar } \ } # default options for this widget: option add *DynNotebook.dummy "" widgetDefault option add *DynNotebook.pagecreatecommand "" widgetDefault option add *DynNotebook.showtoolbar 1 widgetDefault option add *DynNotebook.expandtoolbar 0 widgetDefault # globals - same for all instances of this widget array set widgetGlobals { debug 0 initialized 0 } # "tree-plus.gif" # "tree-minus.gif" set widgetGlobals(requiredImages) { "edit-rename.gif" "go-next.gif" "go-previous.gif" "tab-close.gif" "tab-new-background.gif" "view-pim-journal.gif" "img-leftarrow1.gif" "img-downarrow1.gif" } } # contains initializations needed for the dynnotebook widget - it's # only necessary to invoke it for the first instance of a widget since # all stuff defined here are common for all widgets of this type proc ::dynnotebook::Initialize {} { variable widgetGlobals if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current]::Initialize" } array set widgetGlobals \ [ttkutil::LoadImages $widgetGlobals(requiredImages)] # this allows us to clean up some things when we go away bind dynnotebook <Destroy> "[namespace current]::DestroyHandler %W" # carry over options from ttk: set widgetGlobals(fg) [ttkutil::GetTtkOptionValue -foreground] set widgetGlobals(bg) [ttkutil::GetTtkOptionValue -background] option add *DynNotebook*foreground $widgetGlobals(fg) userDefault ;# widgetDefault option add *DynNotebook*background $widgetGlobals(bg) userDefault ;# widgetDefault # -test- option add *DynNotebook*background DarkGrey # works: # option add *Frame*background $widgetGlobals(bg) userDefault set widgetGlobals(initialized) 1 } # this implements the methods cget and configure, # as well as all the widget related commands... # args: list of key value pairs for the widget options. proc ::dynnotebook::WidgetProc { w command args } { variable widgetGlobals variable widgetOptions upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current]::WidgetProc w=$w, command=$command, args=$args" } set result {} # which command? switch -- $command { cget { if {[llength $args] != 1} { return -code error \ "wrong # args: should be $w cget option" } # pass cget request over to one of the orig. widget if {[catch {set result $options($args)}]} { set result [eval $viewer cget $args] } } configure { set result [eval WidgetConfigure $w $args] } dummy { set result {} } addpage { set result [eval AddPageCmd $w $args] } getactivepageindex { set idx 0 set activePage [$wlocals(notebook) raise] foreach p [$wlocals(notebook) pages] { if {$p == $activePage} { break } incr idx } set result $idx } getcurrentpageframe { set result [GetCurrentPageframe $w] } gettoolbarframe { set result $wlocals(wtoolbarframe) } default { # if the command wasn't one of our special one's, # just pass control over one of our real widget commands as-is. if {[catch "$wlocals(notebook) $command $args" result]} { return -code error $result } } } return $result } # implements the "configure" widget command (method) # args: list of key value pairs for the widget options. proc ::dynnotebook::WidgetConfigure { w args } { variable widgetGlobals variable widgetOptions upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current]::WidgetConfigure w=$w, args=$args" } # error checking - doesn' make sense here as we delegate # options to original widget # foreach {name value} $args { # if {![info exists widgetOptions($name)]} { # return -code error \ # "unknown option for the [namespace current]: $name" # } # } if {[llength $args] == 0} { # return all options foreach opt [lsort [array names widgetOptions]] { set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 1] set def [option get $w $optName $optClass] lappend results [list $opt $optName $optClass $def $options($opt)] } return $results } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} { # return configuration value for this option set opt $args set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($opt) 1] set def [option get $w $optName $optClass] return [list $opt $optName $optClass $def $options($opt)] } # error checking if {[expr {[llength $args]%2}] == 1} { return -code error "value for \"[lindex $args end]\" missing" } # process the new configuration options... array set opts $args # parray opts foreach opt [array names opts] { set newValue $opts($opt) if {[info exists options($opt)]} { set oldValue $options($opt) } else { set oldValue {} } set options($opt) $newValue if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current]::WidgetConfigure opt=$opt, n=$newValue, o=$oldValue" } # nothing to do ? # if { ![winfo exists $wlocals(simpleFileView)] } { return {} } # if {$newValue == $oldValue} { return {} } # puts "--> $oldValue : $newValue" # some options need action from the widgets side switch -- $opt { -dummy {} -pagecreatecommand {} -showtoolbar {} -expandtoolbar { if { [regexp -nocase {(true|yes|1)} $options(-expandtoolbar)] } { $wlocals(pageman) configure -height $wlocals(pmheight_big) \ -width $wlocals(pmwidth_big) $wlocals(pageman) raise "full_option_view" } else { $wlocals(pageman) configure -height $wlocals(pmheight) \ -width $wlocals(pmwidth) $wlocals(pageman) raise "minimized_option_view" } } default { # if the configure option wasn't one of our special one's, # pass control over to the original widget! if {[catch {$wlocals(notebook) configure $opt $newValue} result]} { return -code error $result } } } } return {} } proc ::dynnotebook::DestroyHandler {w} { # remove the namespace with the widget namespace delete [namespace current]::${w} } # parses options, creates widget command, and calls the "Configure" # procedure to do the rest, result is the widget path or an error proc ::dynnotebook::BuildWidget { w args } { variable widgetGlobals variable widgetOptions if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current]::BuildWidget w=$w, args=$args" } # instance specific namespace namespace eval ::dynnotebook::${w} { variable options variable wlocals } # set simpler variable names: upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set wlocals(pageIndex) 0 # we use a frame for this specific widget class set wlocals(this) [ttkutil::Wrap frame $w -class DynNotebook] set wlocals(frame) [namespace current]::${w}::${w} # parse options, first get widget defaults foreach name [array names widgetOptions] { set optName [lindex $widgetOptions($name) 0] set optClass [lindex $widgetOptions($name) 1] set options($name) [option get $w $optName $optClass] } # apply the options supplied in the widget command, # overwrite defaults when option set in command! if {[llength $args] > 0} { array set options $args } # pack everything together into a container frame: set fmain [ttkutil::Wrap frame $w.f] pack $fmain -side top -fill both -expand true set ftoolbar_main [ttkutil::Wrap frame $fmain.f] pack $ftoolbar_main -side top -fill x set ftoolbar_left [ttkutil::Wrap frame $ftoolbar_main.ftoolbar_left] pack $ftoolbar_left -side left set ftoolbar_right [ttkutil::Wrap frame $ftoolbar_main.ftoolbar_right] pack $ftoolbar_right -side right -fill both # additional container where one might want to # place an additional user defined toolbar: # (pack'ing is done in the client code) set ftoolbar [ttkutil::Wrap frame $ftoolbar_right.ftoolbar] set wlocals(wtoolbarframe) $ftoolbar set pageman [PagesManager $ftoolbar_main.pageman] pack $pageman -side left set wlocals(pageman) $pageman set f_container [$pageman add "full_option_view"] pack $f_container -side top -fill both set fopt_min [$pageman add "minimized_option_view"] # pack $fopt_min -side left -fill y -padx 5 if { [regexp -nocase {(true|yes|1)} $options(-showtoolbar)] } { Button $fopt_min.img \ -image $widgetGlobals(img-leftarrow1) \ -helptext "Show Toolbar" \ -command "[namespace current]::Minimize_optionPage $w" \ -relief flat pack $fopt_min.img -side left } $pageman compute_size set wlocals(pmheight) [$pageman cget -height] set wlocals(pmwidth) [$pageman cget -width] set fbttn [ttkutil::Wrap frame $f_container.fbttn] pack $fbttn -side top -fill x CreateLocalToolBar $w $fbttn set f [ttkutil::Wrap frame $fmain.notebook] pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true # --------------------------------------- set wlocals(notebook) [NoteBook $f.nbook] # --------------------------------------- pack $f.nbook -side top -fill both -expand true # additional binding: $f.nbook bindtabs <ButtonPress-3> \ "[namespace current]::TabPopup $w" # potential problem, in case there are more than one # megawidget at the same time (!) ... bind all <Control-KeyPress-n> \ "[namespace current]::AddPageCmd $w" bind all <Control-KeyPress-x> \ "[namespace current]::DeletePageCmd $w" # pathName bindtabs event script # add our own additional raise command: $wlocals(notebook) bindtabs <ButtonRelease> \ "[namespace current]::MainteinToolBarState $w" # necessary to remove the original frame procedure # from the global namespace into our own: rename ::$w $wlocals(frame) # create the actual widget procedure... proc ::${w} { command args } \ "eval [namespace current]::WidgetProc {$w} \$command \$args" # the actual widget creation takes place within 'WidgetConfigure' eval WidgetConfigure $wlocals(this) [array get options] return $w } # the constructor of this class; it creates an instance named 'w', # returns the widget path or an error proc ::dynnotebook::dynnotebook { w {args {}} } { variable widgetGlobals variable widgetOptions if {$widgetGlobals(debug) != 0} { puts "[namespace current] w=$w, args=$args" } # we need to initialize the widget at least once if { !$widgetGlobals(initialized) } { Initialize } # error checking... # foreach {name value} $args { # if {![info exists widgetOptions($name)]} { # return -code error \ # "unknown option for the [namespace current]: $name" # } # } # continues in the 'Build' procedure... return [eval BuildWidget $w $args] } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- # megawidget implementation starts here: #-------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc ::dynnotebook::Minimize_optionPage {w {mode ""}} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals # toggle value! if {$mode == ""} { if { [regexp -nocase {(true|yes|1)} $options(-expandtoolbar)] } { set options(-expandtoolbar) 0 } else {set options(-expandtoolbar) 1} } else { # overcome problem when dialog is initialized # and app(pm_expanded) == 0 $wlocals(pageman) configure -height $wlocals(pmheight_big) \ -width $wlocals(pmwidth_big) $wlocals(pageman) raise "full_option_view" } if { [regexp -nocase {(true|yes|1)} $options(-expandtoolbar)] } { $wlocals(pageman) configure -height $wlocals(pmheight_big) \ -width $wlocals(pmwidth_big) $wlocals(pageman) raise "full_option_view" } else { $wlocals(pageman) configure -height $wlocals(pmheight) \ -width $wlocals(pmwidth) $wlocals(pageman) raise "minimized_option_view" } } proc ::dynnotebook::MainteinToolBarState {w args} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals # some page metrics... set cur_page [$wlocals(notebook) raise] set end_idx [llength [$wlocals(notebook) pages]] set cur_idx [$wlocals(notebook) index $cur_page] if { $cur_idx > 0 && $end_idx > 1 } { set state normal } else { set state disabled } $wlocals(bttn:closeTab) configure -state $state if { $cur_idx > 1} { set state normal } else { set state disabled } $wlocals(bttn:moveLeft) configure -state $state $wlocals(bttn:Rename) configure -state $state if { $cur_idx < [expr $end_idx -1] } { set state normal } else { set state disabled } $wlocals(bttn:moveRight) configure -state $state if { $cur_idx == 0 } { $wlocals(bttn:Rename) configure -state disabled $wlocals(bttn:moveLeft) configure -state disabled $wlocals(bttn:moveRight) configure -state disabled } } proc ::dynnotebook::CreateLocalToolBar {w wparent} { variable widgetGlobals upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals Button $wparent.img \ -image $widgetGlobals(img-downarrow1) \ -helptext "Hide Toolbar" \ -command "[namespace current]::Minimize_optionPage $w" \ -relief flat pack $wparent.img -side left -anchor ne set bbox [ButtonBox $wparent.bbox -spacing 5] pack $bbox -side left -anchor e -padx 20 set wlocals(bttn:addTab) \ [$bbox add \ -helptext "Create a new Tab" \ -image $widgetGlobals(tab-new-background) \ -command "[namespace current]::AddPageCmd $w" \ -relief flat] set wlocals(bttn:closeTab) \ [$bbox add \ -helptext "Close Tab currently active" \ -image $widgetGlobals(tab-close) \ -command "[namespace current]::DeletePageCmd $w" \ -relief flat] set wlocals(bttn:Rename) \ [$bbox add \ -helptext "Rename Tab" \ -image $widgetGlobals(edit-rename) \ -command "[namespace current]::RenameCmd $w" \ -relief flat] set wlocals(bttn:moveLeft) \ [$bbox add \ -helptext "Move Left" \ -image $widgetGlobals(go-previous) \ -command "[namespace current]::MovePageCmd $w left" \ -relief flat] set wlocals(bttn:moveRight) \ [$bbox add \ -helptext "Move Right" \ -image $widgetGlobals(go-next) \ -command "[namespace current]::MovePageCmd $w right" \ -relief flat] $wlocals(pageman) compute_size set wlocals(pmheight_big) [$wlocals(pageman) cget -height] set wlocals(pmwidth_big) [$wlocals(pageman) cget -width] Minimize_optionPage $w "initialize" } proc ::dynnotebook::AddPageCmd {w args} { variable widgetGlobals upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals # if { $wlocals(pageIndex) == 0 } { # $wlocals(notebook) itemconfigure [$wlocals(notebook) pages 0] \ # -image $widgetGlobals(view-pim-journal) # } # the widget's unique identifier: set new_page $wlocals(pageIndex) # calculate text, based on available tab's: set tabText [expr {[llength [$wlocals(notebook) pages 0 end]] +1}] $wlocals(notebook) insert end $new_page \ -text " $tabText" \ -image $widgetGlobals(view-pim-journal) if { [llength $args] } { eval $wlocals(notebook) itemconfigure $new_page $args } set f [$wlocals(notebook) getframe $new_page] $wlocals(notebook) raise $new_page $wlocals(notebook) see $new_page incr wlocals(pageIndex) if {[info exists options(-pagecreatecommand)] && [string length $options(-pagecreatecommand)] } { # evaluate command in parent namespace: uplevel $options(-pagecreatecommand) $f $new_page } MainteinToolBarState $w return $f } proc ::dynnotebook::MovePageCmd {w direction} { variable widgetGlobals upvar [namespace current]::${w}::options options upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals # some page metrics... set cur_page [$wlocals(notebook) raise] set end_idx [llength [$wlocals(notebook) pages]] set cur_idx [$wlocals(notebook) index $cur_page] switch -- $direction { "left" { # move left if { $cur_idx > 1} { set new_idx $cur_idx incr new_idx -1 $wlocals(notebook) move $cur_page $new_idx } } "right" { # move to the right if { $cur_idx < [expr $end_idx -1] } { set new_idx $cur_idx incr new_idx 1 $wlocals(notebook) move $cur_page $new_idx } } } $wlocals(notebook) see $cur_page MainteinToolBarState $w } # -unused- proc ::dynnotebook::GetAllPages {w} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set rlst [list] foreach page [$wlocals(notebook) pages] { lappend rlst [$wlocals(notebook) itemcget $page -text] } return $rlst } proc ::dynnotebook::GetCurrentPageframe {w} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set currentPage [$wlocals(notebook) raise] return [$wlocals(notebook) getframe $currentPage] } proc ::dynnotebook::DeletePageCmd {w args} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set allPages [$wlocals(notebook) pages] # deletion of the 1st page is not allowed! if { [llength $allPages] == 1 } { return } # currenlty active page is: set cpage [$wlocals(notebook) raise] # retrieve the parent page: set parent_page "" foreach page $allPages { if {$page == $cpage} { break } else { set parent_page $page } } $wlocals(notebook) delete $cpage if {$parent_page != ""} { $wlocals(notebook) raise $parent_page } else { # raise the 1st page $wlocals(notebook) raise [lindex [$wlocals(notebook) pages] 0] } MainteinToolBarState $w } proc ::dynnotebook::RenameOK_Cmd {w t} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set cpage [$wlocals(notebook) raise] $wlocals(notebook) itemconfigure $cpage -text $wlocals(pageName) destroy $t } proc ::dynnotebook::RenameCmd {w} { upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals set x [winfo pointerx .] set y [winfo pointery .] catch {destroy .rename_entry_dlg} set t [toplevel .rename_entry_dlg] wm title $t "Rename: " wm geometry $t +$x+$y wm protocol $t WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $t" wm transient $t $w bind $t <Escape> "destroy $t" bind $t <Return> "[namespace current]::RenameOK_Cmd $w $t" set wlocals(pageName) [$wlocals(notebook) itemcget [$wlocals(notebook) raise] -text] set f [ttkutil::Wrap frame $t.f -bd 10] pack $f -fill both -expand true ttkutil::Wrap entry $f.entry \ -textvariable "[namespace current]::${w}::wlocals(pageName)" ttkutil::Wrap button $f.ok \ -text OK -width 10 \ -command "[namespace current]::RenameOK_Cmd $w $t" ttkutil::Wrap button $f.cancel \ -text Cancel -width 10 \ -command "destroy $t" pack $f.entry -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $f.ok -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 pack $f.cancel -side left -padx 5 -pady 5 } proc ::dynnotebook::TabPopup {w args} { variable widgetGlobals upvar [namespace current]::${w}::wlocals wlocals if {[winfo exists .popup_menu]} { destroy .popup_menu } set m [menu .popup_menu -tearoff 0] $m add command \ -label " New Tab <CTRL-N>" \ -command "[namespace current]::AddPageCmd $w" \ -image $widgetGlobals(tab-new-background) -compound left \ -font TkFixedFont # some page metrics... set cur_page [$wlocals(notebook) raise] set end_idx [llength [$wlocals(notebook) pages]] set cur_idx [$wlocals(notebook) index $cur_page] if { $cur_idx > 0 && $end_idx > 1} { set idx $cur_idx incr idx -1 set rpage [$wlocals(notebook) pages $idx] $m add command \ -label " Close Tab <CTRL-X>" \ -command "[namespace current]::DeletePageCmd $w" \ -image $widgetGlobals(tab-close) -compound left \ -font TkFixedFont } if { $cur_idx > 1} { set new_idx $cur_idx incr new_idx -1 $m add command \ -label " Move Left" \ -command "[namespace current]::MovePageCmd $w left" \ -image $widgetGlobals(go-previous) -compound left \ -font TkFixedFont } if { $cur_idx > 0 && $cur_idx < [expr $end_idx -1] } { set new_idx $cur_idx incr new_idx 1 $m add command \ -label " Move Right" \ -command "[namespace current]::MovePageCmd $w right" \ -image $widgetGlobals(go-next) -compound left \ -font TkFixedFont } if { $cur_idx > 0 } { $m add separator $m add command \ -label " Rename" \ -command "[namespace current]::RenameCmd $w" \ -image $widgetGlobals(edit-rename) -compound left \ -font TkFixedFont } set x [winfo pointerx .] set y [winfo pointery .] tk_popup $m $x $y }
Image library required as well:
# ImageLib.tcl --- # Automatically created by: CreateImageLib.tcl set images(edit-rename) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAPMKAIiJhoiIiIqMiamqqKytq8PDw8rKyc/Qzt3d3fb29v// /wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAAsALAAAAAAWABYAAARVcMlJq7046827 t0EojiS5BAWirmy7FiGSKHRt30qCxAoBCAOccBdA0AwH4ZCnQCpxRGMz+bRF j9Qq7TrV1q4+oFcRnY1pulDKxWbBTqV46UOv2++UCAA7 }] set images(go-next) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAOcAAPr8/rHP7rXN6d/s97PP66C83PX8/vL6/cve8Zy/5Zqy z/H5/e/4/N7s96bG6ZKnwuz2++r1++Xx+bjU76DF7NHd66C72ZOw05GszI+m w42hu4yftejz+uby+cvf85210+fw9+Pv9+Tw+OTw+ePw+eHu+eHu+ODt997s 9tTl9KrL7dro89no9dvq9uDu+d/t+Nbm89bl8qzK6p/E65OsydLi8NXl89vr 997t+dzq9r3S6anC35+415y6253B6JStx7bM5cPX7svf8tHj9dPl9tTm98/i 9cvf9MHY8L7V7rjP6rHJ5aW+26/H5LvS7MPc8cvg9c7j9tHk99Dk987i9sbc 87HJ5Ji43a/F17jR6czj9tLn+Nfp+tjq+tXo+dLl98nf9MPa8cHZ77LL5Zaz 1au90YqfuYmbs4iYrYeUppOksdrr+tXn+czh9afB3JOot97u/Nzs+9To+cXd 8JeuypOsveHw/Nju+7TM4ZSyw+Hz/dPs+Z2yx4iZsLTX463I2oucspeww/// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAP8ALAAAAAAWABYAAAj3AP8JHEiwoMGD CBMeBBBAoUIBAwg4RFjAwAEECSYWVLCAAYMGDjQOfAAhgkkJEyggrGDhAoYM GjZw4NChgwQJHlQa/AAihAgJI4KOIFHCxAkUKVQYxLCCRYsGLlyUKOHiRYMW LGDEkDGDII0aNljcuIGj7NgcKRDo2MGjh4+BP4AEETKESBEiRIwcQZJEyZId THpkFPijiZMnUKJIkTKFCpQqSJwIsNLjCkEsWZ5o2cKli5ctX6iACSNmDBmD ZcyYOYMmjZo1XNh8aQPGDQaNb+DE4SJnDh2R/+rYgXMHjxng//Lo2cOnD/J/ fv4Aei4wEBrq2LEHBAA7 }] set images(go-previous) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAOcAAL/X8ezz+q/M6+Dr98TX7ZzA58fa8PT5/fb6/paz1aTG 6tzo9vP4/ZOsy6DF7LXR7+fw+e/1/I6kwcfb8ujw+evy+uzz+4ycs4yguY6p ypOv0aC62dHd66fI7NPi8+Ts9+Xu+Obv+Ojw+ury+uPs9uDq9Z2105/E69Xh 8Nvm897o9eDq9uLs9+Pt+OTu+eTv+eDs+Nnk8p3B6bXM58za69He7tXi8djk 89vn9d/r+ODs+eHt+d3q99Tj9K3F4Yymxpu+5K7F4rjL4sHS6MfZ7c7e8NLi 89Xk9dfn99jo99bn99Pl983h9cfd88HZ8LjQ6q/H5Iykwpi43pq32qfA3rHJ 5b/W78Xb8snf9M/j9s/j99Hk983h9sbc877V7rPL54qgvqjC4LrS7MHY8NTm +NXo+cvg9cHX8JOowZGszKK72dfp+trq+oSOnIWRooaUqYiasYibtpisw5er wpaty7/U7Nvr+93t+4SRobHF3eHv/IWTpZyuxdXl9uPx/YWUqL/Z6JqvwZSo u4yhtv////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////yH5BAEAAP8ALAAAAAAWABYAAAj1AP8JHEiwoMGD CBMqFAggwEKEAgYQeFiwgIEDCBJQHKhgAYOPDTY6eAAhgskIEig6mEChQgUL MC9gkJBBwwYOBjt4+AAiBAQRIkZAgBACBIkSJgieEIAihYoVLFq4eEHVxQcY KmJkGChjBo0aNm7gWJBDx46zOnj0IODjx0AgQYQMIVLEyBEkSZIoWcKkiZMn UKIQlDKFSpUnVq5gyaJFy5YsXLp4+QLGYIIwYsY04bKFTJkyZLSYOfMFzcE0 asZg0UJmDZs2bt7AiSNnTkI6dbSssXMHz0aBGPLs1rPnt0A4fPr4+WN84AVA gZoPFDRIuvWNAQEAOw== }] set images(tab-close) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAPYAAEUFBlgbGHUGBWAiH1wuI3AkIXUlI4MCAocTE6QPCLgA ALkDAr0QDIYoIKAvJak1Lq48LrQ8Jbc+JbA5Kqo1MqE7NaI8OcsAAMgWD9AW DtIdEuAAAPIAAOEYE+IeFs8wJ8Q0LMo+Ptc3M+EyLu42MrRBN8RGPsxMOuxC O5ZSVa9OQrJHQLRMRL5LRLlMRL1QSL9cSspLS8xJSc5KSsdVTMpVStJZSs9a VtNcVuVNSOhbVs5gUNdhUddmWt1oWt5kZNFrY953bcl2d893d+BwbOBwbueG fsB9gLyDhcCChdKBgPOGhPSIhsGiptGipNSrrNa0tN6ys9/f3+fNzeza2+Dg 4OLi4uPj4+Tk5Obm5unl5u/n6Ojo6Orq6uvr6+zs7O7u7u/v7/Dk5fLl5fPu 7/Tv8PDw8Pbx8ff09fry8vj39/r4+Pr6+vv7+/z6+vz8/P39/f7+/v///wAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAHMA LAAAAAAWABYAAAfsgHOCg4SFhoeIiYqLi2Zyj5CPYIxyUpaXlnKUUm2dnlKa i5Wen6GRp49VpJ1VplWvsLFXb7RyrKZYj22Ru7a0nrmCZ01ktm5tW2dubrS1 u8FzQjRHZG1qT0BDnc1vnXLBBzxMNUhbTjJMRUZt3b+2XZoJPj9FKiklQT9K K7vOj/CCXtiYgYMGjho+XIjRZashmFBpWJwIESPGjhJUdmls2OahIDlQIjBQ oKAEEi1kwKhcuTLUFAgaLmC4kGHCEzeoIgly4GHDBwIgNnR4AGBRAxQcRgyY E0AEBxIWGFXIUWCQAR0UGAkSUAiB1kAAOw== }] set images(tab-new-background) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhFgAWAPZtAACIAACJAAOKAACOAAWOAACUAACXAAqVAACYAACZAACa AACbAAKZAgKdAgWdAAaeAB+fABecFjGNACaeADKOFT2SFQClAACnAAKlAgaj BgWmBQCrAAKrAACtAACuAAasAAWoBQatBgCwAAKwAACyAACzAAC4AAC5AAC8 ABi0ABi4AB6lHh2oHR26HS+mADenACe8ACyiFjKkHjq6OkSTAESnAEyvAEep Hg3FDRbEFifFJybGJi/LL0zJAEO6Q1O1QVy4QUPDQ1bPVlrQVmDXWXLcWWrC aXDEaYPXg4Pdg4Tdg43djZrWmprXmprcmo3hjcrKytfX19/f39/h39zt3ODg 4OHh4eLi4uPj4+Xl5efn5+np6evr6+zs7O3t7e7u7u/v7+3w7fDw8PHx8fLy 8vPz8/T09PX19fb29vv7+/z8/P39/f7+/v///wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAG4A LAAAAAAWABYAAAf3gG6Cg4SEDSssDIWLhQpBTkxNTj4EjIsGM0pGampHSDMG loQZQ0Q/nEBFQyGCUGmcamlRggYaETIUnDc3MSANbmpWUsNWaoIKAbCwaWsB CsBWX19ixYIWycqwBBvQ019Sxm4aIwcuEpw0NRMb3MFi78WcSyUjMC+cNj0q I4JqWO9isGCxksVKCw8fXHB6kcKDiX5ZAEosQ2WHCQ8NMowogWKQGi1iyogs YyakmDBIeODIoeMJITXTRso0I1MMl3D9vpjZybNnzy84gU0zgwbNzqJEfwZV I4Zo0adJjRoVs/TdNDFXvWUF+jKbV6+iwoodS7asWUaBAAA7 }] set images(view-pim-journal) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhEAAQAPcAAJeTk5aTlpuWlpyXl5mWmpqWmpqXm5uXm6OdnaOenqGe oqKfopGis56tu5mrvp6vwKq2xK66xaG0yaK1yaS3y6a6z6m6zKm7zqa60Ku+ 0q+/0Kq/1aq/1qu/1q3D2K3C2a7D27PD0rPF1bPG2rfH2bbJ27/N2rnL3bzM 3bfN5bnL4rnO4bzR5rrQ6LvR6b3T7LzT7bzT7r7V77/W8MHJ0cfR2sfS3czW 38DQ4MHQ4MbT4MLV5snZ5svZ58HW7sHX78fZ6sHY7sPZ7sTY78na68zc683c 69Tb4sDX8MLX8MHY8cHZ8cLY8MPY8MLZ8cPa8cLa8sPa8sTZ8MTZ8cXa8cXb 8sXc8sfc8sfd8sfc88fd88ne8sje88re88je9Mne9Mrf9Nrh597j5tni6tzj 6Mvg9Mzg9M3h9c7h9M/i9dDh8NLk9tbm99fn99vp99zp9dno+N3r+Nzq+dzr +d/s+OXp7uXq8OHu+eLu+eLu+uTv+vDv8Ofy++z0/O31/PDy9vb19vf19/L2 +vT4/fj6/vr8/gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEAAIYALAAAAAAQABAAAAjDAA0JHEiwIME/ hAb54ZMnDps1Z7oMTABoQaE6R2q8gRMnD5szAwUAKiBIjJ0wNGyYQNHlS0Ey fsbciBMBQoMTWLQMHDBSTx4bOooQ0bACC5aBAPYEiCOHhxqIXbBEyVKQR5Ec OUKIOCPkR5SjAnkaALKDxJkGGRg4kPAjZKACX7BcGJGBAgUMFVQULCGlL5QZ GzykeCFlJyADUaIgQfKhhYwNMqJMDLRAMZIoLT58gAGjLcEWfUNLaRLlh2eD qFOrFhgQADs= }] set images(tree-minus) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhDAAMAIQEAJnMzJmZmWaZzGaZmf///5mZzP/M/8z/////zMzM/wAA AMz/zMzMzP/MzMzMmcyZzGZmzP////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////ywAAAAADAAMAAAFKCAjjGQpEmiqjmpLsG4K x69AKHiOi7au84ygcDgaGoFHYTEZFPBKphAAOw== }] set images(tree-plus) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhDAAMAMICAMDAwGaZzP///wAAAMzMzP//zMzMmf///ywAAAAADAAM AAADKAix3CowyiXHmKHeSKOFBEFZJClmZXlGhVWEJ0xY8iLTsC3vgdL8gAQA Ow== }] set images(img-downarrow1) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhDQAkAKUAAMbW797e79bO98bO987O59bW/97W3qWczt7W/+fn7/f3 /+/v9/f37+/v797n3q2l1v///6WcvTE5Ujk5czExWjkxcykpazExY62l3tbO /87W/yEpSr29xrW9tb3Gvb29tTk5Qjk5WrW9xr3GzqWl1sbGxq2lxsbG1jE5 a+fn58bW5+//1jExQikpMTExMc7O3v////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////yH5BAEKAD8ALAAAAAANACQAAAb+ QEBAMAAMBgRBgWA4IBKKBWOxaDQWCsdDwLg6Gt0GJAGJCBKSCaViuVgslQUm o6BoCprMAK+RCxYbCBwdHh8dIAQKB38hAyIjHR0jEn8kfRQZg4YiF3QPGQsS BR0lhJMCDSYZDRsZJyOwJhcFCwegdhIUFBIoFxoKGBopIRkqBQMIek8kCCtQ VFFQCQsPA1ZSVgwpYSSrXldW4MFVLAwKLV0uVQ8FYFVg2hBVGAUJDPbhYQyf YCANCSC6gJDSTYq9MA22NXigwYoCcGCiLATFAB0DF13QLWw3pQsDj1LYufMI ch9FixgbaGToEKK5dRQPhlPIj4E/gAIJ1ruHUJ87yCnZ4s3r06DcuXTrnnzs sgLePxMAPibI50CbAhMIoEVR8BDL1RddsFShgiWBCAwPIjww8aAtW7YHggAA Ow== }] set images(img-leftarrow1) [image create photo -data { R0lGODlhJAANAKUAAKWczq2l1qWcva2l3qWl1q2lxrW9xt7W3t7n3v///+/v 9/f3/+/v7+fn7/f3787O5zkxc87W/9bO99bO/9bW/97W/+fn5ykpazk5QjE5 UjExY8bO9zExMSkpMbW9tb3GzjE5a729tb3GvTExWu//1sbGxsbW7729xsbG 1sbW5zk5czExQiEpSjk5Wt7e787O3v////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////yH5BAEKAD8ALAAAAAAkAA0AAAb+ QEBAMBgACIECYIAkDAJPZGBKDSCfhawBcEAkFIpFmBFuKBhohsORXrfZjMZi 0Qg86JDIQzKRUCIVDWRgZA4KhoeJgwwWcwUUCgkXERgZGpYaGwtsHAkMGI0d ax0LFhgMCRxrYAESaBcUHh8GHwUgEw0WaBZwcGi9ug4IZAUPaJkhHh4iHxkV h2psvWu90WpiARuHFxMiHskfI5pkop9oqg4caKcOHSQMCwzZZ3myHiXhkGjx cYa9h4LgoWFlQtgICicMnPCAIkOKQwikqYnmRqIbR9oUqAC0YQKFCREmiFGw QkEDDHI6gCF10swKB3IUtIqXYQSLFiMysBjRIiA1RWnUfkY7I8BFA5gjCSmw 8I5MHKdnoD416S+AiQoS+GQNOQFkhY4RKHwE6fEjV7GArr4YEAQAOw== }]
And the demo code:
#!/usr/bin/ksh # the next line restarts using wish \ exec wish "$0" "$@" # dynnotebook_test.tcl --- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Dynamic NoteBook based on BWidget # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Revision history: # original code found somewhere in the - please add original # reference here ! # # Sep.'05: J.Oberdorfer, initial release # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # - gui test - # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- if 1 { # specify, where to find BWidget library (if required): lappend auto_path [file join [file dirname [info script]] ".."] package require BWidget package require dynnotebook font configure TkDefaultFont -size 12 font configure TkTextFont -size 12 proc PageCommand {args} { puts ">>>>>>>> $args <<<<<<<<<<" set curr_frame [lindex $args 0] set curr_page [lindex $args 1] pack [button $curr_frame.b -text "test"] } wm withdraw . ;# hide default wish window set w [toplevel .t] set top $w wm title $w "-Developement-" wm geometry $w "500x400+350+500" wm minsize $w 1 1 wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {exit} bind $w <Escape> {exit} # use bwidget objects set mainframe [MainFrame $w.mainframe \ -textvariable ::app(status)] pack $mainframe -fill both -expand true $mainframe addindicator -text "User:" $mainframe addindicator -text "$::tcl_platform(user)" set f [frame [$mainframe getframe].f] pack $f -side top -fill both -expand true dynnotebook::dynnotebook $f.nb \ -pagecreatecommand "PageCommand" \ -font TkDefaultFont pack $f.nb -fill both -expand true # initialization using widget's initialization function, # addpage creates and activates a new notebook page: set nb1 [$f.nb addpage \ -text "Main-Page" \ -raisecmd {puts "Main-Page raised"}] # standard initialization (works as well) # set nb1 [$f.nb insert end test_page -text "TEST"] set f1 [frame $nb1.f1] pack $f1 -fill both -expand true pack [text $f1.txt -font TkTextFont] -fill both -expand true $f1.txt insert end "Hello World" $f.nb raise [$f.nb pages 0] }
JOB - 2017-11-04 09:47:19
Just noticed that the BWidget NoteBook has got some more options to add an image at the right of each tab.